Thursday, September 23, 2004

A day where I'm tired... oh wait thats just like any day...

Why oh why did I work at this place? Oh because I didn't wanna be a bludger at home doing nothing... but I didn't really sign up to do manual labour. Well thats how I felt today... Remember yesterday I said there were 60 units, and they only done about 12?. Today they did about 40 units, thus leaving about 10 units left.... and I moved them 40 units into the service area by myself... other collegues did the usual, unpacking and packing stuff... I get to do the sticker removal and wrapping. Also psycho girl (her car is full of 'Hello' + her name. Its like a Hello K.... car... pink insides in a silver body.) had her stuff sent out today... 10+ boxes, each around 12 kg. The courier made a lot of $$ out of us today. :P Anyways, yesterday I did a bit of 'impersonation'... The supervisor's kid is going to high school, and he doesn't know if the kid will be accepted into a school so got me to call... I can tell you I wasn't doing a good job, especially when the other party said 'are you the student's father?' I hesitantly said... '...yes...'. She wasn't convinced... But since I had provided the d.o.b and address and name... how can she not believe me? Its good that his kid has a good chance to get into the school... apparently the second highest ranked high school in Sydney (first being James Ruse). Ah... never get me to impersonate... -_-. I got home, and wasn't feeling hungry because of the 1.5 kg pasta I had this afternoon. Thank god I have a huge stomach :P (It wasn't bottomless... I was full by the end... and then worked it off all afternoon). So I ate a little dinner, and then snoozed. Then watched CSI: Miami. And then my dad wrote something to email back to his friend who'd sent him a Powerpoint slide about Mooncakes. Here it is, if you are interested."謝謝你送來那麼多好吃的月餅。月是故鄉圓﹐月餅是故鄉甜。中秋節一到﹐台灣天氣涼爽了。中秋節一到﹐澳洲天氣悶熱了。是稱為中春節合適吧。杏花﹐李花﹐桃花﹐杜鵑﹐百花齊放怎不聯想到故鄉的陽明山﹖為應節故我們也自製些月餅自我欣賞﹐有芋泥鹹蛋黃餡﹐紅豆鹹蛋黃餡﹐綠豆鹹蛋黃餡。就是沒有你送來的香噴噴的咖啡月餅。但我們有做一種濃濃XX味的月餅。你猜﹖榴槤月餅也。再過不久你們要吃火鍋了。冬天吃火鍋真叫過癮。同一時間澳洲吃火鍋汗流夾背。大家都往海邊跑。不多說了。讓我趕快享受你的月餅吧。"
All typed by me. I'm so proud. :P (That took the better half of around 1.5 hours to type... :P). Anyways... Tomorrow will be another day of hard slogging (more stuff by psycho girl... and maybe psycho+ girl. Psycho+ girl is a bit more weird... she has a extremely weird laugh, kinda like having an orgasm or something -_-... whenever she laughs the people who don't know she laughs like that go "WTF was that??". The ones used to her laugh will go "she's having her sjb time".) with more stuff to move... I don't know if this is a good environment anymore... :P


Flo said...

1. can I say 'the 2 gals make your day' ? :D
2. wow~ typed so many chinese characters! hao3 li4 hai4 oh! *claps*
3. can still earn some money and save up while keeping up ur job search, you know. ( I am practical enough I guess. :P )

Ken said...

1. No you may not.
2. Um... Thanks? :P Haha I suppose I can type chinese easier if I bothered to learn it, but for now it'll do :P
3. Yes, I am still looking for better jobs... to do with computers more and not heavy lifting :P