Monday, July 26, 2004

Hmmmmmm bad....

Transport Infoline. It was rather terrible. Somebody died just before I drove past that station... *shivers*. I can think of several bad things that first came to mind. I drove home as usual, then at the Regents Park Station the traffic crawled. I thought to myself... there's a huge amount of people at this normally otherwise quiet station. In fact, there were people queuing on the opposite side of the street (maybe for a bus?). Since the traffic was waiting for many many people to cross the zebra crossing, I looked at the station. And I see MANY MANY PEOPLE ON THE PLATFORM. Literally the platform was full of people. And they were all looking at one thing. The tracks. I immediately knew something bad has happened, and I hoped it wasn't anybody I knew. (Thankfully my immediate family is safe.) As I was still waiting for the traffic to move (people were actually driving slow just to have a look...) the police pulled up. This immediately set off a chain reaction where cars just immediately drove... So I got out of there. I can think of many reasons why somebody can fall to the tracks. A) Its dark B) Its wet/slippery cos its raining C) its in a bad part of the neighbourhood. 5 mins later I was home, and my bro calls that he was coming home from uni. The other bro was at home already. I should've told him to expect some delay, since I wasn't sure what was going on at the station, but he found out that he had to get off at Lidcombe and catch a bus to the other stations because something happened at Regents Park. And he saw a red shape on the platform... -_-. Thus its pretty bad, we tried to catch any news of it on the news, but nothing appeared. Guess it'll be on tomorrow. Also saw some strange news on aus tv. In Tainan, some gang members tried to hijack this old guy's car, the police gave chase, and they ended up firing 3000 bullets at each other -_- and nobody was seriously injured. Who the hell fires that much and not hit anything @_@ Work was 'fun'. A whole pallet of monitors came in (around 8) and had to open them all and examine it before giving to the engineers. Fun. NOT. Small items are fun cos we can play with them to an extent... but monitors, no, can't do much except examine them... And on Friday some guys apparently left this 'elbow' thing made out of white wood in the warehouse. They called from the Gold Coast to see if we found them. We eventually found it was wrapped in brown, and well, its made out of metal, not wood. Good one guys, if any later you guys wouldn't have a good show :P Lucky we were good at guessing that this was an 'elbow' looking thing... otherwise they'll come back and go 'we couldn't do it without the elbow'... and we'll be in trouble :P

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