Monday, October 04, 2004

Sunday peaceful Sunday

Ah its nice today... slept in till 11... then watched "Sky Captain: The World of Tomorrow"... then played a few hours of Duke Nukem: Project Manhattan... Bulldogs won over the Roosters in NRL Grand Final... Anyways... heres a in depth discussion...
Sky Captain is a movie done entirely on a green/blue background. But, if u watch the movie, you'll be hard to imagine that all the actors did were to act in front of a green wall for most of the movie. The main characters are Sky Captain (Jude Law), Polly (Gwenneth Paltrow), Dex (don't know who he is), and Captain Cook (Angelina Jolie). The story is adventure, with Sky Captain and Polly trying to save the world because of missing scientists (with the help of Dex (scientist) and Cpt. Cook (A Captain of female aquaphibians).. Its supposedly 'set' in the 1930s, but the technologies are more advanced than that is available today. So, its basically a 'sit back leave ur brain behind' kind of movie. Not bad for a sunday lazy sitting in front of the tv viewing :) One thing about the robots... they feel like Ghibli's Robots in some of his anime... people might disagree, but hey, it doesn't matter... its similiar, not exactly the same :P. Anyways, the address for it is
Duke Nukem: Project Manhattan is... a side scroller. Its in 3D. And its hella fun. Blasting radioactive monsters. Solving Puzzles. Getting Pissed Off. (Famous Quote: "It's Time to Chew Gum and Kick some ass... and I'm all out of gum.". Hours of Fun for me :)
Dinner, we had Wontons. Yummo :D~~. And, its grand final for the NRL. When the bulldogs won, many many many fricking idiots drove around honking their horns and yelling loudly on our street... -_- almost like a riot... Lucky it stopped in about 15 mins... now its nice and peaceful :D
Didn't watch tv after that... just surfed and feeling tired. And can't wait to watch Shaun of the Dead today..... the trailer looks pretty funny (to me :P) Website.


Flo said...

whoa you watched Sky Captain already. sounds like another adventure of Lara's? oh yeah you got free movie tickets and it's Labour Day. have fun! :D

icemonki said...

DUKE NUKEM>?!! like i played that game in primary school! its so old! (buff guy with blonde hair) back when we still used old floppys

Ken said...

yeah... I had fun :P and Duke Nukem was supposed to have a new game out called "Duke Nukem Forever"... but it seems to be forever (was supposed to be released in 2002 but its 2 years already...). So I'm guessing I'll be playing other games in the meanwhile.