Sunday, August 15, 2004

a day of pseudo excitement

I woke up early today... by early I meant 11am, which was early in my books. I don't know why I didn't wanna stay in bed more, but I felt the urge to wake up. Anyways, I had breakfast, and then I watched The Bourne Supremacy. Its not bad, a lot of action, but still, I think The Bourne Identity was a little better. Then I watched some more Olympics... Mens Diving, Beach Volleyball, female Hockey. Ozzies now got 2 gold (both swimming), 1 silver (swimming), and 2 bronze (both diving). Behind China, who has 4 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze. Its the first day, so should see how many more medals we'd get. Anyways, not sure what will be on tv tonite, but I've been watching 'Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai' or 'This beautiful and ugly world'. Cute animation, mad monsters. Typical Gainax work (if you don't know Gainax, think of Evangelion then you'll know...). Its about a being from outer space who takes on a female highschool form, and she is to wipe out earth to create another evolution. Except that she falls for this guy that saw her crash into earth and 'saved' her. And sworn to protect her. Anyways, its only 12 episodes long, I got 4 more. Will report on whether or not its good.


icemonki said...

Some1 been watching lots of anime... burn me some and send it down~!!! i got no adsl or burner.... so poor.... use ur baby to burn me some :P

Ken said...

Why don't you come by syd if u're going back to bris and then I'll put them on ur baby :P (your laptop of course... unless you got a baby that u never told me about... then I wouldn't put anything there :P