Friday, November 05, 2004


I'm not being fought over, but it does feel that there are two sides trying to pull me. One is my supervisor... the thing is, he doesn't want me to get into the service side. And with my colleague out of action with a busted foot, I am the only one there to do all the warehouse tasks with him. Then there is the problem of a service role which was vacant from today. The guy who got that full time position suddenly found a better job with better pay and resigned, in just two weeks. Needless to say the guy who hired him and his supervisor isn't too happy. So this is where I come in, supposedly. Except I have no idea if I'll be in that service role or not. And then there's the problem of one of the service engineer. He will take a holiday for 4-6 weeks. There is no time to find a replacement, so I might be the suitable candidate. Except my supervisor isn't too keen on that happening either. Sooner or later it will happen, and when it does, I can see my supervisor's a bit sour about it... I got that kind of feeling today when its just me and him doing stuff... seriously either that, or he's a bit slow to react to stuff. Like I already done something, and he goes and checks it and go... hang on, you did this already? huh why? and I'm like... yeah I did it, but you didn't know, so you had to go and re-do it again... waste time. Lucky there wasn't too many things like that happening. But I know how to manage my time, he doesn't. He thinks that you need a lot of time to ship stuff out. But when I did it with my colleague, we could do about 10 items in 15 mins. And I had about 2 hours to ship stuff out. With about 8 items. (total items today = 13... -_-). The other items came about 20 mins to the cut off time, so I did have to rush them, but hey, its not like I'm not unfamiliar with the stuff. Our supervisor haven't been putting spare parts in the cage for many months now (yeah thats why he's the supervisor... doesn't do the grunt work) and when he tries to help, he couldn't find the part. And I go in and I find it just like that.... So its better not to have him help, but its no use, he's the supervisor of the warehouse, and if he wants to help (and slow things down) then its his problem... anyways I just feel like bitching about it cos thats the state of mind I'm in right now... You can see that my supervisor doesn't want me to change, but he isn't able to prevent me... because its his supervisor that wants to put me into service... So yeah, he talks with his super to see if I can still be in the warehouse till next year... but they need to fill the position inside... so what the hell am I to do. I think leaving is a good idea... then they are all screwed. :P But I do wanna have a permenant job without the headache of choosing which side... or being used in a game of tug-o-war.


Flo said...

oh sure...wonderful if you can get that position! read newspaper today and it said in Nov horses are going well in business! means will have better luck. :D let's see if it's true then. hehe

Ken said...

Haha... is that so :P So you should be looking at a promotion then? :)

icemonki said...

Go Ken! goodluck i hope u get it - deserve a change!
FLo - what does the paper say about monkeys??

Ken said...

Well... if I get it, it means more work. And more money hopefully. If its less than what I get now, they can get stuffed. :P