Thursday, October 21, 2004


I'm still a little wide awake past midnight... Its weird, but now its pissing down heavily... but during the work period it was just a light rain (mao mao yuu). Needless to say, it got pretty wet all day till around 6:30 - thats when we got off work... OT for 1 hour -_-. Stupid parts. Always too many. Tomorrow will be alot too. Anyways, I'm excited because I've been playing with my new TOY. Its still sitting on my desk charging. A digicam... first time anybody in our family has owned one. About time too? 5 Megapixels, good res, and plenty of adjustable functions (time, aperature, shutter speed, focus... what more can I want? Oh yeah a bigger SD card... its only got 64 MB included (no internal)... might have to get a 256 since 512 are rather expensive.) Its also pretty small and rather handy. And the flash on this baby... it scared the hell out of my mum when I used it... she was shaking when it went off... hehehe funny :P But it's really bright, the flash. In a brightly lit room too. Anyways, its still raining hard, I don't know when I'll be able to sleep, but this morning I woke up with a sore neck -_-. And didn't wanna get out of bed, since its cold. But nevertheless, life goes on, $$ needs to be earned, and photos need to be taken. Maybe I'll open an account on Wretch... but what should I take... plenty of flowers? maybe... :)

1 comment:

Flo said...

'Wretch'? hmm... :D I am excited about new toys too--once I got one I'd spend time playing with it, try it here, there, everywhere. hehehe how about the cats visiting your place? hmm any new plants in your back yard? or the cuties at BenQ. *winks* :P