Saturday, May 21, 2005


I'm not a lazy person by nature. Well, I can be lazy if I really wanted to, but when it comes to work, I'm usually not lazy. So it was with great (?) surprise that on Friday (Yesterday), I overslept. 1 hour to be exact. How? I got shaken awake by my dad. I looked at him, and looked at my alarm clock. He says to me, it's 9am. I thought he was joking. Naturally I wasn't awake, but when I looked at my clock, it slowly registered that I was late. I quickly got up, and both my clock and watch was saying 9am. My dad had got up 8:30 and noticed that the car was still at home... so he went to my room and woke me up. Lucky for me, otherwise I would've slept till 1pm or something :P I called my colleague and said that I overslept, but due to bad mobile line or whatever, he misheard me and told everybody in the warehouse I was in a car accident! Like hell I was! he called me back 10 mins later and asked if I was alright... I said huh? I only overslept! And he goes oh! shit! and goes tell everybody later. So when I turned up at 10am, half of the guys I met asked if I was ok, and if my car was ok. The other half asked if I had woken up. My supervisor even called me "Noddy". *Sobs* such is the life of a warehouse guy. :P Work then was normal, one of the slower days. Hopefully next week can be slow, but I think it'll be a loooonnng week. Anyways, what I think happened was that I was doing many days of OT, going home late, and simply staying up too late. And I had told myself, if I went to bed at that time, I wouldn't wake up for a long time. That night, I went to bed an hour earlier than usual, and still managed to wake up late... Guess something's wrong with my body, or all the work's making me really tired.

Today, my mum came back from Brissie, after one week visiting friends and rellos there. My uncle from Japan also went, because his sons are now both studying there in Brisbane as well. He goes back on Monday, and my bro wants to buy some Kendo gear (he's taken up Kendo now...) and since its near where my uncle lives, send it there, and get my uncle to send it as a gift. No tax, which will save I don't know how much $$. But yeah, they went to Tangalooma ( I think) and had fun for 1 day. Except my mum, who had a mouthful of sand when she sand sled... and rolled... everybody was worried but she was ok, just has sand in her mouth and throat... -_- Should've given her a face mask (like SARS) and then she would be ok. Because she (and everybody who goes sand sliding) yells... with the mouth wide open. hahaha :P

My mum bought back some goodies from my uncle. There's some snacks, but I don't know if it's savoury or sweet. Looks like chips...

One of the things that I did wrong today was to use the wrong spoon. My dad made some 'cover rice', which is just making vege and meat in a thick soup, and then pouring that over rice. Then you mix the rice, just like curry. And eat it. Well, my bro bought some Tapioca starch balls, and cooked them. Then, when my mum called, he took the spoon with him to the fone, and since the water was still boiling, I went and took the spoon for the 'cover rice' and mixed the Tapioca with it. It's oily, and well, I couldn't taste any difference, but I think that was one event my family wouldn't forget... Sad isn't it... :P And the Tapioca (zen zhu) were nice, fragrant. My mum even got a 3kg bag of it from the Brisbane uncle. He was going to give her more than 3kg... but 3kg is pretty heavy afterall... :P

I watched "The Jacket" today. It's an interesting story, about a guy who can travel to the future in his mind, and then use the information gleaned from the future to help the present. Except that he knows that he will die, so he tries to see if he can survive in the future without dying. Interesting idea, and not bad. I give it maybe 8/10.

More stuff will come soon, but I'm tired.

1 comment:

Flo said...

ah learned a new word 'noddy'. :P later I'd use at school. :D I overslept a few times-woke up and stayed in panic for a while, then hurried to school without eating breakfast. ( did you have breakfast Fri morning :P ) however,you might need more sleep now.according to chinese medicine,the body's 'qi' circulates to the liver,whose most important function is get rid of the poison ( jie du )from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.( it's called 'zi shi'. )so it's the best that you manage to hit your bed by 11 p.m. take care! :D