Saturday, February 19, 2005

And you thought I was bitchy...

Today, it being a nice and humid/hot Saturday, I didn't sleep in. In fact, I got up early again just so I can get to work at 8am. Except that there was somebody already there, listening to arabic radio/music. Who he was, I didn't know. All I know was he was pretty important. 'Gary?' he asked. Nope, not me. Gary'll be around shortly. The only problem is, the automatic gate is on a slant, looks like... oh no... don't tell me... we've been broken into. Yep, we did. Oh f*ck. Who else knows about it? The warehouse supervisor of course. Not my supervisor anymore, he has to obey the warehouse supervisor also. Gary came around at 8am. He took one look and had exactly the same reaction. Oh f*ck. Our security doors and locks were pretty shite. They managed to take a lot of stuff. Some of them are old, others were new. All in all, it was disruptive. We were meant to do some picking and preparing for delivery, but all we got to do was to wait for the police and clean up stuff. But 'lucky' for me, I got sent to the old warehouse to do the final cleanup. That was funnnnn. (sarcasm). But then I got praised as 'forklift driver #1.'. So all I had to do was get there and put pallets (wrapped) on the trucks. And then these racking which were wider than the doors. Had to do some 'jigging'. That means turning the racks left, then straight, then right, and then left, so that they go through the door. Lucky this forklift is a bit more manageable, so I managed to get it through, no dramas. Then its back to the new place, and putting that on the shelves. Amongst other stuff that we might not need for 124312915 years. We went to Flemington to get lunch, at a viet restraunt, $7.20 for fried pork steak with rice and noodles plus soup. Its not too bad. We bought a beef noodle thingy for the warehouse super, cos he was still busy with the break-in stuff. Afterall, when the thieves broke in at 2am, he had to go there and talk with the police. He got home at 3am (same as my colleague when he went out last nite, thats why he rocked up late). And so he couldn't wake up at the 8am morning call Gary gave him. Needless to say, when my colleague came in, it was 'oh f*ck'. Yep... it was just the start. After all the crap was put away, heaven decided to play a game with us. It started raining. Now, the warehouse super had been to this particular warehouse when it rains and IT DIDN'T LEAK. SO NOW IT DOES. We (5 people + 1 security person) were running around finding rubbish bins to catch the water. In the end, I think we had over 10 places leaking. Oh dear god, when will the nightmare end?

On the fun side, my colleague told me (jokingly) that maybe he can step on two boats. *wink*. hahaha woooooo go mate :D

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