Saturday, July 31, 2004 -- SmartBlue SL350 -- Power Supply I've commited to replacing my power supply that died with this baby. Sure its not the powerful wattage that modern computers require, but I'm fine with a 250W model now, a 350W won't hurt. Besides, it has pretty blue LEDs that flash! (yeah my bro got a video card with pretty colors that flash... funky when he turns off the light at night... u can see the light show through his case...) This baby costs me $77 and $14 in Freight... $91 in total, compared to around $129 if I got it at a local shop... I wonder why its so expensive in Syd @_@.


icemonki said...

Its called commission and smart sales my boy. One day we can all hope to achieve the art of ripping people off and making a load of $$ off it.
By the way calling your power supply your baby is most disturbing....

Ken said...

Yes, called me disturbed... but its better than me being mental like you :P (whats wrong calling a power supply my baby? its so quiet (hopefully)... just like a sleeping baby? :P) And commission and smart sales my ass! I think its some conspiracy to rip off the syd people cos its so much cheaper in both Melb and Bris. The freight doesn't even make it past 90% of the retail in Syd..