Monday, March 28, 2005

I guess its the end, again.

Seems like somebody doesn't want to take my version of the truth. After what I've said, all that means nothing in the end. Sure, they apologised sincerely. I can apologise sincerely too. Its the action which happens at the end of the apology that also makes the apology work. I've told them I don't always want to be the first to message them. So, I've seen them come on twice today. Not a single message of "hi". Were they waiting for me? Probably. But I think its better for me to think that they have nothing else better to say. Otherwise I'll just make an ass out of myself for assuming too much, or misunderstanding. Oh how they love to say that I misunderstand. I wonder who the hell would say "oh I thought u were a friend" but never actually treated you like one. I might be wrong to say that they want to use me for English purposes. The fact is I never refused them if they asked me something. So if I asked them to go the first step and say hi first... Is that too hard? I guess so. And they say they can change. Hah I'll believe that when it happens. I guess it really is the end this time. If they don't wanna continue the friendship, I can't say that what they said was true. I am direct in saying that we were net friends, since I know that they don't really care about what I think. All my net friends are like that. Silence is natural in conversations. When they start saying stuff about whoever else you're talking to... That just makes it not cool.

It's the final week of March. March madness I think. Tomorrow will be the first day back at work, after 4 days of holidays. Heres a really quick summary of what happened.

Monday. I finally finished the translation of the script to "Double Zero". From French into English. Using Babelfish. Yay!

Sunday. Figured out that it was actually the end of daylight savings. Lucky Monday wasn't working day so had plenty of time to change all the clocks.

Saturday. Nothing happened to me. My brother, however, was stupid enough to leave his wallet at home. When he got to 1 stop to his destination, he realised it. Calls home and the wallet is right there on the table. So he misses out on kendo practice. Can I call him stupid? Yep. :D

Friday. Watched "Harold and Kumar goes to Whitecastle". Funny, full of drugs and stupid antics. Don't need a brain to watch this one, I assure u. Also watched Robots. That also doesn't need any brains.

Watched Ong-Bak. Its like the most violent movie because u know they actually hit each other. There is no way the shots are able to be angled to see that they pretend, because you do see them hit each other. I don't recommend this movie to people who are squemish.

All in all, I say its fair that this week was pretty bad. I've pretty much lost faith in a 'friend' because they think that I must do everything first. And can't really speak my mind either. And then get hurt when I do. And what else do I have to expect from them? None of my other friends treat me like this friend. Even the ones who I don't meet and never will won't treat me like this. If I have something to talk about, I will tell them. If I don't, I don't have anything to say. And if I say something about somebody, they get all upset for some reason.

I think I will cut back on the amount of blogging too. Seems like nobody really reads this anymore. I'll only update when I have some news to report.

Enjoy your lives. Its the only advice I can give you without me sounding like an idiot. I try to enjoy what I enjoy, and if thats not possible... I have to find other outlets. Some people just don't get it.

1 comment:

Flo said...

whoa :P you were really pissed off, and it's correct that if no fun here anymore, find it else where.