Monday, November 29, 2004

So what did I do today... oh yeah, nearly fried my brains because I used it to sponge up every bit of information that was thrown at me. Of course, I've progressed to be actually doing something i.e doing the 'repair' and 'pack' stages. But then, I have this nagging feeling that if the guy wasn't watching over me... I'll probably be helpless... so I need to remember a lot of stuff...

On other news, my Robbie CD arrived. Yay. :D

And I was eating some mochi. Yummy :D

And hopefully I won't die (with the A/C on full blast) in the 42 degree heat.

1 comment:

Flo said...

wah your brain got lots of exercise? you'd not get old easily then. :D ( but might get 'baked' because of 42 C...) :P awww!