Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Behind the scenes....

Today was a really really really tiring day... The last day of the guests... and they had to get to the airport by 8... since my mum has to go to classes again... so they woke up at around 6-ish... -_- anyways...I couldn't go to sleep... so just lying there in the bed feeling warm... then got up before 8 cos my alarm sounded... and got to work... before opening the gate the marketing people wanted us to get some of the boxes of frisbees that came in yesterday -_-... 77 boxes, around 1/2 gone in one day... and then later in the day, another 48 boxes -_-... they are ok in weight... but when u have to carry around 100 boxes in one day... it ain't fun... also, other promotional material... geez who knew jelly beans can be so darned heavy??? moved around 15 boxes of them (around 25 kg each...) and the plastic bags... my gawd they were heavy!! and the little booklets!!! one little box, around 15cm x 30 cm x 20 cm is SO DAMNED HEAVY!! moved around 10 of them today... so yeah... alot of exercise... but also cleaned up the incoming stuff, left some for tomorrow's guy, and I pity him cos he'll be carrying more boxes up :P but I will be going to Forklift school! :P 2 days of lifting goodness... NOT. I dunno... hopefully it'll be good... not boring... but I'm so tired... will be easy to sleep I think... but I'm still up waiting to talk to somebody... and they ain't here -_-...

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