Sunday, January 04, 2009


It's already a few days past 2009, but here I am, still alive and kicking.

What did I do for new years? Absolutely nothing. I didn't want to go straight after work into the city and be crushed by the crowds. So I went home after work and just relaxed. Work was basically up till Christmas, which I won some award at our company's party. Then I was back at work for the 29th till 31st. So I basically had 2 long weekends. They were the really relaxed long weekends, with one I went to watch a movie with a friend, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and the other is on the second long weekend, with the same friend, Yes Men. I preferred Yes Men, it was more of a laugh out and laugh till you cry kind of movie. Good and funny. The audience seemed to enjoy it too, most (if not everybody) was laughing their heads off. Especially some guy in our row, he was laughing at pretty much every second scene... loudly.

So I watched the two movies in the city, that makes it 2 trips in 1 week (or almost). I never go into the city, but in this year I've gone into the city about 4 times. Kinda funny, I drove in 2 times too. And because they are making the toll on the bridge cashless, I bought one of them e-tags. Installed it in my car and that's about it. Probably will use it 2 times this year too, depending on if there's any reason for me to drive into the city from work.

Also, while I was in the city, walking with my friend, this man chased me and asked if I was my father's name's son. I was rather surprised, and said yes, and he said that he was in syd after visiting tasmania, and just staying for that day (1st Jan) and going back to Bris the next day. So he asked for our number, I gave it to him, and we parted ways. My friend said to me I shouldn't give out numbers to strangers on the street, but I've met him before. And then I told him about the other coincindence a long time ago when I met my uncle after he touched down in bris from japan in the city. All a big coincidence. That's why I believe in yuan fen.

Speaking of that, I was chatting to a female friend that works in the city, and both times me and my friend were in the city we tried to stop by her shop, but both times we weren't able to catch her. First time the shop was already closed, it was the boxing day sales. Second time she already left, we were hanging out at the front of her shop and was pretty funny, we saw a girl who we think is her sis... and we were looking at her and her mum (we think) and this guy... she gave us a nod, but didn't really recognise us, and her mum probably thought we were creeps or stalkers or something. Needless to say I asked the girl online and she said 'yeah we have no fate'. LOL that reminds me of something else. My mum's been praying for me to find a good girl. And then she said that my uncle rang on the 1st and said that he's got a girl to intro who happens to be in syd. Well, I've met her before, and lets just say I'm not that interested in her. But it was really really funny because she's a good friend of my sis-in-law. Basically she hangs out with my sis-in-law a bit, and since she had a baby, that girl was around, and once even bought her parents (who live in 3 states, QLD, NSW and VIC) to see her. Well I go and pick up my mum on tues and fridays when she goes to see the baby, and that girl was there, with her parents. I said hi, how's it going to the parents, and they were sorta impressed with me, I don't know why. And that's why when they went back to bris they somehow chatted to my uncle and says that their daughter still hasn't got a bf blah blah and that's why he said to my mum about that girl... and my mum also knows that girl isn't that attractive... but she's got a good background or something, but I don't know, I ain't going to go into a relationship with that girl...

Lets hope the rest of 2009 gives better pickings for me :P even just 1 will do. Hahahaha :P

Goodl luck to us all...

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