Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Purple, purple, everywhere, so let us all have a look...

Have you ever heard of 'water, water, everywhere, so let us all have a drink'? Its been raining all day today at work... and at home apparently too... good, but not good, since the water still hasn't gone to the dam... oh the ground is very soaked, good for plants, but no drinking water. Anyways, America has now come second in the medal tally, ousting Japan. Aussies are still third. China is still dominate in pole position. Why did I say the purple? Well, we finished work for the day, and we went out to lock the place down. And it was all purple... looked into the sky, it was purple, everything had a purple haze to it. Apparently any more blue color, and it would hail... it was an interesting effect. Pity didn't have a camera, but can do that effect in any photo editing prog... just add a purple filter to your pic, and voila, instant weirdness. Maybe a video is a bit better, but thats more expensive, and well, nobody would download a video to see purple sky. Speaking of videos... have you heard of a new format of DVD which stores 2 hours worth of HD-TV Video? HD-TV Video is twice the quality of a DVD I think (I might be wrong) but the technology is called 'blu-ray'. Blu-ray is the website to go if you want to learn the new standard for next generation video recording. One side of a disc can hold up to 23,25,27 gigs, because it uses a smaller laser, colored blue instead of red, which is what dvd/cd uses. But what I didn't know is that Sony and Toppan has made a PAPER DISC. Yes, I'm behind the times, but thats like "wow". Or maybe "wtf?". How do you have a disc made out of paper that stores data without corruption? Its paper! 51% paper to be exact. This link has the news... April 2004. Good for security, since you can just cut the paper with scissors. Bad for long term storage, since well, its paper, in water it'll probably disintegrate. In the sun, it'll probably curl. In any heat source, it'll be brown and probably burn before you can burn it. And it also raises the question... why paper? Its probably just a question of it being sustainable. Maybe they can release different versions... Paper, Plastic (well CD/DVDs are plastic... hmmm forget plastic), metal (dangerous weapons... if sharp edges), wood (hmmm wooden CDs...), synthetic materials such as polyester, Glass (hmm dangerous if it shatters). I've read before that they can store data on anything, including a roll of sticky tape. Brilliant! Except that its probably better to store data somewhere useful, instead of on something useful. Because for us, Sticky tape gets used alot. We go through basically 4+ rolls per week. Thats almost one a day. And with different types too... Normal, Fragile, and sometimes Security. So they can store data, say on the table you use everyday, since it won't be doing anything else other than being a table. Ok I'm rambling on here... time to go get my meds... :P


Flo said...

hahahahaha~ hey interesting, and real wild imagination for the urm paper, glass, wooden CDs. hey you forget the gold ones, which can be nice presents for guys who are computer geeks! ( are you one? :P )

Ken said...

Gold is a metal neh... :P Anyways, I think its safe to say that any metal discs will warrant you being held up for it... or it getting stolen... (AND IT'LL BE HEAVY TOO!!!). Its not about the data anymore. Why not diamond? Then yeah, you'll be probably really rich :P Unless its synthetic diamonds... then you're not rich, you're just too image conscious... :P