Friday, September 10, 2004

Ah its nice weather

Another first today... came home while the sun was still out! Definately a Friday for sure... hardly anybody on the streets after work, got home before 6pm. And the sun was still shining. Although my car still has problems, it choked once, then it was fluctuating badly all the way home. Might get it looked at tomorrow, because thats the only day I think can have a look at it. It might be insignificant enough to turn a tiny knob or screw just to adjust the RPM speed up, but he might charge us for it... who knows... (I wouldn't know about cars... poor me...). So far the water level is alright, it doesn't go over 30%. If it does then I'm worried, but usually there is time to add water into the rapidly rusting radiator. Rx3. :P Seriously, I got home and I was watching Matrix Reloaded... :P Now I'm tired... thats work for ya... Might watch LOTR tomorrow, then again, I gotta do other stuff for my bro... poor me :P


Flo said...

I know nothing about cars. :D no idea how to 'add oil', let along 'add water'. But I live in Tpe. :P what 'other stuff'? to take care of his gf? :P ( ok I am bad.^^")

Bonnie said...

Hey, was using next blog and ran into yours. Too bad you don't have a neighbor like mine. While I can do routine maintainance...oil, radiator coolant, etc. he does things like..well, last weekend he replaced my serpentine belt and only charged for parts and a few bucks for labor. he even went and bought the parts for me! now that's a good neighbor!

Ken said...
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Ken said...

Flo, you know what stuff I was talking about... its his gf's bday soon :P

Hi Bonnie, thanks for coming by... yeah you sure have a good neighbour... My bro's gf's dad is a/used to be a car mechanic, so he can also get good advice on fixing his car, if need be... I don't see your profile, so I can't go and check out your blog, sorry...