Sunday, September 12, 2004

Sunday night update

Its another Sunday night. What on telly? Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Enemy at the Gates. Law&Order: Criminal Intent. Crocodile Hunter movie. So what do I watch? The computer screen. Nothing more interesting here :P Went out shopping for tomorrow's lunch after dinner. Got some chicken nuggets. 2nd bro won't be going anywhere tomorrow, he is gonna make some sort of strawberry cake (for his gf?? I think so.) So he got 'strawberry nectar', we have some eggs and flour and sugar left, he got some lemon essence, and a block of butter. So I guess he will be making a cake of some sort. I don't think we'll be having any, but he might be generous enough to make some extra. Who knows. Doesn't matter really. Anyways, it was FREEZING. Talk about cold, its 16 degrees inside the house. Thats cold. Apparently, its the cloudless sky thats the reason. The heat has no cloud matter to keep against, thus the cold wind can accumulate. If there were clouds, the heat will be trapped by the clouds and thus the average temperature will be warmer. But I don't know how the clouds will keep heat... *Shrugs*. Anyways, tomorrow is another working day... so will go sleep earlier... :P


Flo said...

Talking about cakes, here I got vegetarian cakes, which are made without eggs. Pretty nice too, especially the chocolate ones with a lot of butter. :D~ how come you guys are so li4 hai4! can make cakes...*claps claps*

Ken said...

Making a cake - Easy way. Take Eggs (which Flo can't have), separate yolk from white, beat whites till fluffy, beat yolk till thick, mix in sugar, beat more, same with white, then add flour, then mix the two (beaten yolk and white) and then bake for some time at some heat. Voila, cake :P For butter and chocolate, simply put them in when you put in the sugar or something :P hahaha of course, you can follow recipies, its much better that way :P