Thursday, December 23, 2004

The power...

I write one simple sentence. Back comes a essay detailing the errors of that sentence. I am too tired to argue.

Today must be the most busy day I had in my entire working life. Which isn't saying much, since I hardly worked prior to march this year. Last of all, I did some OT. 2 hours worth. Stocktake, of course. Fun? Yeah you wish. Before that, I had to fix my supervisor's unit which he bought for his friend. After a month, the panel just... died. So I had to replace it. *sigh*... its like... why are the stuff breaking down at the end of the year? I spent about 2 hours on that. Before that, I had to ship out 27 units. Now that was fun. Can you feel the sarcasm oozing out of this page? I hope so. That wasn't fun at all. It took 4 days to actually get the bad units in, examine them, get new units in, examine them, put them through the system, and ship them out. I HOPE YOU BLOODSUCKERS ARE HAPPY! DAMN YOU! I am beginning to think that agreeing to help in the service position WAS A FU*KING BAD IDEA. 40 units and we've already got 8 units which are not 100%. Yeah... great... bring it on! I'm sick of it all. I should take a holiday, but since I am helping to pay off my parents mortgage, I can't go anywhere. Thats life I guess.

Good thing about tomorrow. We finish at 2pm. Yay.

Xmas break, here I come. :P

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