Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I don't have a life... its sad... even sadder it was told to me by a lebanese woman who processes orders all day... who still has a 486... and a 2GB HDD. I don't know who's sadder there. But anyways, she said I am sad because I have a 160GB hdd and its filled to the brim with anime... -_-. Like she'd know. Anyways, today was meant to be the day the engineer comes back from his month and he happens to be sick. So he'll be back tomorrow. Hopefully, fingers all crossed.
Life sux.

On a funnier note, I think something always makes me feel the world is VERY SMALL. The 'service coordinator' guy, who's been here for about 1-2 months already, was talking on the fone, a bit loud... and then he spells out the letters of my street... 'x x x x x x, xxxxxx ave.' Since there aren't many streets with the same name as ours, I went over and went... xxxxxx? whats that, the street? and he goes yeah mate, its my street... and I go... no way!! its my street, in yyyyyy! and he goes :O you're f**king with my mind man! Turns out he's 5 or 6 houses down...
:O And we didn't even know. Its like the other time in the t-shirt place, me and this other guy used to live in the same house (but at different times, of course...). I believe in something which is messing with my mind... :P


Flo said...

~It's a small world after all~*singing* yeah and it's called 'yuan fen'. :D

Ken said...

What yuen fen... its a guy who happens to live on the same street as I am... -_-;;