Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas

and I'm a little poorer. Or richer, depending on the way you look at it. I just bought a laptop. Why? I don't do a lot of travelling. Or needing a laptop. But I got one. I guess the opportunity was too good to miss. Plus it was a staff discounted unit... sub $1000 (including GST). Cheap!.

I had that deducted from my salary, so yeah... I will be poor this coming pay packet.

And I lent my bro my digicam, since he is going on a week's worth of holiday down country NSW to Melbourne and back, by road. With his gf and some friends. So he should have plenty of pics.

Today was the last day (official) of work for 2004. There are three more days (29, 30, 31st December) but I think me and my colleague will not go. And our supervisor will be back before Australia Day next year. So yeah... it's just me and him... plus a few slow learning casuals who cause a little more trouble than expected. But they are learning, hopefully.

Ah holidays here I come. Well, I'm not doing anything exciting actually... :P So I wish anybody reading this a Merry Christmas :D

1 comment:

Flo said...

Merry Christmas to you also! ^^ woo it's a bargain! My NB is around 1.5 kg, easy to carry with. :D