Monday, September 13, 2004


Seems like my last two pics were 'war' related... but in a weird way :P I'm tired, even though today we didn't do much at work. The usual stuff was done, deliveries done, and we even tried to fix our supervisor's personal computer... to no avail, because windows XP is rather dodgy in handling his USB 1.1 ports. Under Win2K they worked fine, but once he had XP installed, it doesn't work no more... :P So we tried for about 2 hours, but nothing works... oh well. No big loss really, but it means he can't plug in USB memory sticks etc. I filled up the water before I went home. But the water level still went up to around 40%... I was really scared !_!. Why does it heat up so much @_@... Need to get a new car very soon otherwise I'll be pretty bad to get to work... -_-.


Flo said...

oh :( hope it's cheaper to get a car in OZ. And I pray my little Justy can live as long as possible for me...

Ken said...

Haha I hope so too for you, Flo... but I think the same is not for my car... either it goes or it doesn't. And if it doesn't, then bye bye... get a new or 'new' car...

icemonki said...

oh well both of u lucky - i dont even have a car - need to rely on public transport and my twp feet :(

Ken said...

I used to work in the city. Needless to say, waking up pre-6:30am just to get to work at 7:30 isn't fun. You face the hungry crowd, the noisy, annoying kids, the coldness of the morning (so cold that you shiver under 3 layers of clothes). Then the commute home. The 6pm train is now delayed to 6:30. The crowds that crush you when you are trying to find a seat because you are so far away from the city. You don't wanna be standing with a bunch of tired people... who knows what might happen... -_- (and trust me, I've nearly fallen asleep many times on the way home... 45 mins journey...)