Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Day of Boredom.... -_-

Today had to be a pretty boring day. Why? Traffic was free flowing, got to work, did the usual. No big drama here. Shipped out some units today, so there was just that tiny little bit extra room in the warehouse. Lunch I had sushi my mum made me, but collegue had fish and chips and I wished I was eating that instead, it smells so good (the oil that fried the fish/chips is very very nice...) I'm also very ravenous lately... can eat quite a large amount... even had 2 moon cakes tonight while watching CSI and Cold Case. Taro with walnut was made not by us, and its got a very nice taste. The other is what my mum made, I've had plenty of those... :P But its all good. After having a shower I feel that I'm not more 'refreshed' but more tired, and ready to sleep... :P So I guess I'll talk more later then :P


Flo said...

as for me, on the Moon Festival I had a veggie dan4 huang2 su1, which is cheese flavoured. :D~ hao hao chi ah! I eat a lot recently too--I have to, since chasing naughty students consumes a lot of energy. erm...your being ravenous is because you chase...whom then? :D

Ken said...

I chase a lot of paperwork... a 15 kg box here, 10 kg box there... always walking around getting stuff... hard work neh... :P