Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I don't know if I'm coming or going...

This has got to be the most busiest days. Why? Cos I was stuck at my desk for most of the day. Just sorting about 1 week's orders into the folders. That sux. Really, they expect me to do EVERYTHING? -_- Its not terribly hard, but its very time consuming. Sorting the done orders into numerical order takes time. All of it. I had sorted about maybe 300 orders today... and then the folder was FULL. A folder can't take a full 500 sheet ream of paper! And they didn't provide me with more folders, so tomorrow I'll go harass somebody for some folders. And then the warehouse super will be leaving in a couple weeks to go to NZ for some scout thingy. And so next week there's this new guy who will process the orders. Which means I will once again switch jobs. To teach this new guy, and then to pick the orders. Isn't that fun... I don't know what I'm doing now... :P

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