Thursday, March 31, 2005

End of the Month time...

Its the end of the month. This means 'busy'. How busy? Last month was a piece of cake compared to today. 3000+ boxes, which didn't fit on 2.5 trucks, more like 4 trucks. 45 + 12 pallets. And I did 2 hours OT (Even my colleague left at 6... the other guys left at 5, which was 1 hour OT for them...). w00t :P The thing is... there's like over 10,000 units awaiting to go out... and then 2 days next week when the big boss comes for the opening of the new place. And then my function is to be a car park director :P Maybe not me, but I have a feeling it might be me. Just before I left for home, we already prepared 1000 more units for tomorrow. Thats very impressive... End of the month. But I think its better to have an even flow every day instead of rushing everything for today... My poor fingers :P

Monday, March 28, 2005

I guess its the end, again.

Seems like somebody doesn't want to take my version of the truth. After what I've said, all that means nothing in the end. Sure, they apologised sincerely. I can apologise sincerely too. Its the action which happens at the end of the apology that also makes the apology work. I've told them I don't always want to be the first to message them. So, I've seen them come on twice today. Not a single message of "hi". Were they waiting for me? Probably. But I think its better for me to think that they have nothing else better to say. Otherwise I'll just make an ass out of myself for assuming too much, or misunderstanding. Oh how they love to say that I misunderstand. I wonder who the hell would say "oh I thought u were a friend" but never actually treated you like one. I might be wrong to say that they want to use me for English purposes. The fact is I never refused them if they asked me something. So if I asked them to go the first step and say hi first... Is that too hard? I guess so. And they say they can change. Hah I'll believe that when it happens. I guess it really is the end this time. If they don't wanna continue the friendship, I can't say that what they said was true. I am direct in saying that we were net friends, since I know that they don't really care about what I think. All my net friends are like that. Silence is natural in conversations. When they start saying stuff about whoever else you're talking to... That just makes it not cool.

It's the final week of March. March madness I think. Tomorrow will be the first day back at work, after 4 days of holidays. Heres a really quick summary of what happened.

Monday. I finally finished the translation of the script to "Double Zero". From French into English. Using Babelfish. Yay!

Sunday. Figured out that it was actually the end of daylight savings. Lucky Monday wasn't working day so had plenty of time to change all the clocks.

Saturday. Nothing happened to me. My brother, however, was stupid enough to leave his wallet at home. When he got to 1 stop to his destination, he realised it. Calls home and the wallet is right there on the table. So he misses out on kendo practice. Can I call him stupid? Yep. :D

Friday. Watched "Harold and Kumar goes to Whitecastle". Funny, full of drugs and stupid antics. Don't need a brain to watch this one, I assure u. Also watched Robots. That also doesn't need any brains.

Watched Ong-Bak. Its like the most violent movie because u know they actually hit each other. There is no way the shots are able to be angled to see that they pretend, because you do see them hit each other. I don't recommend this movie to people who are squemish.

All in all, I say its fair that this week was pretty bad. I've pretty much lost faith in a 'friend' because they think that I must do everything first. And can't really speak my mind either. And then get hurt when I do. And what else do I have to expect from them? None of my other friends treat me like this friend. Even the ones who I don't meet and never will won't treat me like this. If I have something to talk about, I will tell them. If I don't, I don't have anything to say. And if I say something about somebody, they get all upset for some reason.

I think I will cut back on the amount of blogging too. Seems like nobody really reads this anymore. I'll only update when I have some news to report.

Enjoy your lives. Its the only advice I can give you without me sounding like an idiot. I try to enjoy what I enjoy, and if thats not possible... I have to find other outlets. Some people just don't get it.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

I'm good...

A conversation tonight... I asked if they've seen Hitch. They haven't. And since there's the cheap tuesday ($5 movies). They decided that they will go and see it on Tuesday. Woo a date! :P I'm so good :D

On other news... NO OT TODAY :D and next week too! So today I slept in till a leisurely 12 noon, then decided that the car's oil need to be changed. I, being a guy, wanted to get the job done by myself, but my mum thought it would be cheaper and easier if we took it to the mechanic in the next road. So we drove there and asked him if we could have an oil change + oil filter change. He said ok. Walked back home, one hour later, it was done. Quick job! And only cost $45. Now the car starts up 'quicker'. Yeah, no excuse to get a new car now :P

Friday arvo.

Me and colleague was working as usual, most of the warehouse staff had gone home (past 4pm and its pretty much empty...) This woman from Taiwan who was to implement a new system came down to ask some questions, except that our supervisor has gone home. Funny thing was she asked us all in Mandarin. Why? I don't know. But anyways, since I'm a casual, I don't know what will happen, nor do I really care. Since I'll probably be doing some forklifting soon and picking orders instead of allocating them. Such is life. But what was funny is that she wanted me to attend her lecture for some reason... next month as well. Well, a lot can happen in one month... who knows, I might quit and join another company? That's looking more and more appealing as well too.... -_-

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Hi ho, its off to work we go...

Its been 2 days since I did any work. The system was down, and well... its down, no work can be done. The people in the warehouse was instead told to do other stuff for service area, which they cleaned up the mess that was there. And then the system is back up. So guess what? I'll be busy as heck tomorrow. Fun, oh what fun its to ride... (Yeah its weird isn't it... This guy starts humming a christmas song and now I'm in a festive mood. NOT).

I just realised that there's a uncanny likeness between "Sensei no Ojikan" and "Mahou Sensei Negima". Both star small teachers with a girl in their class who has gold/blonde long hair who absolutely adores them. Except that one is a 27 yr old female teacher who's in a small body and the other is a 10 yr old male teacher who's trying to be a man. Thats anime. Go figure.

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Ahh... its good to have a sunday.

I can sleep in.

Saturdays have gone out the window for last 4-5 weeks. True I get OT money, but that'll end soon. Why? Because soon we'll have moved all the stock to this warehouse, therefore it'll be less effort. Means I can sleep in on saturdays too. Waking up at 6am to get working at 7am, finish at 2pm (with 1/2 hour lunch... pizza) isn't terribly fun. And they're taking away the forklift too (the dodgy one) so that means I will be using the tall one while B uses the short one. And then when the TNT guy comes, he will hog the short one so only one will be picking then. That means more fun for me. Unless its something else, then its B.

Anyways, CSI tonight was rather... tranny. I drank a cup of coffee and here I am, still ready to go to sleep. My eyelids are heavy. Caffine really doesn't do much to me I guess... :P

And the new guy comes tomorrow, but he won't be data processing just yet. I still gotta enter all the data made on saturday into the database. Oh what fun it is...

That is all.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Its nearly the end of the week, and I'm relaxed for some reason. True, tomorrow will probably kill me, but hey... thats work. We're gonna reall consolidate all the stock into this warehouse. Now thats gonna require a lot of effort. Needless to say, Saturday will not be a day of rest this weekend. So I will try to endure tomorrow as much as possible. My colleague will go to the other warehouse to check the moving, and I'll be here to help with the moving in. Fun aye. Oh well I'll have to forego the order processing then... Or else... what will I be doing... Just kidding, I think some of it will be moving, others will be processing. Now I know I will be getting an extra dollar per hour it makes it all seem so... worthwhile? And something happened at the end of the day. The warehouse supervisor told me 'don't move' and pulled on my collar as I was sitting at the desk. What the? was there a spider or something? No. He was checking the shirt size. Maybe we're getting new shirts! Woo :P

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I don't know if I'm coming or going...

This has got to be the most busiest days. Why? Cos I was stuck at my desk for most of the day. Just sorting about 1 week's orders into the folders. That sux. Really, they expect me to do EVERYTHING? -_- Its not terribly hard, but its very time consuming. Sorting the done orders into numerical order takes time. All of it. I had sorted about maybe 300 orders today... and then the folder was FULL. A folder can't take a full 500 sheet ream of paper! And they didn't provide me with more folders, so tomorrow I'll go harass somebody for some folders. And then the warehouse super will be leaving in a couple weeks to go to NZ for some scout thingy. And so next week there's this new guy who will process the orders. Which means I will once again switch jobs. To teach this new guy, and then to pick the orders. Isn't that fun... I don't know what I'm doing now... :P

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Another week...

Today was another day of OT. This time its 6 hours worth (7am - 1pm, no break) (5 hours according to my colleague. Needless to say he can't count or he just didn't sleep enough again last night... I think its the second option.) This time we just put stuff on the shelves. How much stuff? Enough stuff. Didn't process any orders, or pick any orders. It was a pure cleanup operation. And the sun takes longer and longer to get up too, it was pitch black when I got up.... think this will be a permenant feature in the near future. Previously in my last post I talked about a raise, but I forgot that I finally got an Swipe Card. Woo :P Now I can swipe my card to get in and out all I want. The other casuals don't get that luxury... isn't that cool. Only bad thing is, I had to use that card about 20 times on Friday... cos the female processing orders was too lazy to walk to where I was in the warehouse... a good 30 meters. So I walked 30 meters to the door, she walked the 15 meters to the door, and she passed the orders on to me. Saved her walking 90 meters :P Aren't I a good guy :P But seriously, we need to have a better system... like tubes that pass the orders to my desk... easier for everybody!

When I got home, I had noodles for lunch and then watched Bleach 21, and School Rumble 16. Both are excellent. Then I watched Constantine. A few of the scenes reminded me of CGI gone mad (shotgun against demons in holy fire sprinkler water), constantine being dragged on the ground. Sort of like Kung Fu Hustle. That was CGI gone nuts. But its still good movie to watch, not too scary. I am normally into horror, but I do watch some... Maybe tomorrow I'll watch another movie, maybe not.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


So, its almost a year since I set foot in a 'fairly' not-so-well known Taiwanese company's branch in Sydney. Almost a year, minus about 3 weeks (when I was working in a t-shirt company). Apparently I started working with them in March 9 of last year. Its still a few days away, but apparently, me and my colleague (who came in before me 3 days earlier) will get a raise. I will get more than him apparently too, since I actually got a forklift license and drive the forklift too... So... will have to see how much I get the next paypacket. Other news, Samurai Champloo 23 is funny... sad but very very funny. I haven't watched it from the start, but from watching it with my bro and listening to him LOL next room is very disturbing. So I caught a bit of it and its very funny. Ok enough about the funniness. Anyways, today we had a slight storm, nothing to worry about... tomorrow hopefully will be nothing to worry about as well... but it still is humid and feels like gonna storm. There's a lot of lightning flashes and thats annoying... I thought something's wrong with my eyes again... :P


AnimeNfo.Com : Kuwatani Natsuki... Interesting... :P

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Now thats weird...

There I was working hard. Some units had came from overseas, they were unloaded, and then it was discovered that there were 3 empty boxes. First thought was that they were stolen from, but then on second counts, they were all there, the empty boxes were just stuffing to make the pallets 'full'. On the way to make that discovery, me and the guy was standing outside in the 2pm Sun. For about 10 minutes, we were counting and swearing because it was the only pallet that didn't have a cardboard top and yellow straps, and therefore it could very well be tampered with/stolen from. Anyways, after it was confirmed that there were indeed the right amount, I went inside to get the paperwork, and then when I picked up the paper... all I saw was GREEN letters! All the paperwork was green! The paper itself was white, all the colors were normal, but the letters were all green. Confused, I asked my colleague, 'is this green?'. He looked at the paper and looked at me confused, also. "no... its black...". I thought so. Yet my eyes say its green!! And this lasted for maybe 2-3 minutes... So, maybe I suffered some eye damage in the bright sun? Or was it the stage before heat stroke? I told what happened to the guy who was checking the units with me, he said 'you make sure you sit down fast, otherwise u might faint'. I think I was a little tired at that stage... but I must admit, my brain was going... 'hang on, this text isn't green? but why is it green???' Something to freak me out after a day of staring at the computer and entering about 3cm worth of single paper into a database. And of course, I OT till 7pm. Woo. Maybe I will get to pay $1k in taxes this paycheck... -_-

Tomorrow I get to start at 8am! Even more -_-. *Need sleep... and water?*

P.S CSI:NY is ok I guess... CSI was an old ep.
P.P.S: My bro went to watch House of Flying Daggers with his gf. How stupid is that :P Apparently it was packed 85% with asians too... -_-. Lucky its only $5. But I think it would be $5 better spent elsewhere, like on food. :P
P.P.P.S: Petrol is getting expensive at 99.9 cents per litre. When just 2 days ago it was 96. Damn! I should've added it 2 days ago, but at that time my tank was about 50%. And on the way home, the car started making weird noises. I drove into a side street, checked the tyres, and they were alright. Then I drove again, and this time, no strange noise, even at 70km/h. hmmm I want a new car.