Sunday, August 01, 2004

Since no watch tv...

Since I didn't watch tv... I thought I might as well get my tax return done and over with. Took me around 1 hour (just to make sure) and I think will get around $500 back. Hopefully :P (it might be less since I might have to pay back my HECS... hmmm). Now the due date for the tax return is 31st Oct, but this isn't the earliest somebody has done something for. For example, my bro gave me a birthday gift (a Futurama poster... wow... so considerate... :P) on Friday nite/Sat really early morning. 9 Days before my birthday. And my work has asked for both the casual worker's (me and friend's) full names... for the Christmas Party (invite?). A week or so ago... in late July. When the party is, I don't know, but I think that is called "extremely prepared". Thus me sending in the tax return 3 months early isn't too abnormal I think...

1 comment:

icemonki said...

Naw Kenny, your not abnormal - your just mental, theres a difference :)
Quite a few people I know have already done their tax so its all good. Otherwise be like me and get it done last minute. Futurama poster is not so bad - if u like the series. I got my bro the new series 4 - but 5 months after his birthday. Want some sour warheads for ur bday again old man? I'll send them in December.