Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Life, as I know it...

So, my last post was about me starting the new job, and 2 weeks into it, I'm beginning to grasp the idea of what I'm supposed to do. Basically, I'm the warehouse supervisor, or coordinator, or just the warehouse guy who's accountable for everything that's good and bad in the warehouse. I have 5 people under me, I don't really consider that I'm the boss, because I tend to let them do what they need, and help out. I used to do that back at the old job, with 2 people that I 'look' after. But I was still an assistant. Now I am getting paid for the same with more responsibility. Such is life. I drive 64 kms a day, which takes about 2 hours. Traffic can be good and bad, and I dunno if the car has a problem or not, because the oil light came on for a second then disappeared.. So... I might have to get it checked out... What else... actually went to watch Superman Returns at the cinemas... costs quite a bit, $15 for the movie, then I paid a bit more... and yeah, it was an alright day I guess... but I probably won't go out for a while. :P

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