Tuesday, July 13, 2004

There's something about hands...

There was something that happened yesterday, or the day before, depending on when u read this... but basically my mum got scared by my bro... and it was to do with a pair of shorts... Basically, my bro called my other bro and said that his hand went grey. That got my mum worried instantly... thought something happened... and she was nearly freaking out. But the problem was that my bro didn't feel anything wrong with his hand. And he got his normal color back after washing with warm water. But then, as he was going home, he noticed his hands were grey again. So he called to say he'll go and get it checked. The doc couldn't find anything wrong with his hands... but told him to exercise more. Anyways, turns out that he was wearing a new pair of bad quality shorts (in winter) and well... the color of the shorts were blue, but it stained his hand every time he reached in to take out his keys to his office/labs... funny right... but yeah its my mum, always worried over small things that doesn't amount to much. Today however, the work was fine, except the marketing gal and her friends got some armchairs and boards which they want to store in the warehouse. And here we have no bloody room. They unloaded the lounge suite off the rental truck... and it was damned heavy, even with 4 big guys (*laughs*). Later we found out its got mechanical bits which makes it recline... -_- thats why it was so bloody heavy. Apart from that, we moved them to a 'safe' location, since they'll move elsewhere after a week... also will have to move the huge laptop outside in a few weeks time... cos they will be using it to promote a movie? 'I, Robot' is the logical choice. (I saw a bit of new on 'wearable TV-shirts... available for around $10,000 and takes 10 mins to put on... and they were promoting 'I, Robot' too :D). Anyways, after coming home, when I wanna use my left hand, it hurts... think it took too much strain... so will hopefully be better tomorrow. And CSI tonite was new, which was good... and well, to put it simply... 'It was an outside job.'. Funny smile Grissom has... hahaha

1 comment:

icemonki said...

Haha I bet it was Don, dumbarse!
In reply to your q - dont have hotmail or yahoo access at work so msg u back this way. Michelles are work colleagues, connect via dialup and digi is sony 5.1mp