It's like the best Xmas ever.
2 Parties, a week after another.
First the company party, now, a party held by friends. Both had its own way of fun. The Company party was fun because it was entertaining. The friends party is fun because its full of friends. And strangers, but the friends make it fun. Anyways, here's how it happened.
One of the girls from the singles camp invited all the guys (except me I think) to her party. It costs $100, and well, no girls will be there. So, naturally, when the guys asked the girls from camp if they were going, they didn't know, and got pissed off. So Mary said that she'll make the party for the camp people. It'll be better because it's $30, and you can buy a pressie to swap with people. The $100 party was at the American Club (or so I heard), but the $30 party was at the W Hotel. Basically there's many groups of people from the camp, each type is different. One of the groups is the Cate group, they have their own people from either before or made really quick during the camp. Mainly girls, but now they have a few guys in there as well. I'm not in their group, I'm not elite enough. Anyways, they organised it within a week, which is pretty good of them.
So, December 23, I've been working the whole week. The end of the week, and I managed to come to work everyday before 8am (8am on wed, 8am on thurs, and 7am on fri). Normally we finish at 5:30, but since it's the last working day before xmas, it's the tradition to leave before time and enjoy the rest of the day. So most left around 2pm. I had to stay behind and leave around 3:30pm. However, I was given a dozen of beer by my supervisor as a present, but the beer in fact came from one of our courier companies. It's still good, because I didn't really give him a present... maybe next year, if I still haven't left yet.
I got home and changed, and then got stuck answering a guy's question on msn... I don't know why, he always msgs me asking questions. He's either shy or strange, I guess it's that he's shy to talk to girls online. Me, I'm not shy talking to both sexes online, but when in real life... hah it's a different story. That's probably because I only got brothers, and no sisters. Anyways, I left home around 5:30... the train pulled out of the station just as I got there, and I had to wait another 20 mins for a train. The train got to the city around 6:45. I got out, and I had a copy of the map, I STILL managed to get lost 4 times. Turned the wrong street, and then walked up the wrong street, backtracked, and managed to cross a bridge which wasn't on the map, because it was so darned old... but I still managed to rock up to the place at 7:30. Only David was there... we were there for a few mins because we didn't know where it was... Turns out it was at the back in a place with white curtains. We saw others who also went to the camp, and we followed them in. The gang who organised it was already there. So thats when the party 'started'.
Most people were fasionably late. That's to be accepted, especially when it's a Friday. Some even came around 9pm... But it was good to catch up on the people who you didn't see for a few weeks. Everybody was given something to put on their heads, cute stuff like that, and only finger food was served. Needless to say, I wasn't really full by the end of it, but still... I wasn't expecting to be.
Everybody just talked and had fun, which was good. There weren't any games, which was good as well. Everybody who talked to me or knew me better than "total stranger status" wondered why I wasn't talking as much, and well... I DID start work at 7am. Most of them didn't work on that friday. Lucky bums. So I tried to make it a good evening. Presents were drawn, and I had the pleasure of drawing from one of the gang. It was a set of shot glasses. Thanks Judy, they are pretty nice. (I don't think I would show anybody from camp this blog because I might say something afterwards...).
So, because that gang already decided to go to Judy's place afterwards, they already had the cars filled. I was left to go with Mary and Thomas to Judy's place. We managed to get off the wrong place, but STILL got there before everybody else. They came a good 10 mins later, and we met Canny outside Judy's place in the carpark of KFC. She just got there as well. She couldn't go to the party because she works the night shift. After that we all got into Judy's place, and more and more people came, but nobody really drunk anything... it was Friday night afterall, not a night of fun. We watched "Dreamcatcher" and then that was about it... the rest was either talking or just mucking around. The night ended around 3am. And only a handful stayed behind at Judy's place.
The morning was even worse, I guess I should've sorta just left at that time, but I didn't... I wanted to see what they would do. Most people left, there were only a few of the gang left, and they started cooking dinner way before dinnertime (after lunch). After that, people came back for dinner. And then after that, for drinks and games.
I won't go into the details of the games, except that most guys suffered humiliation. Especially Thomas, because he wouldn't drink since he had to go home. So he was basically a drag queen for 3 times. All in a row. The other notable dare was that some of the guys had to french each other. Now that's gross. But the girls LOVED it. Guess no guy and no girl wanted to really french just yet... but there's signs of couples forming soon. Maybe before NYE!
I was unwittingly a light bulb that evening. I only had 2.5 shots of vodka, and since it was my first time with strong alchohol, I was dizzy, and couldn't stay up... So I went to crash in the spare bedroom. James, he loves to drink, he had maybe 7-10 shots of vodka, but he was semi-wasted, way more than me. That was ok when he was sleeping next to me. But then, Cate comes in and then they started kissing and shit. I was like OMG they don't mind some guy pretending to sleep besides them? I kept on trying to fall asleep but with them making sounds besides me (no they didn't go all the way) it was very awkard for me just to get up and leave. They would definately know for sure. So when it was 8:30am, I just got up my stuff and left. Elmer walks in and finds them on top of each other (Cate on top of James) and just kicked Cate because they had satisified looks on their faces. I can't blame them because they sure had a fun night. Thats when I decided that I can't stay in that place any longer, and called my parents to come pick me up, because it's been 2 days since I've left home. And that's the end of that.
After that, I had a chat with friends on msn, and they figured that they (James and Cate) were having something already. And we postulated that theres a few couples in the making... around 5 or so. It's already been 5 weeks since the camp, and with them hanging out every weekend, of course something's bound to happen. I didn't hang out with them enough, so nothing's happened. And their circle is bound to get smaller and smaller. Till it's a couples circle. And then I'll be looking for another circle to join. But who cares, they are still friends, and if they want people to have fun with, I can have fun with them, but if James ever crashes in a bedroom... Hell I'm getting out of there. No way I wanna become a lightbulb.
These past 2 days has been pretty relaxing. However, I helped moved our wooden fence stack and also gave away 4 of the xmas pressie beers from my supervisor to the guys who removed them, from the council. And also topped the car up with oil, it was running low. Then tomorrow (Wed) I'll be back to work, from 8am to 4pm. Yay. Work. Yay...
Hmm when will I like a girl enough to ask them first? I don't know yet. Everybody sorta been asking me that question... especially about people from camp. I'm too picky for my own good. It's not about standards, it's about the consequences... I know the consequences of making a wrong choice...
Another place to rant and rave... for my old blog,
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
The Company Xmas party
Saturday... I had arranged with my brother to go meet his friends for xmas lunch... so I woke up early and tried to figure out what I'll be doing. 8am, then surfed the net for a while... then breakfast, then left the house with my video player and camera (which didn't get used). Then I caught the train to the city, $4.80 return. There, I was supposed to meet my bro at town hall, but he didn't arrive till much later. By that time, the train was coming, so I rushed to buy a ticket to milson's point. Just made it too. Anyways, we made our way to the friend's place... didn't know anybody there, but it was a nice lunch... And we ended up failing to karoke (because nobody really wanted to) but we played "Scattergories". Its to think of the answer to the questions based on the first letter (roll of the dice). Our team came last because people didn't like our answers. Like nobody there knew who Armand Asante was. And they didn't like Honey Hazlenut... Anyways, left there around 4:30 because my bro and his SO has to go to another thing, and so I walked back to the station, and got to Town Hall. And from there, it only took me about an hour to walk to Star City casino, and then another 15 mins to walk to the place, Dolton House.
Dolton House is in fact a pier. The second last pier opposite star city. The last pier is a park. With some nice art. I was there around 6, one hour early. So I walked around the park, it took 10 mins. Then I sat down and listen to music and watched Simpsons. Around 6:30 I started walking over back to the entrance of Dolton House. The entrance is in fact stairs, since the dining areas are all on the top. Already one couple was there, Ernest and his wife. Then Tim and his friend came, and then I saw my colleague. This is what happened. He came Right to Left (along the road.) He saw that there was Dolton House, and so he semi-stopped (in the middle of the road). Then he drove up and turned around, and then drove back across Left to Right, and stopped short of the Car Park ($10 for the evening). He then turned the car around and drove Right to Left again, this time I actually pointed to the car park, but he didn't see me. he went past again, then Left to Right, stopping before the car park, and then DID ANOTHER RIGHT TO LEFT! This time I was beyond belief, he's already gone by twice. Then he turned around and went Left to Right, and finally went into the carpark. That wasn't the end of it. I was still waiting. He comes out, and then I got a fone call. IT WAS HIM! The conversation was as follows :-
Him: "Man where are you?"
Me *looking directly at him*: "Right in front of you man"
Him *looks up*: "F**king hell". *Hangs up*
He didn't recognise me because I was wearing a pair of black pants and a shirt.
Talk about being a good friend. I recognised him and his gf when he first drove past... -_-
Anyways, we went up, we were still 15 mins early. So there were 7 people there... Then more and more people arrived. Then more and more. So, 7pm, there were around 30. Finger food was served, it wasn't too bad. Some seafood, some not seafood. 8pm, we could go in. 12 tables, each hosting 10 people. Max 120 people... one table was only 4, so totally around 114.
Entree was either calamari (not rings) or some sort of bird wing. I had the calamari, it was nice.
Then the main course was offered. Either chicken on soft yellow rice, or beef steak, well done. Of course I chose the chicken. Then they had the prize draw. my colleague got one of the prizes, a pack of 6 latest CDs (something they had bought before, but played to get the music). Another one also got a CD pack... more about her later. She seems to get prizes every xmas party... Then it was a LCD monitor, a notebook, a 32" LCD TV, and the grand prize, a Projector. Daniel got that... lucky bastard... But he got the wrong side of the books with the lady who drew the prize... basically called her old... but she begrudgingly gave him the prize anyways.
Still during the dinner, other events unfolded... Apparently my supervisor betted one of the waiters that he couldn't sing a bit of opera. $50... but he did. Then one of the girls Allison bet another waiter that he couldn't sing a song in French, and he did... $100. Then it turned out to be a heated argument about french vs italian, and then another waiter stepped in, spanish style. Turned out they were the "Three Waiters", who can sing classical opera style. They had big voices, and well they can pretend to be french and italian but they are indeed aussies. The one who pretended to be French, in order to prove that he has passion over the italian, kissed the hand of the girl who won the CDs before my colleague. For a full minute. Heh that's pretty funny. I guess we'll ask her if she got that guy's number or something :D
So after that performance, we finished our main course. Then it was dessert. Two choices... 1) Ice cream on top of a pudding. 2) Fairy Floss on top of toffee apple on top of almond icecream. 2) was what I got, and it definately tasted better than number 1) (so I think... :P) Then the magic show started.
What a great magician! He's fairly low-class (rude) but he's pretty funny. Did some tricks that I've not seen before, but some that I have... and some I can figure out. But some were pretty good... Most of it was slight of hand, plus the confidence that most people were drunk... So, after that show finished, everybody was cheering... he's that good... Then it was the end of the night... it finished around 11... some people left... then I got a ride with my colleague and his gf... to central. I just missed the train, so waited 20 mins, and thus got home around 1.
My bro Don was home from India by then, and thus ended the day. Needless to say, it was a fun evening out. And I drank 4 glasses of alcohol... 2 reds, 1 white, and 1 champagne. I was thirsty this morning... :P
Dolton House is in fact a pier. The second last pier opposite star city. The last pier is a park. With some nice art. I was there around 6, one hour early. So I walked around the park, it took 10 mins. Then I sat down and listen to music and watched Simpsons. Around 6:30 I started walking over back to the entrance of Dolton House. The entrance is in fact stairs, since the dining areas are all on the top. Already one couple was there, Ernest and his wife. Then Tim and his friend came, and then I saw my colleague. This is what happened. He came Right to Left (along the road.) He saw that there was Dolton House, and so he semi-stopped (in the middle of the road). Then he drove up and turned around, and then drove back across Left to Right, and stopped short of the Car Park ($10 for the evening). He then turned the car around and drove Right to Left again, this time I actually pointed to the car park, but he didn't see me. he went past again, then Left to Right, stopping before the car park, and then DID ANOTHER RIGHT TO LEFT! This time I was beyond belief, he's already gone by twice. Then he turned around and went Left to Right, and finally went into the carpark. That wasn't the end of it. I was still waiting. He comes out, and then I got a fone call. IT WAS HIM! The conversation was as follows :-
Him: "Man where are you?"
Me *looking directly at him*: "Right in front of you man"
Him *looks up*: "F**king hell". *Hangs up*
He didn't recognise me because I was wearing a pair of black pants and a shirt.
Talk about being a good friend. I recognised him and his gf when he first drove past... -_-
Anyways, we went up, we were still 15 mins early. So there were 7 people there... Then more and more people arrived. Then more and more. So, 7pm, there were around 30. Finger food was served, it wasn't too bad. Some seafood, some not seafood. 8pm, we could go in. 12 tables, each hosting 10 people. Max 120 people... one table was only 4, so totally around 114.
Entree was either calamari (not rings) or some sort of bird wing. I had the calamari, it was nice.
Then the main course was offered. Either chicken on soft yellow rice, or beef steak, well done. Of course I chose the chicken. Then they had the prize draw. my colleague got one of the prizes, a pack of 6 latest CDs (something they had bought before, but played to get the music). Another one also got a CD pack... more about her later. She seems to get prizes every xmas party... Then it was a LCD monitor, a notebook, a 32" LCD TV, and the grand prize, a Projector. Daniel got that... lucky bastard... But he got the wrong side of the books with the lady who drew the prize... basically called her old... but she begrudgingly gave him the prize anyways.
Still during the dinner, other events unfolded... Apparently my supervisor betted one of the waiters that he couldn't sing a bit of opera. $50... but he did. Then one of the girls Allison bet another waiter that he couldn't sing a song in French, and he did... $100. Then it turned out to be a heated argument about french vs italian, and then another waiter stepped in, spanish style. Turned out they were the "Three Waiters", who can sing classical opera style. They had big voices, and well they can pretend to be french and italian but they are indeed aussies. The one who pretended to be French, in order to prove that he has passion over the italian, kissed the hand of the girl who won the CDs before my colleague. For a full minute. Heh that's pretty funny. I guess we'll ask her if she got that guy's number or something :D
So after that performance, we finished our main course. Then it was dessert. Two choices... 1) Ice cream on top of a pudding. 2) Fairy Floss on top of toffee apple on top of almond icecream. 2) was what I got, and it definately tasted better than number 1) (so I think... :P) Then the magic show started.
What a great magician! He's fairly low-class (rude) but he's pretty funny. Did some tricks that I've not seen before, but some that I have... and some I can figure out. But some were pretty good... Most of it was slight of hand, plus the confidence that most people were drunk... So, after that show finished, everybody was cheering... he's that good... Then it was the end of the night... it finished around 11... some people left... then I got a ride with my colleague and his gf... to central. I just missed the train, so waited 20 mins, and thus got home around 1.
My bro Don was home from India by then, and thus ended the day. Needless to say, it was a fun evening out. And I drank 4 glasses of alcohol... 2 reds, 1 white, and 1 champagne. I was thirsty this morning... :P
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
'tis the season for cherries...
I am sick of cherries. Some people might think that cherries are the bee's knees, but to me, they aren't the best. But still I would have one or two, just to give the impression that I still like cherries. Why? Because of the trip... to cherry land.
Saturday 10th of December... Was still in a sleep state when I heard music... ah crap it was my phone... who would call me up at this ungodly hour? Of course, the person who invited me. She was worried that I wouldn't be waking up on time... but never fear, she underestimated me... I always has two sources of alarm... one's my watch, the other's my alarm clock. They don't ring at the same time, of course, just to keep things interesting (kinda like a snooze function...) Anyways, I got up, dressed in jeans, and even though some thought it was gonna be hot, I still wore jeans... then had brekkie, after what my dad kept on saying... to pick the good ones, blah blah... then I drove to strathfield station. I had to find a parking space which wasn't timed... So it was quite far from the station. Turns out that there were more than one group going to Young to pick cherries... because at 7am sharp a bus pulled away with only 10 people on board... I got called about 10 past to find out I was on the wrong side of the station.. there was a xmas tree on the other side and met the crew... two michelles, one jean, one chao, then more people came... one jenny, one mihiro, one jiro (some name), and some other people... and then the bus came at half past 7... they were late from the city. When we got on the bus, it was about 3/5ths full, we had filled up to 4/5ths... then it was a 15 mins trip to liverpool to pick up the remaining 10 people... the bus was full with 52 people...
Once full, we were out to the countryside... via hume highway... 5 hours with 2 pitstops.... drove past the intersection to yass... the pitstops were for food and breaks... food was hungry jacks, and it's fun to see people rush to order food and scoff it down... when they could eat on the bus...
Once at Young, it was to a farm called Wombat farm... plenty of flies... some guy even swallowed one... but yeah, we had 2.5 hours to pick, and well, I picked the big ones so I had quality... 3 kgs... other people went crazy and picked around 8-20 kg... but at $6 its considered cheap... also I had a stomach ache in the middle, so lost some time there... but we were glad to get out of that place... the flies were EVERYWHERE... anyways... to cut the story short, the bus trip back was also uneventful... except for the guy who went out to take a leak... and half the bus took pics... I think he's not gonna live it down... it was a company outing for my friend's (who invited me) company... and they are very mysterious about it too...
After arriving back in sydney, it was around 9... then we had dinner (me, two michelles, one jean, and michelle's bf, johnny) at a korean restraunt... 10pm finish and I drove them back because they were on the way... so got home around 11... and that was a day I won't try to repeat in a long while...
So, cherries... I'm sick of it but I'm really not gonna say anymore about it...
Saturday 10th of December... Was still in a sleep state when I heard music... ah crap it was my phone... who would call me up at this ungodly hour? Of course, the person who invited me. She was worried that I wouldn't be waking up on time... but never fear, she underestimated me... I always has two sources of alarm... one's my watch, the other's my alarm clock. They don't ring at the same time, of course, just to keep things interesting (kinda like a snooze function...) Anyways, I got up, dressed in jeans, and even though some thought it was gonna be hot, I still wore jeans... then had brekkie, after what my dad kept on saying... to pick the good ones, blah blah... then I drove to strathfield station. I had to find a parking space which wasn't timed... So it was quite far from the station. Turns out that there were more than one group going to Young to pick cherries... because at 7am sharp a bus pulled away with only 10 people on board... I got called about 10 past to find out I was on the wrong side of the station.. there was a xmas tree on the other side and met the crew... two michelles, one jean, one chao, then more people came... one jenny, one mihiro, one jiro (some name), and some other people... and then the bus came at half past 7... they were late from the city. When we got on the bus, it was about 3/5ths full, we had filled up to 4/5ths... then it was a 15 mins trip to liverpool to pick up the remaining 10 people... the bus was full with 52 people...
Once full, we were out to the countryside... via hume highway... 5 hours with 2 pitstops.... drove past the intersection to yass... the pitstops were for food and breaks... food was hungry jacks, and it's fun to see people rush to order food and scoff it down... when they could eat on the bus...
Once at Young, it was to a farm called Wombat farm... plenty of flies... some guy even swallowed one... but yeah, we had 2.5 hours to pick, and well, I picked the big ones so I had quality... 3 kgs... other people went crazy and picked around 8-20 kg... but at $6 its considered cheap... also I had a stomach ache in the middle, so lost some time there... but we were glad to get out of that place... the flies were EVERYWHERE... anyways... to cut the story short, the bus trip back was also uneventful... except for the guy who went out to take a leak... and half the bus took pics... I think he's not gonna live it down... it was a company outing for my friend's (who invited me) company... and they are very mysterious about it too...
After arriving back in sydney, it was around 9... then we had dinner (me, two michelles, one jean, and michelle's bf, johnny) at a korean restraunt... 10pm finish and I drove them back because they were on the way... so got home around 11... and that was a day I won't try to repeat in a long while...
So, cherries... I'm sick of it but I'm really not gonna say anymore about it...
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
week in review
So, there was a bbq last saturday. I offered to bring mochi, and they said ok. Then the day just before, they told me to bring steak. So I was kinda conned into bringing steak. Anyways, that aside, I got told to change my glasses... so I kinda only had one day to do it, and that was saturday. Basically, the bbq was at 2pm, and so I woke up early at 8am (on a saturday... wah... that's early :P) and then got to the shopping centre to check out the optometrists. There were two, but since I've dealt with OPSM for most of my glasses wearing life (which is pretty much since grade 7) I decide to go check them out. Turns out the frames are rather expensive... easily passing $200. I chose the cheapest frame there, for $160 or so... STILL TOO EXPENSIVE! I thought the lenses would be like $80 max, but turns out after the consultation (on sunday) it turns out the lenses cost $209 for the cheapest polycarbonate! The hi density ones costs EVEN MORE! CRAP! That's over my budget already... so I had to pay a deposit and they will call me back in a week... Then I will look different... and hopefully be more attractive... :P
So, I bought $40 worth of steaks. 8 pieces of pork, 6 of beef, and 4 of lamb. Turns out I did most of the bbqing as well. I turned up at 2pm sharp, found a place to park, and immediately got called over to cate's car who just pulled up and helped her with her bbq foodstuffs. Then once settled inside, we planned our attack... to cook food now or later? and other trivial stuff like that.. I got delegated to help make some fingerfood, which is quite easy since it's just copying a master biscuit. Cheese, then salmon, then onion, then caviar, and a different caviar, and finally a piece of green vege(basil? or some herb) It's nice seafoody biscuit. Then the next one was a mixed cherry + tomato + cucumber garnished kinda biscuit. The last one was a fruit one, it had fruit cheese, then blueberry, then sliced strawberries, then halved grape, then cream on top... all nice finger foods. Then basically, more people and more people rocked up, and everybody started eating and chatting... one of the girls had to leave for a wedding, so we started cooking at 4, she had some food, then left... I became the unofficial chef for most of the day, cooking all sorts of stuff... steaks, korean bbq meat, prawns, octopii, and sausages. People had their fill. Well if they didn't, they didn't complain to me... But the food was satisfying enough. So the other events were: cards, chatting, mahjong. I had played cards and chatted, but didn't play mahjong. What else was there... Thomas was the unfortunate soul of the bbq. He basically got dragged into some activity, and well, it was licking cream off his arm. Had the guy won, the girl had to lick off his arm. But the girl won, so the guy had to lick it off Thomas's arm. That wasn't the end of it... the girl had to lick cream off the finger. But the guy had to lick it off Thomas's EAR. So he was a victim. Also, at the camp, he made a bet with a girl called Mary. If mary can throw a small piece of rubbish about 2 meters into a bin, Thomas will jump into the pool. What he didn't count on was Mary scrunching up the rubbish into a tight ball and threw it in like a rock. And he didn't jump into the pool at the camp, so Mary was calling him chickenshit for a whole week. Till he decide to jump into the pool once mary came back from the wedding. So to get mary off his back... hahaha I think there might be something going on there, will see if anything does happen between anybody who went to the camp for sure.
So work was kinda weird... I get dropped into the service role for the morning and then back to shipping goods in the afternoon. And there's like work on and off, which makes people wonder what's going on in the sales department. Tomorrow I'll get sent back into the shipping department. Yay.
There's talk of a xmas party organised by the camp people... so I'll have to see how that one will turn out... ever since the camp, I think I've spent more per week than I'd spend in 6 months. But it's all good, meeting new people is always a good thing, in my case.
Ahhh I'm so tired nowdays... sleep is not coming to me easily, I get woken up sometimes 4am for no reason. Maybe it's too warm or something. Working in the warehouse when it's humid isn't good, especially when I walk into the offices and it's nice and cool... and coming back out, I almost caught a cold. Lucky I didn't. I just had the sniffles for about 10 mins but after that I was fine.
Also another fact I found interesting was that I've never really properly drunk alcohol before camp. The highest alcohol % I had was 4.5%, which was a vodka cruiser. Beer was only 3% or something... Then at the camp, when we snuck out and I had scotch, that was pretty high. But nothing as high as what I had on saturday. I had baileys (12% a/c) before they bought out the big guns, an alcohol called "Mou tai" from China... it's supposedly the best spirit they got, for dignitries and such. It's 45%! That's pretty high. It burnt my throat as it went down, but it's nice and sweet before it burns. I will have to say that with these new friends, I'll have to build up my alcohol tolerance. Not that I will drink too much though... so I should be ok :P
In my spare time, I've been playing Need for Speed Most Wanted. While most people think it's 'so-so', I didn't really feel that way. They probably don't get the point of chasing and shit, but hey, I enjoy it quite a bit... it takes all your skill to dodge the cars...and crashing into cars and not dying, that's simply the best. I shall play it to completion I hope... :P
So, I bought $40 worth of steaks. 8 pieces of pork, 6 of beef, and 4 of lamb. Turns out I did most of the bbqing as well. I turned up at 2pm sharp, found a place to park, and immediately got called over to cate's car who just pulled up and helped her with her bbq foodstuffs. Then once settled inside, we planned our attack... to cook food now or later? and other trivial stuff like that.. I got delegated to help make some fingerfood, which is quite easy since it's just copying a master biscuit. Cheese, then salmon, then onion, then caviar, and a different caviar, and finally a piece of green vege(basil? or some herb) It's nice seafoody biscuit. Then the next one was a mixed cherry + tomato + cucumber garnished kinda biscuit. The last one was a fruit one, it had fruit cheese, then blueberry, then sliced strawberries, then halved grape, then cream on top... all nice finger foods. Then basically, more people and more people rocked up, and everybody started eating and chatting... one of the girls had to leave for a wedding, so we started cooking at 4, she had some food, then left... I became the unofficial chef for most of the day, cooking all sorts of stuff... steaks, korean bbq meat, prawns, octopii, and sausages. People had their fill. Well if they didn't, they didn't complain to me... But the food was satisfying enough. So the other events were: cards, chatting, mahjong. I had played cards and chatted, but didn't play mahjong. What else was there... Thomas was the unfortunate soul of the bbq. He basically got dragged into some activity, and well, it was licking cream off his arm. Had the guy won, the girl had to lick off his arm. But the girl won, so the guy had to lick it off Thomas's arm. That wasn't the end of it... the girl had to lick cream off the finger. But the guy had to lick it off Thomas's EAR. So he was a victim. Also, at the camp, he made a bet with a girl called Mary. If mary can throw a small piece of rubbish about 2 meters into a bin, Thomas will jump into the pool. What he didn't count on was Mary scrunching up the rubbish into a tight ball and threw it in like a rock. And he didn't jump into the pool at the camp, so Mary was calling him chickenshit for a whole week. Till he decide to jump into the pool once mary came back from the wedding. So to get mary off his back... hahaha I think there might be something going on there, will see if anything does happen between anybody who went to the camp for sure.
So work was kinda weird... I get dropped into the service role for the morning and then back to shipping goods in the afternoon. And there's like work on and off, which makes people wonder what's going on in the sales department. Tomorrow I'll get sent back into the shipping department. Yay.
There's talk of a xmas party organised by the camp people... so I'll have to see how that one will turn out... ever since the camp, I think I've spent more per week than I'd spend in 6 months. But it's all good, meeting new people is always a good thing, in my case.
Ahhh I'm so tired nowdays... sleep is not coming to me easily, I get woken up sometimes 4am for no reason. Maybe it's too warm or something. Working in the warehouse when it's humid isn't good, especially when I walk into the offices and it's nice and cool... and coming back out, I almost caught a cold. Lucky I didn't. I just had the sniffles for about 10 mins but after that I was fine.
Also another fact I found interesting was that I've never really properly drunk alcohol before camp. The highest alcohol % I had was 4.5%, which was a vodka cruiser. Beer was only 3% or something... Then at the camp, when we snuck out and I had scotch, that was pretty high. But nothing as high as what I had on saturday. I had baileys (12% a/c) before they bought out the big guns, an alcohol called "Mou tai" from China... it's supposedly the best spirit they got, for dignitries and such. It's 45%! That's pretty high. It burnt my throat as it went down, but it's nice and sweet before it burns. I will have to say that with these new friends, I'll have to build up my alcohol tolerance. Not that I will drink too much though... so I should be ok :P
In my spare time, I've been playing Need for Speed Most Wanted. While most people think it's 'so-so', I didn't really feel that way. They probably don't get the point of chasing and shit, but hey, I enjoy it quite a bit... it takes all your skill to dodge the cars...and crashing into cars and not dying, that's simply the best. I shall play it to completion I hope... :P
Monday, November 28, 2005
Adventure in the wet
This is gonna be a long entry. However, it will document what has happened from Friday till Sunday, of the weekend
just gone by.
It was the day of Friday. Everything was fine and dandy. Work was fairly easy, it was a near end of month week,
and I managed to get everything finished before 4:30. So I said to my supervisor I will go early, he agreed and
said I can leave when it was quiet. So, it was quiet at 4:45 and I left. Nothing bad happened on the way home, I
got my stuff and then dropped my bro off at the station. It was weird that I was fighting traffic on the opposite
way from work though... people must leave work early on a Friday I guess. I stop-started for about 30 mins then a
good run, then stop-started the rest of the way. Arriving at 6:30, there were plenty of cars in the carpark at
Naamaroo, but I managed to find one space to park. And so the fun begins.
Dinner was a lunchbox. There were two flavours, one was 'ru ro' (baised pork), the other was 'pai gu' (pork steak).
Immediately when we got there, I almost had a bond with several guys there. They were in the same boat as me,
being told to come here and no questions asked. So they were as 'what the f*** am I doing here' attitude as me.
One of them was Jimmy, and the other was Tom. They are both very funny... Like 'funny c**t' funny. We basically
just hung out through the rest of the camp. After the dinner, we got told to sit down and they told us what cabin
we got to live in for the duration. I was in cabin 4, with Jimmy. We were separated from Tom. Still, that doesn't
prevent us being smartasses in the camp The cabin was basically 4 sets of 4 bunk beds, 16 beds in total. Our room
contained 9 people max, the other would only have 12 people max, but with the people that didn't turn up I think
they probably also had 9 people as well. After that, we got back to the hall, and played the 'lets get to know each
other with 1 minute each time' game. Essentially, it's speed dating, except there's 21 (supposedly) guys and gals
and the time is much shorter. It became a shouting match because everybody was trying to chat with everybody, and
then swapping to the next person. So that was pretty fun but hectic. And repetitive as well, since you repeat what
you say essentially 20 times. But sometimes the girls didn't seem to be interested, and well, that's disheartening,
but hey that's life. I wasn't interested in most of them either, but I tried my best to make some friends. After
that, we played another game called 'Guess what'... It involves you writing your name on one piece of paper,
location on another, and an action on the last piece. This can have either weird or strange consequences. I was
REALLY out of it. I got second last, and it was singing. I don't sing. So I got forced to do a pole dance, except
I didn't want to pole dance. So I really made it a bad impression. But remember, I didn't really want to be there
in the first place. So I think I put the nail in my coffin. The next event was another guessing game, except this
time there were only 10 guys chosen. 5 guys in a row, all masked by Batman, but blinded. Looked really cool,
because there's different colors for each guy. Then there's 5 girls, who are gonna massage the guys, and the aim is
to massage the guy you're assigned. And the guy has to guess who massaged them the best. The first 5 had 3 guys
guessing right. Then I got chosen to go into the second group. Now, I had not known which girl was which at this
stage, so it was difficult already. Then the massage begins. Now, 3 girls were actually nice to me. One ticked
me. One was ABSOLUTELY EVIL to me. This girl basically slapped me hard. Like *smacked* hard. Also I got punched.
Almost as if the girl was out to get me. I nearly died of shock because I was being smacked so hard. Then she got
swapped so I was spared. None of us got it right though... and there wasn't another round after that -_-". I asked
around to see if they remember who slapped me, and NOBODY can remember! Geez... talk about a bad start huh. We then
got separated into groups for next day's activities. I was in group 3. We had 4 girls and 3 guys, since one of the
guys had to leave... So for supper, we had to think about what we're doing tomorrow, which was saturday. We had to
think of a group name, and a catchcry. Well... the second nail was in place, we couldn't think of anything cool.
So we chose "JJ". Why? because we happened to have both of the guys (excluding me) named Jerry. Hows that for
planning, or lack of? The girls couldn't think of something interesting either. So it was pretty bad. We were
doomed to fail. Of course, winning isn't everything. It's just some movie tickets. That you can go with your
group. I didn't need to go watch movies with people, since well, it's not something that you would do in a group
situation, with people you hardly know. It would be better in, say, a dinner or party situation. But that's the
prize. Anyways the catchcry was rather lame as well. Compared to the other groups, they really put a lot of effort
into theirs.
Anyways, our camp coordinators were called Caroline and Michelle. I don't know if they are actually sisters, but
they act like it. Also there were another sister group in the camp, but I didn't realise that till later. Caroline
hates me from the start, because I didn't put 100% into participating. I can't blame her tho, she's already
engaged, and she wants everybody to have fun. I tend to not have fun in these kind of situations... By that time
(midnight) it was raining, and we went back to our cabins. Except nobody wants to sleep. So there was a big game
of cards. Of course, some guys were already tired, so they tried their best to sleep, and succeeded in one case.
They played some games that I didn't know, then it got bigger, even some girls joined in. One of them got my
attention... but I was too tired to join in the fun. One of the games was "Snap", which each player gets a stack of
cards, and if the number in sequence was the same as the card put down, you had to slap the card, and the last
player gets the cards. The one who has to most card loses. The girl who got my attention was very funny, she kept
slapping even though she lost. The girls didn't like getting slapped that many times and their hands were red to
show to the guys... hehe expecting sympathy of course :) I was on the top bunk just looking down, because I
actually worked really hard during the day and have no energy. I think they finished around 2am. Then they left
and we tried to go sleep. Except two guys in the next cell (each 4 bunk beds = one cell, each cabin has 4 cells)
decided to talk about female anatomy and facial features for the next hour or so. We (me and Jimmy) didn't get to
sleep because we were trying hard not to laugh... those guys (James and Jerry) are also funny. So, after they shut
up, we slept. Till 4 hours later when we were woken up.
Saturday. 7:30. Damn it's raining and humid. AND COLD. And the lack of sleep isn't helping. So we got up, and
used the amenities, and then had breakfast. The free time after breakfast was used to think of what we were gonna
do for the catchcry. Ours was just to scream it out. But even that's lame. So we had the games straight after.
The games is the process to get scores to get the prize, which is a movie ticket. That doesn't interest me at all.
That means I actually have to find time to use it. And then to get to the cinema. And then watch the movie. When
all I have to do is... um... look it it from a different alternative.
The thing about this camp was that the girls are a bit perverted. They want people to pole dance. "Tiao gung wu".
And the first event was to see which group can pole dance the best. Except that there's no pole. The guys (and
girls) are poles, and they swap and dance. Again, our group was the lamest, because we had the least people. One
group, who had James, was the best. James basically did a flip and had Stephen spin him around (while he's upside
down) so he actually looks like he's spinning down the pole. Except the funniest thing happened. His pants
actually pulled down (rather, he slid out of them), and then his underwear too. The girls literally screamed
because they can see his a$$. Hahaha I think everybody laughed. They got full marks. Then the catchcry came, and
well... it was bad as well. Ours I mean. We got that out of the way... and then played some games.
There were 6 games originally. One game got cancelled because it was deemed too dangerous. Holding a spoon in your
mouth isn't good, OH&S wise. So there were 5 games. 1) Pick up rubber bands with a toothpick. 2) Step on other
people's balloons. 3) Three-legged race 4) Mime-Guess and 5) Blow ping pong balls. 1) was easy, just try to
manipulate the toothpick to pick up the rubber bands. 5) was to blow ping ping balls on a bed of flour (nasty) and
try to land it to the next bowl. To get points. 4) was to guess what the person is miming. The best one was our
group, Jerry can really mime. He got spiderman down pat. Of course, the guessers were good as well. 3) is self-
explainatory. 2) was the event where I hurt my leg. I have been hobbling along for 2 days now, my foot still
hurts. Of course, I don't whine too much, but it does hurt when I walk, and I walk alot in the warehouse. Needless
to say, each competitor has a balloon next to their foot, and the aim is to pop the opposing team's balloons. We
won, by 3. One team was so good that they survived with 6 balloons. So it was a fun but rather suicidal game. We
were jumping around and stomping, it was that crazy. Thats why I hurt my foot because we stomped so much and so
hard. But it was fun. Our team, after the score tally, came equal last. Then it was Lunch time. Then we had a
presentation about posture and etiquette. Pretty interesting stuff. Then it was a short discussion about why we
were getting married later and if we were for/against having a de facto relationship/having sex before marriage kind
of thing. Most of it was boring, but you can see who thought what. Some were straight laced, others were casual.
It's interesting. Then after that, we had dinner. I'm telling you, there's like 5 meals a day here. Too much food
and it's fattening. After dinner, we had 1.5 hours to get dressed for the main event. Dancing. Taught by some
parents who goes dancing. The difference between guys and girls are... Guys can take 10 mins shower, and 10 mins
dressing up. And is ready. So we literally were waiting for 20 mins before 7:30 before we went and showered and
changed. But the girls... well they literally took 1.7 hours. Shower, and then dressing up/makeup. All the guys
were down there practicing the first dance for 10 mins before the girls rocked up. Then we danced for 1.5 hours,
had 3 kinds of dance, and then it was supper. Except it was so boring that we all left the centre and went to the
city. Except the straight laced people. They stayed behind and played cards, or went to bed early. Jimmy however
had to work on Sunday (like wtf man, why work on Sunday??? crazy mofo). So didn't catch him later. I was with the
group that went into the city to drink and dance. I had my first hard drink. Scotch and coke. It burns your
throat but after a while you'll get used to it. And I don't get drunk as well, which is weird. First I don't get
awake with coffee, but tired (and some of the guys has the same effect at the camp, I'm so relieved that I'm not the
only one) and now I don't really get drunk unless I drink a lot of hard liquor. Except that's what happens to our
family. My grandfather apparently can finish a bottle of the stuff and not feel anything. That's either strong or
weird. Anyways, after that, about an hour later, we came out and I was nearly deaf. Couldn't hear a thing. After
that we went to Wolloomoloo (sp?) and everybody except a few had hotdogs and pies. I wasn't hungry and one of the
guys actually slept in the car because he was tired after dancing. But the time was 2:30am, there were around 50-60
people around this place, called "Harry de Wheels". There were also seagulls awake at this place, because they can
eat the scraps and not sleep. Or maybe they can sleep during the day. Being nocturnal. NOT. After spending half
and hour, we went back and got to sleep. For 4 hours. This time, it was raining and I got woken up by the rain.
Sunday morning. 7:30 am. Lunch finishes at 9:30. I got up nearly an hour after waking up. And had a quick brush of the teeth and wash of the face and I was the 4th guy in the dining hall/kitchen. 1 guy already had 1 plate of breakfast, 2 girls just starting. "Where's everybody"? "Sleeping" was the answer. I got a plate of food and sat down. Then one of the 2 girls gave me a present. I was surprised to say the least. Because of the games, we had to buy a present for the opposite sex. This was a thank you present, because you're supposed to look out for your guarded 'name' on the paper when we first arrived. I think I talked to her once at the intro, but didn't get to talk to her much later. But she obviously knew who I was... so I thanked her and rushed back to my room and got her present, because she wasn't staying after breakfast. After that, about 9:20am, the girls all came in. Then the guys. In the end, it was 9:40 and then we were supposed to have another presentation about 'life' in the hall. 10 mins already gone by, and he didn't have so much pressure to tell everything he knew. But it was an interesting talk again. It's about how to make your world a more interesting place. I got asked who (girlwise) I liked in this camp, and I said nobody. I think I got more people to not like me... which is ok I guess. Tom though I was pretty evil there too... Which is funny because I thought I liked some girl... but they weren't that interested in me. So after that, we had to pack our stuff out of the cabins and into our vehicles. And then we had lunch. Originally it was to be a bbq, but then it was raining, so they bought some food which they cooked at home (they = parents, and the women's association who arranged the camp) and we had a chat and ate. Then it was time to go. My bro actually got dropped off by his gf, because they live close, and since I was that tired, I let my bro drive. So I got home around 1 and then unpacked, and surfed the net etc. Then crashed out for a nap, waking up around 8:30 and taking an hour to eat dinner because I was telling my parents generally about the camp. Overall the camp was pretty good, but I think they could've organised it a bit better. Somewhere remote would've been funny because we wouldn't be able to sneak out and party. But that means you'll be spending more time with people that you might not be interested in. But the main purpose of this camp was for them (the same definition as above) to find bfs for their daughters. I think maybe not this year. Better luck next year. Meanwhile, I was thinking about this girl who got my attention, but I didn't get hers. Even the girl at work knows her and how she is a christian and stuff. She's defiantely not in my list to chase after now :P The more I hear of her, the more it seems like there's more things I don't like... like my bro knows her sister, and that their mum wants a doctor to be her bf/hubby. Well being a doc to chase a girl seems like something stupid to me. But then I'm not gonna chase her so it's alright... She might be a nun or something in the future...
Monday. Back to normal. Or not. It seems like one of the casuals is heading back to HK for a holiday, and I will get put into his position, which was my old position, more than 10 months ago. John will be put into my position, and Bruce will stay in the same position. Therefore, it will be hell when it gets busy. But apparently it won't be too busy, so it's alright.
And it's raining hard now. 12:12 and I'm still awake. Damn I'm so stupid to start this marathon blog so late. Oh well. Till next time...
just gone by.
It was the day of Friday. Everything was fine and dandy. Work was fairly easy, it was a near end of month week,
and I managed to get everything finished before 4:30. So I said to my supervisor I will go early, he agreed and
said I can leave when it was quiet. So, it was quiet at 4:45 and I left. Nothing bad happened on the way home, I
got my stuff and then dropped my bro off at the station. It was weird that I was fighting traffic on the opposite
way from work though... people must leave work early on a Friday I guess. I stop-started for about 30 mins then a
good run, then stop-started the rest of the way. Arriving at 6:30, there were plenty of cars in the carpark at
Naamaroo, but I managed to find one space to park. And so the fun begins.
Dinner was a lunchbox. There were two flavours, one was 'ru ro' (baised pork), the other was 'pai gu' (pork steak).
Immediately when we got there, I almost had a bond with several guys there. They were in the same boat as me,
being told to come here and no questions asked. So they were as 'what the f*** am I doing here' attitude as me.
One of them was Jimmy, and the other was Tom. They are both very funny... Like 'funny c**t' funny. We basically
just hung out through the rest of the camp. After the dinner, we got told to sit down and they told us what cabin
we got to live in for the duration. I was in cabin 4, with Jimmy. We were separated from Tom. Still, that doesn't
prevent us being smartasses in the camp The cabin was basically 4 sets of 4 bunk beds, 16 beds in total. Our room
contained 9 people max, the other would only have 12 people max, but with the people that didn't turn up I think
they probably also had 9 people as well. After that, we got back to the hall, and played the 'lets get to know each
other with 1 minute each time' game. Essentially, it's speed dating, except there's 21 (supposedly) guys and gals
and the time is much shorter. It became a shouting match because everybody was trying to chat with everybody, and
then swapping to the next person. So that was pretty fun but hectic. And repetitive as well, since you repeat what
you say essentially 20 times. But sometimes the girls didn't seem to be interested, and well, that's disheartening,
but hey that's life. I wasn't interested in most of them either, but I tried my best to make some friends. After
that, we played another game called 'Guess what'... It involves you writing your name on one piece of paper,
location on another, and an action on the last piece. This can have either weird or strange consequences. I was
REALLY out of it. I got second last, and it was singing. I don't sing. So I got forced to do a pole dance, except
I didn't want to pole dance. So I really made it a bad impression. But remember, I didn't really want to be there
in the first place. So I think I put the nail in my coffin. The next event was another guessing game, except this
time there were only 10 guys chosen. 5 guys in a row, all masked by Batman, but blinded. Looked really cool,
because there's different colors for each guy. Then there's 5 girls, who are gonna massage the guys, and the aim is
to massage the guy you're assigned. And the guy has to guess who massaged them the best. The first 5 had 3 guys
guessing right. Then I got chosen to go into the second group. Now, I had not known which girl was which at this
stage, so it was difficult already. Then the massage begins. Now, 3 girls were actually nice to me. One ticked
me. One was ABSOLUTELY EVIL to me. This girl basically slapped me hard. Like *smacked* hard. Also I got punched.
Almost as if the girl was out to get me. I nearly died of shock because I was being smacked so hard. Then she got
swapped so I was spared. None of us got it right though... and there wasn't another round after that -_-". I asked
around to see if they remember who slapped me, and NOBODY can remember! Geez... talk about a bad start huh. We then
got separated into groups for next day's activities. I was in group 3. We had 4 girls and 3 guys, since one of the
guys had to leave... So for supper, we had to think about what we're doing tomorrow, which was saturday. We had to
think of a group name, and a catchcry. Well... the second nail was in place, we couldn't think of anything cool.
So we chose "JJ". Why? because we happened to have both of the guys (excluding me) named Jerry. Hows that for
planning, or lack of? The girls couldn't think of something interesting either. So it was pretty bad. We were
doomed to fail. Of course, winning isn't everything. It's just some movie tickets. That you can go with your
group. I didn't need to go watch movies with people, since well, it's not something that you would do in a group
situation, with people you hardly know. It would be better in, say, a dinner or party situation. But that's the
prize. Anyways the catchcry was rather lame as well. Compared to the other groups, they really put a lot of effort
into theirs.
Anyways, our camp coordinators were called Caroline and Michelle. I don't know if they are actually sisters, but
they act like it. Also there were another sister group in the camp, but I didn't realise that till later. Caroline
hates me from the start, because I didn't put 100% into participating. I can't blame her tho, she's already
engaged, and she wants everybody to have fun. I tend to not have fun in these kind of situations... By that time
(midnight) it was raining, and we went back to our cabins. Except nobody wants to sleep. So there was a big game
of cards. Of course, some guys were already tired, so they tried their best to sleep, and succeeded in one case.
They played some games that I didn't know, then it got bigger, even some girls joined in. One of them got my
attention... but I was too tired to join in the fun. One of the games was "Snap", which each player gets a stack of
cards, and if the number in sequence was the same as the card put down, you had to slap the card, and the last
player gets the cards. The one who has to most card loses. The girl who got my attention was very funny, she kept
slapping even though she lost. The girls didn't like getting slapped that many times and their hands were red to
show to the guys... hehe expecting sympathy of course :) I was on the top bunk just looking down, because I
actually worked really hard during the day and have no energy. I think they finished around 2am. Then they left
and we tried to go sleep. Except two guys in the next cell (each 4 bunk beds = one cell, each cabin has 4 cells)
decided to talk about female anatomy and facial features for the next hour or so. We (me and Jimmy) didn't get to
sleep because we were trying hard not to laugh... those guys (James and Jerry) are also funny. So, after they shut
up, we slept. Till 4 hours later when we were woken up.
Saturday. 7:30. Damn it's raining and humid. AND COLD. And the lack of sleep isn't helping. So we got up, and
used the amenities, and then had breakfast. The free time after breakfast was used to think of what we were gonna
do for the catchcry. Ours was just to scream it out. But even that's lame. So we had the games straight after.
The games is the process to get scores to get the prize, which is a movie ticket. That doesn't interest me at all.
That means I actually have to find time to use it. And then to get to the cinema. And then watch the movie. When
all I have to do is... um... look it it from a different alternative.
The thing about this camp was that the girls are a bit perverted. They want people to pole dance. "Tiao gung wu".
And the first event was to see which group can pole dance the best. Except that there's no pole. The guys (and
girls) are poles, and they swap and dance. Again, our group was the lamest, because we had the least people. One
group, who had James, was the best. James basically did a flip and had Stephen spin him around (while he's upside
down) so he actually looks like he's spinning down the pole. Except the funniest thing happened. His pants
actually pulled down (rather, he slid out of them), and then his underwear too. The girls literally screamed
because they can see his a$$. Hahaha I think everybody laughed. They got full marks. Then the catchcry came, and
well... it was bad as well. Ours I mean. We got that out of the way... and then played some games.
There were 6 games originally. One game got cancelled because it was deemed too dangerous. Holding a spoon in your
mouth isn't good, OH&S wise. So there were 5 games. 1) Pick up rubber bands with a toothpick. 2) Step on other
people's balloons. 3) Three-legged race 4) Mime-Guess and 5) Blow ping pong balls. 1) was easy, just try to
manipulate the toothpick to pick up the rubber bands. 5) was to blow ping ping balls on a bed of flour (nasty) and
try to land it to the next bowl. To get points. 4) was to guess what the person is miming. The best one was our
group, Jerry can really mime. He got spiderman down pat. Of course, the guessers were good as well. 3) is self-
explainatory. 2) was the event where I hurt my leg. I have been hobbling along for 2 days now, my foot still
hurts. Of course, I don't whine too much, but it does hurt when I walk, and I walk alot in the warehouse. Needless
to say, each competitor has a balloon next to their foot, and the aim is to pop the opposing team's balloons. We
won, by 3. One team was so good that they survived with 6 balloons. So it was a fun but rather suicidal game. We
were jumping around and stomping, it was that crazy. Thats why I hurt my foot because we stomped so much and so
hard. But it was fun. Our team, after the score tally, came equal last. Then it was Lunch time. Then we had a
presentation about posture and etiquette. Pretty interesting stuff. Then it was a short discussion about why we
were getting married later and if we were for/against having a de facto relationship/having sex before marriage kind
of thing. Most of it was boring, but you can see who thought what. Some were straight laced, others were casual.
It's interesting. Then after that, we had dinner. I'm telling you, there's like 5 meals a day here. Too much food
and it's fattening. After dinner, we had 1.5 hours to get dressed for the main event. Dancing. Taught by some
parents who goes dancing. The difference between guys and girls are... Guys can take 10 mins shower, and 10 mins
dressing up. And is ready. So we literally were waiting for 20 mins before 7:30 before we went and showered and
changed. But the girls... well they literally took 1.7 hours. Shower, and then dressing up/makeup. All the guys
were down there practicing the first dance for 10 mins before the girls rocked up. Then we danced for 1.5 hours,
had 3 kinds of dance, and then it was supper. Except it was so boring that we all left the centre and went to the
city. Except the straight laced people. They stayed behind and played cards, or went to bed early. Jimmy however
had to work on Sunday (like wtf man, why work on Sunday??? crazy mofo). So didn't catch him later. I was with the
group that went into the city to drink and dance. I had my first hard drink. Scotch and coke. It burns your
throat but after a while you'll get used to it. And I don't get drunk as well, which is weird. First I don't get
awake with coffee, but tired (and some of the guys has the same effect at the camp, I'm so relieved that I'm not the
only one) and now I don't really get drunk unless I drink a lot of hard liquor. Except that's what happens to our
family. My grandfather apparently can finish a bottle of the stuff and not feel anything. That's either strong or
weird. Anyways, after that, about an hour later, we came out and I was nearly deaf. Couldn't hear a thing. After
that we went to Wolloomoloo (sp?) and everybody except a few had hotdogs and pies. I wasn't hungry and one of the
guys actually slept in the car because he was tired after dancing. But the time was 2:30am, there were around 50-60
people around this place, called "Harry de Wheels". There were also seagulls awake at this place, because they can
eat the scraps and not sleep. Or maybe they can sleep during the day. Being nocturnal. NOT. After spending half
and hour, we went back and got to sleep. For 4 hours. This time, it was raining and I got woken up by the rain.
Sunday morning. 7:30 am. Lunch finishes at 9:30. I got up nearly an hour after waking up. And had a quick brush of the teeth and wash of the face and I was the 4th guy in the dining hall/kitchen. 1 guy already had 1 plate of breakfast, 2 girls just starting. "Where's everybody"? "Sleeping" was the answer. I got a plate of food and sat down. Then one of the 2 girls gave me a present. I was surprised to say the least. Because of the games, we had to buy a present for the opposite sex. This was a thank you present, because you're supposed to look out for your guarded 'name' on the paper when we first arrived. I think I talked to her once at the intro, but didn't get to talk to her much later. But she obviously knew who I was... so I thanked her and rushed back to my room and got her present, because she wasn't staying after breakfast. After that, about 9:20am, the girls all came in. Then the guys. In the end, it was 9:40 and then we were supposed to have another presentation about 'life' in the hall. 10 mins already gone by, and he didn't have so much pressure to tell everything he knew. But it was an interesting talk again. It's about how to make your world a more interesting place. I got asked who (girlwise) I liked in this camp, and I said nobody. I think I got more people to not like me... which is ok I guess. Tom though I was pretty evil there too... Which is funny because I thought I liked some girl... but they weren't that interested in me. So after that, we had to pack our stuff out of the cabins and into our vehicles. And then we had lunch. Originally it was to be a bbq, but then it was raining, so they bought some food which they cooked at home (they = parents, and the women's association who arranged the camp) and we had a chat and ate. Then it was time to go. My bro actually got dropped off by his gf, because they live close, and since I was that tired, I let my bro drive. So I got home around 1 and then unpacked, and surfed the net etc. Then crashed out for a nap, waking up around 8:30 and taking an hour to eat dinner because I was telling my parents generally about the camp. Overall the camp was pretty good, but I think they could've organised it a bit better. Somewhere remote would've been funny because we wouldn't be able to sneak out and party. But that means you'll be spending more time with people that you might not be interested in. But the main purpose of this camp was for them (the same definition as above) to find bfs for their daughters. I think maybe not this year. Better luck next year. Meanwhile, I was thinking about this girl who got my attention, but I didn't get hers. Even the girl at work knows her and how she is a christian and stuff. She's defiantely not in my list to chase after now :P The more I hear of her, the more it seems like there's more things I don't like... like my bro knows her sister, and that their mum wants a doctor to be her bf/hubby. Well being a doc to chase a girl seems like something stupid to me. But then I'm not gonna chase her so it's alright... She might be a nun or something in the future...
Monday. Back to normal. Or not. It seems like one of the casuals is heading back to HK for a holiday, and I will get put into his position, which was my old position, more than 10 months ago. John will be put into my position, and Bruce will stay in the same position. Therefore, it will be hell when it gets busy. But apparently it won't be too busy, so it's alright.
And it's raining hard now. 12:12 and I'm still awake. Damn I'm so stupid to start this marathon blog so late. Oh well. Till next time...
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Hot Saturday
It's hot today. After a couple of days that were cool, it's been hot. Lately I've been playing Need For Speed:Most Wanted demo, and it plays fine, because my computer is cool. But then when I played it today, it rebooted my machine. It simply put my comp's temperature (inside the box) to above 60 degrees. The average temperature in there on a normal day is around 37 or so, but when I played NFSMW, it got around 60 and basically the computer just couldn't handle it, and rebooted. I need better cooling I guess.... but I turned up the fan in the computer, still that couldn't take away the heat? Strange. So I won't play the game during the hotness of the day I guess.
This is the weekend before I will be going to a camp. Needless to say, it's gonna be a weird experience. Will they expect me to be able to understand all the chinese/taiwanese spoken? Or to speak chinese/taiwanese? I have no idea. I can speak mandarin and listen to taiwanese... but both aren't good at all. And the camp is for volunteering... ah... I wonder what will happen to me.
Last week Saturday, my bro got engaged to his long time gf... I think they were going out for less than a year but got told they were going out for more than 3? Is my memory really that bad? I remembered there was another girl in that bro's life, and that wasn't more than 4 years ago. Or has time really gone by quickly? Anyways, the ceremony was that we got there at an auspicious time, showed them the pressies (that my bro and his fiance bought together, of course) and then had a tea drinking ceremony (can't drink all of the tea...), then they put rings on each other's fingers, and then the opposite parents (my mum to her, her dad to him) gave them pressies as well. Matching watches and etc. Then after that, we went to a restraunt. Just before the end of eating, we left without saying a word. It was pretty weird... We just stood up and left. It's meant to say that we're now officially together as a big family, and thus no need to say goodbye or anything like that. Of course, the guests (around 20 odd people) also got told of this before the day, so they were pretty quiet when we left... rather cold I must say, but then again, this 'big' engagement is rather weird. Most people get engaged without pomp and ceremony, and have a big wedding, but chinese have a big engagement and they can have a small wedding, if they want. Or a big banquet/traditional chinese wedding. I don't know what they'll do tho. It's just weird that they want to have a big ceremony.
Work has been very quiet lately. It seems to have died off this month. Next week is still not EOM, but the week after is. Now EOM actually ends on the ACTUAL date of the month. Not the weekend. So it shouldn't impact my camp in anyway. I told my supervisor already. He can't force me to come... and I can't come anyways, with the camp going over the weekend. However I got to tease my colleague because he's been giving rides home to a girl that has managed to crash her car, trashing her radiator and perhaps the engine or something. He's gotten sick of it, but I haven't... This week he's given 3 rides, however he didn't give a ride on Friday arvo. I'm dissappointed. However, I believe that I'm such a nice friend >:D He told me to give her a ride, but with her living the opposite way away from work, no frigging way. Petrol prices aren't cheap. And I have the camp to look forward to... even my colleague thinks I should take one to the xmas party. Hm... would that be too soon? I don't know, it seems like I'm going ahead of myself too much. From nothing to something... it takes time.
Musically, I've been listening to Jay Chou's "November's Chopin"... it's quite alright to me. I also like Younha's "Go! Younha" album. Other than that, the English market isn't quite as interesting to me.
Anime, Bleach is still going good. I also watched some others, like Animal Yokocho, Karin, Lamune (which actually supposed to be "Lemonade") and Ginban Kaliedescope. A healthy mixure of the weird and funny.
J-Drama, well, since Densha Otoko has finished, I decided to take on a new one which is also starred by the actress who played "Hermes". This time, she plays an older sister who's like an airhead, but enjoys life, to a younger bro who's cynical and doesn't know why she's there to piss him off. It's pretty funny to see the "serious" Hermes play a funny girl. Will be watching this one till it finishes, of course. Also, in DO, there's the evil girl who I called "evil sl*t" because she is evil and well, "eats" with anybody who's in a position of power. However, she also acted in a movie I watched sometime this year, called "Swing Girls", the story about a jazz band made up of nobodies. I got that movie out and watched it again, and saw her as a not so evil music teacher. However, she still has the weird evil smile. Guess she can't change that... But at least she didn't "ROAR" in Swing Girls.. Phew.
Ah one more week... then who knows what will happen??? HMMMM...
This is the weekend before I will be going to a camp. Needless to say, it's gonna be a weird experience. Will they expect me to be able to understand all the chinese/taiwanese spoken? Or to speak chinese/taiwanese? I have no idea. I can speak mandarin and listen to taiwanese... but both aren't good at all. And the camp is for volunteering... ah... I wonder what will happen to me.
Last week Saturday, my bro got engaged to his long time gf... I think they were going out for less than a year but got told they were going out for more than 3? Is my memory really that bad? I remembered there was another girl in that bro's life, and that wasn't more than 4 years ago. Or has time really gone by quickly? Anyways, the ceremony was that we got there at an auspicious time, showed them the pressies (that my bro and his fiance bought together, of course) and then had a tea drinking ceremony (can't drink all of the tea...), then they put rings on each other's fingers, and then the opposite parents (my mum to her, her dad to him) gave them pressies as well. Matching watches and etc. Then after that, we went to a restraunt. Just before the end of eating, we left without saying a word. It was pretty weird... We just stood up and left. It's meant to say that we're now officially together as a big family, and thus no need to say goodbye or anything like that. Of course, the guests (around 20 odd people) also got told of this before the day, so they were pretty quiet when we left... rather cold I must say, but then again, this 'big' engagement is rather weird. Most people get engaged without pomp and ceremony, and have a big wedding, but chinese have a big engagement and they can have a small wedding, if they want. Or a big banquet/traditional chinese wedding. I don't know what they'll do tho. It's just weird that they want to have a big ceremony.
Work has been very quiet lately. It seems to have died off this month. Next week is still not EOM, but the week after is. Now EOM actually ends on the ACTUAL date of the month. Not the weekend. So it shouldn't impact my camp in anyway. I told my supervisor already. He can't force me to come... and I can't come anyways, with the camp going over the weekend. However I got to tease my colleague because he's been giving rides home to a girl that has managed to crash her car, trashing her radiator and perhaps the engine or something. He's gotten sick of it, but I haven't... This week he's given 3 rides, however he didn't give a ride on Friday arvo. I'm dissappointed. However, I believe that I'm such a nice friend >:D He told me to give her a ride, but with her living the opposite way away from work, no frigging way. Petrol prices aren't cheap. And I have the camp to look forward to... even my colleague thinks I should take one to the xmas party. Hm... would that be too soon? I don't know, it seems like I'm going ahead of myself too much. From nothing to something... it takes time.
Musically, I've been listening to Jay Chou's "November's Chopin"... it's quite alright to me. I also like Younha's "Go! Younha" album. Other than that, the English market isn't quite as interesting to me.
Anime, Bleach is still going good. I also watched some others, like Animal Yokocho, Karin, Lamune (which actually supposed to be "Lemonade") and Ginban Kaliedescope. A healthy mixure of the weird and funny.
J-Drama, well, since Densha Otoko has finished, I decided to take on a new one which is also starred by the actress who played "Hermes". This time, she plays an older sister who's like an airhead, but enjoys life, to a younger bro who's cynical and doesn't know why she's there to piss him off. It's pretty funny to see the "serious" Hermes play a funny girl. Will be watching this one till it finishes, of course. Also, in DO, there's the evil girl who I called "evil sl*t" because she is evil and well, "eats" with anybody who's in a position of power. However, she also acted in a movie I watched sometime this year, called "Swing Girls", the story about a jazz band made up of nobodies. I got that movie out and watched it again, and saw her as a not so evil music teacher. However, she still has the weird evil smile. Guess she can't change that... But at least she didn't "ROAR" in Swing Girls.. Phew.
Ah one more week... then who knows what will happen??? HMMMM...
Monday, November 07, 2005
Um.. so what's new in the world of me? Saturday gone by, worked from 7am till 2:30pm, to stocktake. There were about 4 pairs of people there to stocktake, and the process still took that long. Last time we had 2 pairs and it was up till 5pm or something. The reconcilation of the stock against the system takes the longest time. Things have to be added and removed, and well, I wasn't the one stuck with the job this time around. It's been 2 weeks since I got my Creative Zen Vision - a deal which to me was pretty good. $660 including shipping. Considering that it costs $700+ in the shops, it's pretty good. The only problem I had with it was that... I took out the power in our house on Saturday morning. I left the charger of the Vision in, and when I unplugged it, it went 'poof' and a big spark jumped, and all the computers and shit turned off. Oh-oh, I thought, this isn't good at all... I turned on the lights, they worked, so I had to go outside at 6am and find the safety and turn it back on. Lucky everything turned back on. I think I'll have to find another way to charge my player. The charger is of the dodgy design. Made in China, what do you expect? It was making a loud buzzing noise before I unplugged it as well -_-".
With less than a week to go to my bro's engagement, my bro is still in the states at a dodgy conference (he said so himself) and I just find it funny that they have such bad organisational skills for an international gathering. But he seems to be ok, afterall, it's his second time there. I've never been to the states *sobs* and I have no reason to, yet. He'll be back on thursday, have friday to prepare and saturday will be the big day. Or whatever day. Sigh... no sleeping in that day either.
Today was a strange day to say the least. Not that I didn't expect it, but having both the pickers away (one had business, the other had to help pack up shit at a convention). So then I had no delivery to process till when they came back... And then when they came back, there was a heap of stuff... -_- Talk about weird stuff like that. There was also a big problem with one of our customers. We sent them a pallet of stuff for a show, and they've signed for it and everything, and they are denying that they've got it. After my supervisor's left for the day, he got called up 7 times. And each of the 7 times, he called back to the warehouse. I think I got fustrated after the 5th call -_-. He asked me about the connotes and all possibilities about the particular customer, what we shipped on the days surrounding. It was all good on our end. So I ended up a bit pissed off. But it was nothing compared to the end. We called up for our courier to drop off our convention stuff from the morning, and they literally came in late. After the finishing time. So I had to unload everything, and that made me OT till 6... sigh. Even if it was good money I wouldn't wanna OT in this way... Pain in the ass.
Hopefully it'll be ok tomorrow. The weather is getting cool... Weird isn't it... but it's nice. I washed the car on Sunday, and now it looks 80% already (meaning it's already dirty 20%). Parking under a tree that has birds on it during the day is not good. I really don't like taking care of the car, since it's not my pride and joy... my Vision however... it's my baby... Plus my computer of course ^^.
It looks like my Vision does charge via the USB port. I'm glad. :D
With less than a week to go to my bro's engagement, my bro is still in the states at a dodgy conference (he said so himself) and I just find it funny that they have such bad organisational skills for an international gathering. But he seems to be ok, afterall, it's his second time there. I've never been to the states *sobs* and I have no reason to, yet. He'll be back on thursday, have friday to prepare and saturday will be the big day. Or whatever day. Sigh... no sleeping in that day either.
Today was a strange day to say the least. Not that I didn't expect it, but having both the pickers away (one had business, the other had to help pack up shit at a convention). So then I had no delivery to process till when they came back... And then when they came back, there was a heap of stuff... -_- Talk about weird stuff like that. There was also a big problem with one of our customers. We sent them a pallet of stuff for a show, and they've signed for it and everything, and they are denying that they've got it. After my supervisor's left for the day, he got called up 7 times. And each of the 7 times, he called back to the warehouse. I think I got fustrated after the 5th call -_-. He asked me about the connotes and all possibilities about the particular customer, what we shipped on the days surrounding. It was all good on our end. So I ended up a bit pissed off. But it was nothing compared to the end. We called up for our courier to drop off our convention stuff from the morning, and they literally came in late. After the finishing time. So I had to unload everything, and that made me OT till 6... sigh. Even if it was good money I wouldn't wanna OT in this way... Pain in the ass.
Hopefully it'll be ok tomorrow. The weather is getting cool... Weird isn't it... but it's nice. I washed the car on Sunday, and now it looks 80% already (meaning it's already dirty 20%). Parking under a tree that has birds on it during the day is not good. I really don't like taking care of the car, since it's not my pride and joy... my Vision however... it's my baby... Plus my computer of course ^^.
It looks like my Vision does charge via the USB port. I'm glad. :D
Monday, October 31, 2005
It's gonna be a busy month
So... the weekend shortened one hour of sleep for me, daylight savings kicked in. Then today, the last day of October, 2005, I spent a fruitful 3.5 hours doing orders. Past 5:30 pm, of course. Then at the end of this week, we're gonna have an End of Year stocktake. No sale, just stocktake. With shipments coming and going, a whole 3 or more months has gone by and we didn't do a stocktake. Several stock has indeed gone out of wack, as with the usual problems, short shipment, mislocated stock, and general stupidity on part of the stores. That will be the first weekend used up. The second weekend will be just as fun. This time, I will be putting the suit in the last blog post to good use, at my bro's engagement party. Yay. It's gonna be hot, and we'll all be sweating our asses off in the hot sun. Maybe not. Then the weekend after that, it's pretty much a free time I think. Then the last weekend... I think everybody who I've told it to had a REALLY GOOD LAUGH at me. I get to spend $70 for 2 nights and 3 days with some of my own countrypeople right here in sydney. Except that they are the same as me, in the marital sense. Originally I heard it was 20 guys and 20 girls, aged between 25-30, and now I saw the ad in the paper, it became 25 guys and 25 girls, between 23-32. So, I think because of the lack of male interest (my colleague seems to wanna go, even tho he is attached... I told him that the girl at work is available, and that shut him up straight away :P) They are trying to broaden the spectrum so more guys will be attracted and attend. The girls spaces have already been filled up. I guess they are more worried about the girls not getting a bf/hubby or something... So yeah... I've told some of my work colleagues, and they had a good laugh, I told a couple of online friends, and they had a good laugh as well. The whole problem isn't my fault, my dad signed me up... I told him that I'll start looking for a gf next year... but seems like he's worried about me not finding a gf or something... and thus taken this drastic measure to take away my weekend away from me :P Not that I do much on the weekend, I usually catch up on my sleep. Being a workaholic and all. So, I shall do whatever, and hopefully something interesting will happen on the last weekend of this month.
Monday, October 24, 2005
All dressed and not going anywhere...
For my bro's engagement, which is happening soon, there's a load of activity. And one of them involves me buying a suit, which I did today. We went to DFO, Direct Factory Outlet, which has a lot of discounted goods, mainly clothes. My suit cost $130, and my other bro's suit cost him around $200 or so. The quality is apparent because mine was more gray, and his was more black. Doesn't really matter, since I hardly will use this suit anyways in the future... *sigh*.

And in case you were wondering, I am wearing shorts :P

And in case you were wondering, I am wearing shorts :P
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
what's going on?
It's been a good while since I last put my thoughts to keyboard... Work is work, and well, I'm always home around 6pm... that is, after the hustle and bustle of End of Month (EOM). Every EOM, I always have to do OT and well that makes more $$, but I'm tired. But now I don't make as much $$ and is less tired, I get to go home on the dot at 5:30 and enjoy relaxing at home. Then EOM arrives... soon :P.
Tomorrow, both the guys that deal with the in-out of service stuff have a day off. That means it's bad news for me. Since I am the only other guy who knows how to do it (apart from the worthless guy who wants to pass on the crap that he gets) so I have to help out with the service shit. Needless to say, it should only be tomorrow. Great, I haven't done any service roles for about 10 months or so now... so I might not be able to do well. Oh well it's their problem, not mine. Meanwhile, John will take over my position, and Bruce will do all the manual labour.
What's with people and relationships anyways? My bro is getting engaged (isn't he in a hurry... the other bro (who's younger than him) got a gf earlier but still no sign of getting engaged, but these 2, they are gonna get engaged... after maybe less than a year together? hmmm...) sometime in the second week of November, so I have to go and buy a suit. Yay. I am getting asked by my parents why aren't I getting a gf yet, and my reply is that I'm helping them paying off the house... if I get a gf then how will I help then... :P The other 2 brothers, though they help in paying off the house, are hardly around. The one that's around, he pays the least. The one getting engaged, he's at his gf's most of the time because of reasons which I can't say on this blog. Also my colleague wants to hook me up with a girl. And my brothers also. And then my future sis-in-law also wants to as well. And... it's just weird. I can't be getting old and requiring a gf? I like my own space... :P Plus the girls at work... they kinda freak me out... I walked past them and they asked why I walk through that section of the building... I find that's the quickest way out of the building, but they just find it strange... well they are strange themselves. WHO CARES ABOUT WHICH WAY I WALK THROUGH THE BUILDING???? weirdos.
Also today was a quiet day, till 5:20. This massive, 2 page order came down. Knowing my luck, it'll hit the fan tomorrow and I will be a busy, busy man.
I reckon that I might start looking for a gf next year, after our debts have been paid. Watch out, wallet. You won't be the same...
Tomorrow, both the guys that deal with the in-out of service stuff have a day off. That means it's bad news for me. Since I am the only other guy who knows how to do it (apart from the worthless guy who wants to pass on the crap that he gets) so I have to help out with the service shit. Needless to say, it should only be tomorrow. Great, I haven't done any service roles for about 10 months or so now... so I might not be able to do well. Oh well it's their problem, not mine. Meanwhile, John will take over my position, and Bruce will do all the manual labour.
What's with people and relationships anyways? My bro is getting engaged (isn't he in a hurry... the other bro (who's younger than him) got a gf earlier but still no sign of getting engaged, but these 2, they are gonna get engaged... after maybe less than a year together? hmmm...) sometime in the second week of November, so I have to go and buy a suit. Yay. I am getting asked by my parents why aren't I getting a gf yet, and my reply is that I'm helping them paying off the house... if I get a gf then how will I help then... :P The other 2 brothers, though they help in paying off the house, are hardly around. The one that's around, he pays the least. The one getting engaged, he's at his gf's most of the time because of reasons which I can't say on this blog. Also my colleague wants to hook me up with a girl. And my brothers also. And then my future sis-in-law also wants to as well. And... it's just weird. I can't be getting old and requiring a gf? I like my own space... :P Plus the girls at work... they kinda freak me out... I walked past them and they asked why I walk through that section of the building... I find that's the quickest way out of the building, but they just find it strange... well they are strange themselves. WHO CARES ABOUT WHICH WAY I WALK THROUGH THE BUILDING???? weirdos.
Also today was a quiet day, till 5:20. This massive, 2 page order came down. Knowing my luck, it'll hit the fan tomorrow and I will be a busy, busy man.
I reckon that I might start looking for a gf next year, after our debts have been paid. Watch out, wallet. You won't be the same...
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
I'm back
So, what else is new? I've been back 2 days and it doesn't really felt like I've left. Brissie isn't such a different place, especially with the hustle and bustle that is life, on the weekend... I still can't believe I was in Bris... Anyways, this is how it went down...
Friday, I didn't do any OT... was out of there like a rocket bang on 5:30pm. Got home, about 2 mins before my brother got home. Had a quick dinner, my bro didn't have dinner, he just had some focaccia (dunno spelling) with his gf. He didn't want to drop me off at the airport too late, even though I was catching the 9:30. So it ended up that I got there at about 8 or so... had to kill time for 1 hour and a bit. I checked in my bag, and then walked through the security gates. No problems there. Then a few meters on, I got called up by one of the security people to have a random 'explosives' check. I guess I look like a terrorist. Or something. Being asian and all. But yeah, the guy scanned my hands and pockets for explosives, and then my bag. I'm clean. So I walked to the designated gate, and it was still 10 mins or so before the flight before mine leaves... Still a lot of people there. I went to sit another gate's lounge and watched a bit of the rugby. Also to listen to my mp3s. Recently I'm addicted to Ayumi Hamasaki... Don't know why, but she's really cute, but hey, I don't understand a word she sings. Her album "My Story" has some nice ballads in it, and the concert even shows her crying during one of her songs. Must be a sensitive subject for her to be crying while singing... Nice songs include "Carols" "Moments" and "Walking Proud". Rocking songs include "Humming 7/4" and "About You". The rest are ok. Anyways, the plane arrived on time, and departed on time. And then arrived on time in Bris, without any problems. Which is good.
Brisbane. Arrived at 10:30, and got out of the plane and down to baggage claim. Saw my friend which I haven't saw for 4 years and his gf, who is also my friend, that I probably haven't seen in about 2 years. As he commented in the car, its the first time that us 3 met in real life. Amazing isn't it. Considering that I knew momo for a long time, and wooks for a fairly shorter time, but in the college it felt like a long time. Momo drove and dropped me off, she went back to her place cos she was tired. So it was around 12 before we really started to chat. I also met wooks' flatmates, Joey and Roy. Then I crashed on the mattress thinking that the temperature was nice. Except that at about 4am, the upstairs neighbours came back from whatever they were doing. A bunch of noisy gals. And it was suddenly cool, so I wore more clothes. I was caught out that evening, pretty bad isn't it. Lucky I didn't catch a cold. Woke up about 9ish, but still felt a bit crap from that 4am wakeup... So tried to catch a bit more catch eye. Except the flatmates were awake and offered me breakfast... which I accepted, since I was a bit starved. Very generous of them. Then wooks decided to take me around to other college people's places, since they all practically live on the same street... So we had a mini reunion of sorts, also around 4 years that I haven't seen them. Except that most of the time I didn't get to hang out with them. But it's still cool to see some familiar faces. We hung out at around 3 different places, going here and there and meeting about 7 people all up. Then we went to have laksa nearby, 4 people went, then we went back to one of the people's place to decide what to do, and finally decided to catch the Citycat (a Brissie Ferry) to Southbank and check out the markets. I was at that time a bit anxious, since it was about 15 mins to get to southbank and 15 back, so had to get back earlier to change and get to the reunion at 5pm. Which didn't happen, because of the fact that they decided to drink at 4pm in a pub at southbank. I didn't drink, but I did tell wooks that it's getting late, but he said "we'll go at 4:30"... -_- Well, we went at 4:30, and I didn't get to the school till 5:25. I walked around trying to find people, and the last place was the 'new' Gymnasium. And I managed to find them. Spent about 5 mins touring the gym, then the tour ended. So we had to make our way to The Regatta. We had 5 people in our 'mini-group', and we couldn't get a big taxi, so 2 went by taxi, and 3 got a lift with one other who was going to the reunion. He's a lawyer, so he was driving a nice set of wheels. We got to the reunion early, so people started buying drinks and well, drinking. Then the reunion started officially at 7pm, and it went till midnight, where our function room was closed and we had to go back downstairs to the general pub. By then, it was full of people having a good time, and well, I was really tired, plus I didn't drink, and well, I didn't feel like dancing or picking up any girl. So I walked back to wook's flat. It was (strange coincidence) right opposite the Citycat stop. So I knew how to get back. Plus being sober helped. If I was drunk, maybe I wouldn't remember anything. Never tried drinking till drunk, so there's still any sort of possiblity it can happen.
Sunday, it was such a lazy day in, we went out to have lunch after waking up late, then came back to his flat to play PS2. Burnout 3 is a fun game, makes me almost considering getting a PS2 plus the game, just to play it. But it would be such a waste... -_- So maybe not. We played for almost 3 hours or so, unlocking many levels along the way as well. It truly is a fun game. Then it came around to 6pm, nearly time for me to go. I packed my bags and we had the final dinner at a Coffeeclub, I had calamari and chips + ice mocha, while momo had pasta and wooks had pizza + lemon spider. It was pretty good actually. Then I actually couldn't believe it, me and wooks hugged... I guess he's pretty keen for that kind of stuff... He walked back home, while momo drove me to the airport. I shook hands with her and thanked her and him, and got back into the terminal. This time the flight wasn't on time, because it was raining hard while we were going to the airport. But it departed 5 mins late, but still arrived Sydney on time. And I had to wait for 30 mins before my bro can pick me up (slow ass driver). Also it was funny because we managed to beat the rain in as well. Got home about 11:30, and that was the end of the trip. All in all it was fun, I met people that I haven't seen in a while, and I would definately go back for a 20 year reunion. Hey I might even drink by that time :P
Statistics... 240 students in year 12, 50 turned up for school tour, 70 turned up at reunion, one smart guy stopped being a Physiotherapist to become a priest. Go figure.
Friday, I didn't do any OT... was out of there like a rocket bang on 5:30pm. Got home, about 2 mins before my brother got home. Had a quick dinner, my bro didn't have dinner, he just had some focaccia (dunno spelling) with his gf. He didn't want to drop me off at the airport too late, even though I was catching the 9:30. So it ended up that I got there at about 8 or so... had to kill time for 1 hour and a bit. I checked in my bag, and then walked through the security gates. No problems there. Then a few meters on, I got called up by one of the security people to have a random 'explosives' check. I guess I look like a terrorist. Or something. Being asian and all. But yeah, the guy scanned my hands and pockets for explosives, and then my bag. I'm clean. So I walked to the designated gate, and it was still 10 mins or so before the flight before mine leaves... Still a lot of people there. I went to sit another gate's lounge and watched a bit of the rugby. Also to listen to my mp3s. Recently I'm addicted to Ayumi Hamasaki... Don't know why, but she's really cute, but hey, I don't understand a word she sings. Her album "My Story" has some nice ballads in it, and the concert even shows her crying during one of her songs. Must be a sensitive subject for her to be crying while singing... Nice songs include "Carols" "Moments" and "Walking Proud". Rocking songs include "Humming 7/4" and "About You". The rest are ok. Anyways, the plane arrived on time, and departed on time. And then arrived on time in Bris, without any problems. Which is good.
Brisbane. Arrived at 10:30, and got out of the plane and down to baggage claim. Saw my friend which I haven't saw for 4 years and his gf, who is also my friend, that I probably haven't seen in about 2 years. As he commented in the car, its the first time that us 3 met in real life. Amazing isn't it. Considering that I knew momo for a long time, and wooks for a fairly shorter time, but in the college it felt like a long time. Momo drove and dropped me off, she went back to her place cos she was tired. So it was around 12 before we really started to chat. I also met wooks' flatmates, Joey and Roy. Then I crashed on the mattress thinking that the temperature was nice. Except that at about 4am, the upstairs neighbours came back from whatever they were doing. A bunch of noisy gals. And it was suddenly cool, so I wore more clothes. I was caught out that evening, pretty bad isn't it. Lucky I didn't catch a cold. Woke up about 9ish, but still felt a bit crap from that 4am wakeup... So tried to catch a bit more catch eye. Except the flatmates were awake and offered me breakfast... which I accepted, since I was a bit starved. Very generous of them. Then wooks decided to take me around to other college people's places, since they all practically live on the same street... So we had a mini reunion of sorts, also around 4 years that I haven't seen them. Except that most of the time I didn't get to hang out with them. But it's still cool to see some familiar faces. We hung out at around 3 different places, going here and there and meeting about 7 people all up. Then we went to have laksa nearby, 4 people went, then we went back to one of the people's place to decide what to do, and finally decided to catch the Citycat (a Brissie Ferry) to Southbank and check out the markets. I was at that time a bit anxious, since it was about 15 mins to get to southbank and 15 back, so had to get back earlier to change and get to the reunion at 5pm. Which didn't happen, because of the fact that they decided to drink at 4pm in a pub at southbank. I didn't drink, but I did tell wooks that it's getting late, but he said "we'll go at 4:30"... -_- Well, we went at 4:30, and I didn't get to the school till 5:25. I walked around trying to find people, and the last place was the 'new' Gymnasium. And I managed to find them. Spent about 5 mins touring the gym, then the tour ended. So we had to make our way to The Regatta. We had 5 people in our 'mini-group', and we couldn't get a big taxi, so 2 went by taxi, and 3 got a lift with one other who was going to the reunion. He's a lawyer, so he was driving a nice set of wheels. We got to the reunion early, so people started buying drinks and well, drinking. Then the reunion started officially at 7pm, and it went till midnight, where our function room was closed and we had to go back downstairs to the general pub. By then, it was full of people having a good time, and well, I was really tired, plus I didn't drink, and well, I didn't feel like dancing or picking up any girl. So I walked back to wook's flat. It was (strange coincidence) right opposite the Citycat stop. So I knew how to get back. Plus being sober helped. If I was drunk, maybe I wouldn't remember anything. Never tried drinking till drunk, so there's still any sort of possiblity it can happen.
Sunday, it was such a lazy day in, we went out to have lunch after waking up late, then came back to his flat to play PS2. Burnout 3 is a fun game, makes me almost considering getting a PS2 plus the game, just to play it. But it would be such a waste... -_- So maybe not. We played for almost 3 hours or so, unlocking many levels along the way as well. It truly is a fun game. Then it came around to 6pm, nearly time for me to go. I packed my bags and we had the final dinner at a Coffeeclub, I had calamari and chips + ice mocha, while momo had pasta and wooks had pizza + lemon spider. It was pretty good actually. Then I actually couldn't believe it, me and wooks hugged... I guess he's pretty keen for that kind of stuff... He walked back home, while momo drove me to the airport. I shook hands with her and thanked her and him, and got back into the terminal. This time the flight wasn't on time, because it was raining hard while we were going to the airport. But it departed 5 mins late, but still arrived Sydney on time. And I had to wait for 30 mins before my bro can pick me up (slow ass driver). Also it was funny because we managed to beat the rain in as well. Got home about 11:30, and that was the end of the trip. All in all it was fun, I met people that I haven't seen in a while, and I would definately go back for a 20 year reunion. Hey I might even drink by that time :P
Statistics... 240 students in year 12, 50 turned up for school tour, 70 turned up at reunion, one smart guy stopped being a Physiotherapist to become a priest. Go figure.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
A week to go...
So, in a week's time I'll be up to my old haunting grounds, where I was for 5 years. My Alma Mater. The other place that I was at for 5 years, well they have a monthly meeting in sydney for all the sydneysiders, so it's nothing special, but for my HS, it's a 10 year reunion. So, I've got my plane tickets pre-booked, my accomodation hopefully remembered (I'm crashing at a mate's place) and my reunion... ready. I haven't really seen them for more than 5 years actually... not since I got into uni...
So what else is new about me? I got a haircut. Though I do get a haircut once in a while, it doesn't really change me. My computer is still good, the HDD space is getting less and less, but then again, HDD are cheaper and cheaper nowdays. If I max out my system, I can get a total of 4TB. 4000 GB. Thats if I buy 10 x 400 GB drives. But that's overkill, for now. (Yes, my motherboard has 8 SATA plugs and the standard 4 IDE ports.) But my bro has bought a new HDD today, 300GB worth of goodness. He's still not at the 1TB stage. Still, he's maxed out at 4 HDDs, 2 SATA and 2 IDE... being a older mobo and all... I'm glad mine is a little bit futureproofed... for maybe 1 year? :P
Anime, I haven't been really watching the new ones, but I started getting into Initial D again... so now I'm nearly finished season 4. What I've got of it, that is... The rest, is out there somewhere. My bro has other anime and thats why he needs the HDD space. It'll be about 2 months or so before he starts complaining about space again...
Also I've been playing with models... paper ones. From the "entertainment" section of the Yamaha website. Soon I'll have a bike! yay! After nearly a month of cutting out tiny parts and gluing them together... I'll have this paper bike. Pics will come, if I want to take them. :P
May the people of New Orleans have peace once more, it's terrible.
So what else is new about me? I got a haircut. Though I do get a haircut once in a while, it doesn't really change me. My computer is still good, the HDD space is getting less and less, but then again, HDD are cheaper and cheaper nowdays. If I max out my system, I can get a total of 4TB. 4000 GB. Thats if I buy 10 x 400 GB drives. But that's overkill, for now. (Yes, my motherboard has 8 SATA plugs and the standard 4 IDE ports.) But my bro has bought a new HDD today, 300GB worth of goodness. He's still not at the 1TB stage. Still, he's maxed out at 4 HDDs, 2 SATA and 2 IDE... being a older mobo and all... I'm glad mine is a little bit futureproofed... for maybe 1 year? :P
Anime, I haven't been really watching the new ones, but I started getting into Initial D again... so now I'm nearly finished season 4. What I've got of it, that is... The rest, is out there somewhere. My bro has other anime and thats why he needs the HDD space. It'll be about 2 months or so before he starts complaining about space again...
Also I've been playing with models... paper ones. From the "entertainment" section of the Yamaha website. Soon I'll have a bike! yay! After nearly a month of cutting out tiny parts and gluing them together... I'll have this paper bike. Pics will come, if I want to take them. :P
May the people of New Orleans have peace once more, it's terrible.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Hows this for cool...
This is a keyboard that outputs and inputs. Talk about a boy's toy, it looks to be very interesting. Only problem is, the software will have to provide drivers to actually change the pics on the fly. What happens in games, for example Battlefield, is that when you get into a vehicle or plane, the controls change. The software will have to change the keyboard's graphics, which for now is pretty radical. But it might be normal in the future. Very interesting indeed.
Oh and work sux, blah blah blah. I'm still wondering if I'll be able to go to ATI's launch event on saturday... because I'll be doing some OT...
Oh and work sux, blah blah blah. I'm still wondering if I'll be able to go to ATI's launch event on saturday... because I'll be doing some OT...
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Trials and tribulations
Ah... it's the second day of my new computer, and well, it's been one hell of a build. Bios, memory, and the general shebang. It's not too shabby, if I say so myself. I haven't fried any components (yet) and I won't do it just yet I hope. More research will be needed, and well, it'll be an interesting experience. If I don't come back on after a while, you'll know that I'm A) too engrossed with the new computer and not doing much online B) had my computer hijacked by something C) still trying to move stuff across the drives. I shall be back!
Sunday, July 17, 2005
I knew I saw that face somewhere... and other stories
I watched the Initial-D live action movie a couple of days ago. The main female in it was very familiar. Then I was surfing around some websites (as you do when u're bored) and I saw 'Return Future (Korean version)'. What's that? I thought it was a sequal to Returner, a movie from 2002 but I watched either this or last year. And then it hit me. The main female in Returner is the same one as the main girl in Initial-D! The girl is Anne Suzuki. Not too bad, but I thought she was a little chubby. Oh well.
War of the worlds wasn't too bad. Lots (and I mean lots) of CG and it's very well done. The snake looking thing reminded me of "The Abyss".
Sin City was very violent, bloody and good. Lots of near naked chicks. If u're the type to wince at blood, stay away.
Batman Begins wasn't what I expected, but it was ok. It was more 1 person vs 1 person, rather than Batman kicking a lot of asses. Then again, he was trying to take on many many jail prisoners in the beginning, so it was ok.
On Anime watching, Bleach was great, Ichigo kicked Ken-chan's ass. Don't know how, but it's always left as a cliffhanger.
Gokujou Setokai is a funny story concerning a school president who will become an arrogant and snobby woman if they don't win a futsal practice match. Of course that's not it, its more to do with this girl who has a puppet on her hand which isn't controlled by her.
Yakitate!! Japan's newer episodes hasn't been released... I wanna see more...
Shuffle! is about a guy who lives with his neighbour since his parents and the neighbour's mum got killed in an accident. And then finds out that he has the choice to become a god or a demon. Funny, but needs to see more before I can comment.
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid is a new one, I haven't watched it, but it's a continuation of the other Full Metal Panic series. It's back to the serious style rather than the comic style of Fumoffu!. I'll watch it soon.
Kamichu is also a new anime, and it has a very cute girl that says that she became a god one evening. And is not sure of what kind of god she is. But it's a cute anime. I'll see how it goes on, but I'm enjoying it so far.
Honey and Clover has already hit the 12-13 episode mark, and I look forward to every episode. It is that interesting and silly and funny that I can't wait to see what happens next. Of course, there's some drama involved (thus the OP is named 'Dramatic' and sung by Yuki. I was looking for Yuki stuff on Yesasia when I found that Return Future was Returner, and surprised that the main girl was the same one in Initial-D... you get the picture?)
He is My Master is a silly and funny series about 2 girls that work as maids in a kid's mansion. His parents died, and they were rich, so he dreams all day to make the girls his. One of the girls is extremely cute, but weird. She owns an alligator/crocodile. She can also jump straight into a death metal rock concert. Singing "I am a cute maid" and the audience going 'die! die! die'. It's really weird. But funny at the same time.
There's a lot of anime but I can't be stuffed typing it out.
On other news, I've commited to buying a new computer. Previously, I've commited $1500 to the parts. That then blew out to $1800. Now I'm actually gonna spend over $2000. Am I crazy? Yeah. I sit in front of a computer all day at work, and I'll do so when I don't work. I don't have a gf, so yeah, spending this amount of money is justifiable :D (or justifyable...).
CPU: AMD AMD64 Socket 939 Venice 3200+
Motherboard: DFI Lanparty UT NF4 SLI-DR. I hope this has some rounded cables, if not, I'll have to spend more $$... *sigh*
Memory: Previously I wanted to get some OCZ Performance CL2 for around 185. It would give me the supposed timing of 2-3-3-6. Corsair has the Twinx-3200C2 with the same timings. But it was around $195. $10 more, and I don't know how much it will overclock. But the OCZ has sold out, so I will get the Corsair modules. They offered me OCZ Winbond UTT Value ram for 180 but I think the timings are 2.5-4-4-8. So I think I will try my luck with Corsair...
Video Card: I will get the Leadtek 6600GT Extreme edition. Simply because I want to. It's not futureproofing, since it's in the lower bracket. Any 6800 version card is simply too much $$ for my tastes. If I wanted to save money, I could go for a dodgy card, but I want to be able to play games decently.
HDD: 250GB SATA. Doesn't matter which brand. 300 if cheap. 'nuff said. Will get more in the later stages. Same as the video card. If they go out of stock, too bad.
Case: I had a really big toss-up between Antec's P160WF and P180. There were only 8 bucks difference. P180 looks sleek and really good. Like a fridge. P160WF doesn't look that good in my books, but it's meant to be quiet, and comes with a clear side panel. Since my motherboard is UV reactive... I'll get some lighting in there and make it look cool. JUST BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT! My bro says that it's a waste, I'll never go to any Lan party to impress anybody, well, I don't mind. It's my new baby when I build it and I'll get 3 years from it. I hope. :P
PSU: Antec's Trueblue2.0 480W. Simply because it has a blue light. Nah, it's cheap and it has ATX2.0 specs. 480 might be a little less, but I think it'll be ok for now.
HDTV Card: Compro DVB-T300. Simply it's accepting both analogue and digital signals. And it's not bad, at 130.
Cooling: Coolermaster Aquagate Mini 120R. Plus Antec's Artic Silver 5 thermal compound. So I can overclock.
So, am I a geek? Or I'm just somebody that has too much time on his hands? *rubs hands gleefully* ho ho. That's $2000 of sweet loving already. And I'll get some UV lights and decals. It'll be a mean machine when I'm done with it. I swear.
Also, the newest Harry Potter book has been released. People has been lining up since the break of dawn to get their copies in their cold hands. But some other people just walk into Myer (a store franchise) and bought the book $3 more than the normal bookstore. And walked by the 200 people lining up and saying 'Suckers!!'. Even one of them considered reading the last page aloud in front of the 200 people. That's pretty funny :P But what's even funnier was that I did a torrent search for the book, downloaded the torrent, open the torrent, and had the book within 1 MINUTE. All without breaking a sweat. Of course, it's illegal, but that's the power of the net...
My bro would probably get the book soon too...
War of the worlds wasn't too bad. Lots (and I mean lots) of CG and it's very well done. The snake looking thing reminded me of "The Abyss".
Sin City was very violent, bloody and good. Lots of near naked chicks. If u're the type to wince at blood, stay away.
Batman Begins wasn't what I expected, but it was ok. It was more 1 person vs 1 person, rather than Batman kicking a lot of asses. Then again, he was trying to take on many many jail prisoners in the beginning, so it was ok.
On Anime watching, Bleach was great, Ichigo kicked Ken-chan's ass. Don't know how, but it's always left as a cliffhanger.
Gokujou Setokai is a funny story concerning a school president who will become an arrogant and snobby woman if they don't win a futsal practice match. Of course that's not it, its more to do with this girl who has a puppet on her hand which isn't controlled by her.
Yakitate!! Japan's newer episodes hasn't been released... I wanna see more...
Shuffle! is about a guy who lives with his neighbour since his parents and the neighbour's mum got killed in an accident. And then finds out that he has the choice to become a god or a demon. Funny, but needs to see more before I can comment.
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid is a new one, I haven't watched it, but it's a continuation of the other Full Metal Panic series. It's back to the serious style rather than the comic style of Fumoffu!. I'll watch it soon.
Kamichu is also a new anime, and it has a very cute girl that says that she became a god one evening. And is not sure of what kind of god she is. But it's a cute anime. I'll see how it goes on, but I'm enjoying it so far.
Honey and Clover has already hit the 12-13 episode mark, and I look forward to every episode. It is that interesting and silly and funny that I can't wait to see what happens next. Of course, there's some drama involved (thus the OP is named 'Dramatic' and sung by Yuki. I was looking for Yuki stuff on Yesasia when I found that Return Future was Returner, and surprised that the main girl was the same one in Initial-D... you get the picture?)
He is My Master is a silly and funny series about 2 girls that work as maids in a kid's mansion. His parents died, and they were rich, so he dreams all day to make the girls his. One of the girls is extremely cute, but weird. She owns an alligator/crocodile. She can also jump straight into a death metal rock concert. Singing "I am a cute maid" and the audience going 'die! die! die'. It's really weird. But funny at the same time.
There's a lot of anime but I can't be stuffed typing it out.
On other news, I've commited to buying a new computer. Previously, I've commited $1500 to the parts. That then blew out to $1800. Now I'm actually gonna spend over $2000. Am I crazy? Yeah. I sit in front of a computer all day at work, and I'll do so when I don't work. I don't have a gf, so yeah, spending this amount of money is justifiable :D (or justifyable...).
CPU: AMD AMD64 Socket 939 Venice 3200+
Motherboard: DFI Lanparty UT NF4 SLI-DR. I hope this has some rounded cables, if not, I'll have to spend more $$... *sigh*
Memory: Previously I wanted to get some OCZ Performance CL2 for around 185. It would give me the supposed timing of 2-3-3-6. Corsair has the Twinx-3200C2 with the same timings. But it was around $195. $10 more, and I don't know how much it will overclock. But the OCZ has sold out, so I will get the Corsair modules. They offered me OCZ Winbond UTT Value ram for 180 but I think the timings are 2.5-4-4-8. So I think I will try my luck with Corsair...
Video Card: I will get the Leadtek 6600GT Extreme edition. Simply because I want to. It's not futureproofing, since it's in the lower bracket. Any 6800 version card is simply too much $$ for my tastes. If I wanted to save money, I could go for a dodgy card, but I want to be able to play games decently.
HDD: 250GB SATA. Doesn't matter which brand. 300 if cheap. 'nuff said. Will get more in the later stages. Same as the video card. If they go out of stock, too bad.
Case: I had a really big toss-up between Antec's P160WF and P180. There were only 8 bucks difference. P180 looks sleek and really good. Like a fridge. P160WF doesn't look that good in my books, but it's meant to be quiet, and comes with a clear side panel. Since my motherboard is UV reactive... I'll get some lighting in there and make it look cool. JUST BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT! My bro says that it's a waste, I'll never go to any Lan party to impress anybody, well, I don't mind. It's my new baby when I build it and I'll get 3 years from it. I hope. :P
PSU: Antec's Trueblue2.0 480W. Simply because it has a blue light. Nah, it's cheap and it has ATX2.0 specs. 480 might be a little less, but I think it'll be ok for now.
HDTV Card: Compro DVB-T300. Simply it's accepting both analogue and digital signals. And it's not bad, at 130.
Cooling: Coolermaster Aquagate Mini 120R. Plus Antec's Artic Silver 5 thermal compound. So I can overclock.
So, am I a geek? Or I'm just somebody that has too much time on his hands? *rubs hands gleefully* ho ho. That's $2000 of sweet loving already. And I'll get some UV lights and decals. It'll be a mean machine when I'm done with it. I swear.
Also, the newest Harry Potter book has been released. People has been lining up since the break of dawn to get their copies in their cold hands. But some other people just walk into Myer (a store franchise) and bought the book $3 more than the normal bookstore. And walked by the 200 people lining up and saying 'Suckers!!'. Even one of them considered reading the last page aloud in front of the 200 people. That's pretty funny :P But what's even funnier was that I did a torrent search for the book, downloaded the torrent, open the torrent, and had the book within 1 MINUTE. All without breaking a sweat. Of course, it's illegal, but that's the power of the net...
My bro would probably get the book soon too...
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Back to work
Another day, another dollar. Work is work. And some people commented on my haircut. One even said 'you dropped your ears?' haha funny :P Some others called it Funky. I dunno. Anyways, I'm tired for some reason, by not doing anything at all I guess. Or the lack of sleep, one of the two. Also I had to stay behind, because somebody forgot to put the keys back. They took the keys home. So I stayed behind to guard the warehouse, till somebody found a spare set in the office. Then I went home. The bad thing about today was that they were digging up the front of our 'strip' of land, to build a garden. And they were using some powerful manure. Really strong, when the wind came and blew it into the warehouse, everybody went 'phwoah!! what the hell was that!!' It stinks. But you get used to it. Well, at least I got used to it. Having lived on a farm before. But alot of these city slickers don't know how to block out the smell. So they were complaining for many many hours.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Public Holiday
Well it's a public holiday. The queen has a birthday, and all her peons celebrate her bday. What happens when she leaves us, does the date get changed? Only time will tell. So, it's a lazy day. Watched Hostage. Yesterday, watched Unleashed. I think Unleashed is more fun than Hostage. Though, Unleashed is not for the faint of heart. Lots of ultra-violence. And asskicking. Definately ass kicking. Thats why it was more fun. Hostage was more thriller, and well, there were some surprises there. Bruce Willis is pretty good, and the girl who was a hostage, she was a bit overweight. Thats just my observation.
Anyways, on Saturday I did OT from 7am till 6pm. It's a record I think. It makes up for today's pay.
Yesterday, talked to somebody who I've not talked to for a long time. She moved house, thats why I didn't see her for a couple of weeks. She was talking about how she is getting scared that she's getting older, and still not in a relationship. And she doesn't wanna be single when she's 30. And then saying that I (me) am alright until I'm 40. Yeah, if I'm still single at 30, I'll be a monk then I guess. I also saw a net friend's pic of her trip back to Taiwan and France and now she's in London. In France there was a pic of her bf, and she quickly deleted the pic. Saying that she hasn't asked him yet. I don't know if they had taken pics together yet tho... If they did, she doesn't dare to put them up yet. But a cute canadian boy and taiwanese girl... thats nothing to be ashamed of... maybe she's scared of her parents... But then I know somebody else who's been telling me of her friend who's also in a relationship with a canadian... and she's taiwanese... so it must be a popular choice? I dunno :P
Anyways, on Saturday I did OT from 7am till 6pm. It's a record I think. It makes up for today's pay.
Yesterday, talked to somebody who I've not talked to for a long time. She moved house, thats why I didn't see her for a couple of weeks. She was talking about how she is getting scared that she's getting older, and still not in a relationship. And she doesn't wanna be single when she's 30. And then saying that I (me) am alright until I'm 40. Yeah, if I'm still single at 30, I'll be a monk then I guess. I also saw a net friend's pic of her trip back to Taiwan and France and now she's in London. In France there was a pic of her bf, and she quickly deleted the pic. Saying that she hasn't asked him yet. I don't know if they had taken pics together yet tho... If they did, she doesn't dare to put them up yet. But a cute canadian boy and taiwanese girl... thats nothing to be ashamed of... maybe she's scared of her parents... But then I know somebody else who's been telling me of her friend who's also in a relationship with a canadian... and she's taiwanese... so it must be a popular choice? I dunno :P
Friday, June 10, 2005
F0oking Biatch.
Before I had one other time in the warehouse that I had a shouting match. Today was the second time. This time, it was with a service support person. There is only one female support person, and well, she thinks she's top sh*t. She always uses the excuse 'combine with *name* order', and even if there's no order to combine, she'll raise a big ruckus. And this time, she yelled and screamed, so naturally I yelled back. Needless to say, the 4 other people in the near vincinity were trying to either A) calm us down or B) trying not to notice it. What makes me amazed is her attitude. She says I got an attitude problem. Well, I'm not the person to get stuff from other people and not return any favours. I've let her borrow my anime, and she has not done anything for me at all. And she has the guts to say I got an attitude problem. Well f*ck that. She can go get f*cked. And I mean it. If she wants to say she will talk to upstairs people and my supervisor, feel free. She can't control me, only my supervisor can. She is just a little potato, but she felt like she can control people. So, she can get screwed. If things come down to me, I will quit. Simple, they can get John to take over, but hell I'm doing so much shit that I'll be wondering how well the next person to take over my position (it's not a job) fares. And the fun thing about it is... Tomorrow I have to OT. at 7am. And they didn't give us Double time for the last month, but they gave it to the other casual. My colleague says that we got 75ed. And then when I came home and told my mum, she said exactly the same. We got 75ed. Only problem is, the payroll guy goes on hols till 20th June. Damn this company. Damn it to hell. Going into Complementary Partnership with a failing mobile fone maker doesn't mean that its great, it treats the people in the warehouse like dogs. And the people in service have more of an attitude problem than the warehouse people. If I leave, I leave with no regrets, since I done nothing wrong. And they'll get their Karma.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
now they tell me...
I've been using the 'new' system that they had for couriers for about 2 weeks now... or maybe 1 week. But needless to say, it's a bi*ch to use. Labels don't stay landscape, and manifest are only available if u choose the sender. Our company. and that was only when they told me today. So the past few days/weeks I've been manually creating a manifest just for the normal day. Each day. Also I've started saving the connotes onto the network because somebody was complaining about the amount of emails they get for... nothing. Fine. They don't want my kindness, they can get my coldness instead. Also I think I should have my own phone, because almost all the warehouse calls are for me! Like what the hell is going on, if the fone rings, "Ken!" they'll yell out. F*ck can't u see I'm busy? No? Tell them to bugger off. Also they're trying their best (and not succeding) in trying to hook me up with this girl. No way, she's definately not my type. And they'll keep on going. But they will never succeed. Because I'm the master and they don't know how to turn things around :P
Friday, May 27, 2005
It's end of month. What else to expect other than 'to ship everything out'. That means practically 400 orders. Today. Except this time I had somebody stay behind to help me. If I was to do it all by myself, it would've probably taken me past midnight... -_- But lucky we got all the orders under control and we were outta there by 9. Except that we had some problems because some of the orders weren't shipped out... But the orders were never given to us. So yeah, it was very weird. Needless to say, we invoiced the orders, so now the next step is to... pick and sticker them. Yay. Thats what saturday is for. OT. Start at 7am. Fun oh fun. And I thought I didn't have to OT ever again... boy was I wrong. I need to take a holiday or something... *sighs*
Sunday, May 22, 2005
An addition
Congratulations! It's a brand old car! My brothers went and got a car. The older one is well... old. It's been backed into by some other driver, and the back bumper has almost fallen off. Thats why they've been looking for another car to replace it. Well, now they got a Subaru Impreza LX. In green. 1995 model, which makes it 10 yrs old. For some price which I don't know about. Anyways, they will get the old one taken away for free, maybe for some $$ as well. It's crap. I don't think anybody would pay much for it anyways. But this new car looks ok, except that A) it doesn't have power windows B) It doesn't have CD. It's a very basic model. Also I got a talking to by my dad, to wash and wax the car. I'm too lazy to wax the car, so I washed it. Then I'll get some wax next week maybe. Then it'll be waxed. But I think I cleaned enough today...
Saturday, May 21, 2005
I'm not a lazy person by nature. Well, I can be lazy if I really wanted to, but when it comes to work, I'm usually not lazy. So it was with great (?) surprise that on Friday (Yesterday), I overslept. 1 hour to be exact. How? I got shaken awake by my dad. I looked at him, and looked at my alarm clock. He says to me, it's 9am. I thought he was joking. Naturally I wasn't awake, but when I looked at my clock, it slowly registered that I was late. I quickly got up, and both my clock and watch was saying 9am. My dad had got up 8:30 and noticed that the car was still at home... so he went to my room and woke me up. Lucky for me, otherwise I would've slept till 1pm or something :P I called my colleague and said that I overslept, but due to bad mobile line or whatever, he misheard me and told everybody in the warehouse I was in a car accident! Like hell I was! he called me back 10 mins later and asked if I was alright... I said huh? I only overslept! And he goes oh! shit! and goes tell everybody later. So when I turned up at 10am, half of the guys I met asked if I was ok, and if my car was ok. The other half asked if I had woken up. My supervisor even called me "Noddy". *Sobs* such is the life of a warehouse guy. :P Work then was normal, one of the slower days. Hopefully next week can be slow, but I think it'll be a loooonnng week. Anyways, what I think happened was that I was doing many days of OT, going home late, and simply staying up too late. And I had told myself, if I went to bed at that time, I wouldn't wake up for a long time. That night, I went to bed an hour earlier than usual, and still managed to wake up late... Guess something's wrong with my body, or all the work's making me really tired.
Today, my mum came back from Brissie, after one week visiting friends and rellos there. My uncle from Japan also went, because his sons are now both studying there in Brisbane as well. He goes back on Monday, and my bro wants to buy some Kendo gear (he's taken up Kendo now...) and since its near where my uncle lives, send it there, and get my uncle to send it as a gift. No tax, which will save I don't know how much $$. But yeah, they went to Tangalooma ( I think) and had fun for 1 day. Except my mum, who had a mouthful of sand when she sand sled... and rolled... everybody was worried but she was ok, just has sand in her mouth and throat... -_- Should've given her a face mask (like SARS) and then she would be ok. Because she (and everybody who goes sand sliding) yells... with the mouth wide open. hahaha :P
My mum bought back some goodies from my uncle. There's some snacks, but I don't know if it's savoury or sweet. Looks like chips...
One of the things that I did wrong today was to use the wrong spoon. My dad made some 'cover rice', which is just making vege and meat in a thick soup, and then pouring that over rice. Then you mix the rice, just like curry. And eat it. Well, my bro bought some Tapioca starch balls, and cooked them. Then, when my mum called, he took the spoon with him to the fone, and since the water was still boiling, I went and took the spoon for the 'cover rice' and mixed the Tapioca with it. It's oily, and well, I couldn't taste any difference, but I think that was one event my family wouldn't forget... Sad isn't it... :P And the Tapioca (zen zhu) were nice, fragrant. My mum even got a 3kg bag of it from the Brisbane uncle. He was going to give her more than 3kg... but 3kg is pretty heavy afterall... :P
I watched "The Jacket" today. It's an interesting story, about a guy who can travel to the future in his mind, and then use the information gleaned from the future to help the present. Except that he knows that he will die, so he tries to see if he can survive in the future without dying. Interesting idea, and not bad. I give it maybe 8/10.
More stuff will come soon, but I'm tired.
Today, my mum came back from Brissie, after one week visiting friends and rellos there. My uncle from Japan also went, because his sons are now both studying there in Brisbane as well. He goes back on Monday, and my bro wants to buy some Kendo gear (he's taken up Kendo now...) and since its near where my uncle lives, send it there, and get my uncle to send it as a gift. No tax, which will save I don't know how much $$. But yeah, they went to Tangalooma ( I think) and had fun for 1 day. Except my mum, who had a mouthful of sand when she sand sled... and rolled... everybody was worried but she was ok, just has sand in her mouth and throat... -_- Should've given her a face mask (like SARS) and then she would be ok. Because she (and everybody who goes sand sliding) yells... with the mouth wide open. hahaha :P
My mum bought back some goodies from my uncle. There's some snacks, but I don't know if it's savoury or sweet. Looks like chips...
One of the things that I did wrong today was to use the wrong spoon. My dad made some 'cover rice', which is just making vege and meat in a thick soup, and then pouring that over rice. Then you mix the rice, just like curry. And eat it. Well, my bro bought some Tapioca starch balls, and cooked them. Then, when my mum called, he took the spoon with him to the fone, and since the water was still boiling, I went and took the spoon for the 'cover rice' and mixed the Tapioca with it. It's oily, and well, I couldn't taste any difference, but I think that was one event my family wouldn't forget... Sad isn't it... :P And the Tapioca (zen zhu) were nice, fragrant. My mum even got a 3kg bag of it from the Brisbane uncle. He was going to give her more than 3kg... but 3kg is pretty heavy afterall... :P
I watched "The Jacket" today. It's an interesting story, about a guy who can travel to the future in his mind, and then use the information gleaned from the future to help the present. Except that he knows that he will die, so he tries to see if he can survive in the future without dying. Interesting idea, and not bad. I give it maybe 8/10.
More stuff will come soon, but I'm tired.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
I'm tired...
Woke up early to go for my drivers test. 8am. Went to the place at 8:45, and asked if I can sit the test today. No, they were fully booked. There's 2 free places right there. Obviously they don't wanna let me sit the test, but since I can only go on Saturdays (and next week I might have to OT... hmmm) I asked if there was any alternative. There was free space at 10. So, I went and did some shopping, for some light bulbs. 3 x $5.08 (8 cents extra? what the...). That ate up some $$. Went back to the motor registry, and a police car pulls over this guy... I drove by them and I see the car is moving weirdly... like the suspension was tweaked. Anyways, the booking for the license was $32. The actual exam takes place all on the computer, touch screen and all. 15 mins and I was done. Checked, and passed. Quite simple really. Then I paid $96 for the 3 year option. So yeah, it was the end of morning when I got home. Then the trouble starts.
My bro had gotten 2 drives from uni, they were 'supposedly' ok. So I wanted to test them. I turned off my Server computer. Big mistake. Now, it won't turn on properly anymore. Seems like 2 capacitors had leaked, and it was running on pure willpower alone. Afterall, it's been on for nearly 1 year completely. 24x7. The invoice was 19th of April 2004, which is already past one year. I had spent the better half of the afternoon and evening trying to get the HDD to work. To no avail. It's pretty much dead, it won't even spin up. And the mobo (my trusty (or not so trusty anymore)) - my beloved EPIA-M acts up. Sometimes it detects the HDD as random characters, or a DVD-Rom as random characters, or doesn't detect them at all. I'm a bit pissed off, since there's like 3 gb worth of stuff on there which I haven't got off -_-. Well, time to redownload I guess. Except that I don't have a dumping ground to do it on.
So, I've been spending time to relocate the ADSL modem to my bro's PC. Took some time but it works. Otherwise somebody'll be a bit pissed.
I think there's only 2 options here. One is to get a Router. That way nobody will be stuck without the net. Second option, to replace the broken server with another one. Either a Mini-PC again, or I buy a new PC for myself, and put the accessories on the new machine, and dump the old one as the server. I given it alot of thought... considering I spent a lot today...
I want to get a new PC. Justifiable? I hope so. I could save up and we can pay off the mortgage earlier, but I can splash out $1500 on myself for a spiffy new machine. Which will probably last me a couple of years. I've checked 3 online computer sites in sydney... prices are around the same, some are cheaper and closer to me, and others are a little more expensive but in the opposite direction. Here's what I've come up with...
AMD 64 Socket 939 Motherboard $153~874
AMD 64 Socket 939 CPU $222~792
$164 for Gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 - PCI-E
$222 for AMD 64 3000+
AGP: 256mb Minimum $115~200
PCI-E: $96~300
$234 for Leadtek Winfast 256MB PX6600 TD PCI-Express
IDE: 250GB $194
SATA: $199
$199 for Western Digital 250G 7200RPM 8MB SATA (WD2500JD)
$84 for 512mb Kingston
$134 for 1GB Hynix DDR3200 400MHz
$153 for GeIL DDR400 1GB Kit Value w/Heat Spreader
$169 for 1GB KIT DDR PC3200 400Mhz KingstonChoose
$153 for GeIL.
Case:Max $150 (I don't care as long as it's quiet)
Spending the least amount: $768 (no case, no router)
Need to get a Router. ($80~120)
Spending what I want to get: $972+120+150 = $1242. *whistles*
Spending the best: $2335... Nah I won't spend that much...
So it seems like I should put aside $1500 if I wish to go for a new computer. But first I need the router. Planning...
And the OT is limited now... oh how cruel this is...
I need sleep.
Woke up early to go for my drivers test. 8am. Went to the place at 8:45, and asked if I can sit the test today. No, they were fully booked. There's 2 free places right there. Obviously they don't wanna let me sit the test, but since I can only go on Saturdays (and next week I might have to OT... hmmm) I asked if there was any alternative. There was free space at 10. So, I went and did some shopping, for some light bulbs. 3 x $5.08 (8 cents extra? what the...). That ate up some $$. Went back to the motor registry, and a police car pulls over this guy... I drove by them and I see the car is moving weirdly... like the suspension was tweaked. Anyways, the booking for the license was $32. The actual exam takes place all on the computer, touch screen and all. 15 mins and I was done. Checked, and passed. Quite simple really. Then I paid $96 for the 3 year option. So yeah, it was the end of morning when I got home. Then the trouble starts.
My bro had gotten 2 drives from uni, they were 'supposedly' ok. So I wanted to test them. I turned off my Server computer. Big mistake. Now, it won't turn on properly anymore. Seems like 2 capacitors had leaked, and it was running on pure willpower alone. Afterall, it's been on for nearly 1 year completely. 24x7. The invoice was 19th of April 2004, which is already past one year. I had spent the better half of the afternoon and evening trying to get the HDD to work. To no avail. It's pretty much dead, it won't even spin up. And the mobo (my trusty (or not so trusty anymore)) - my beloved EPIA-M acts up. Sometimes it detects the HDD as random characters, or a DVD-Rom as random characters, or doesn't detect them at all. I'm a bit pissed off, since there's like 3 gb worth of stuff on there which I haven't got off -_-. Well, time to redownload I guess. Except that I don't have a dumping ground to do it on.
So, I've been spending time to relocate the ADSL modem to my bro's PC. Took some time but it works. Otherwise somebody'll be a bit pissed.
I think there's only 2 options here. One is to get a Router. That way nobody will be stuck without the net. Second option, to replace the broken server with another one. Either a Mini-PC again, or I buy a new PC for myself, and put the accessories on the new machine, and dump the old one as the server. I given it alot of thought... considering I spent a lot today...
I want to get a new PC. Justifiable? I hope so. I could save up and we can pay off the mortgage earlier, but I can splash out $1500 on myself for a spiffy new machine. Which will probably last me a couple of years. I've checked 3 online computer sites in sydney... prices are around the same, some are cheaper and closer to me, and others are a little more expensive but in the opposite direction. Here's what I've come up with...
AMD 64 Socket 939 Motherboard $153~874
AMD 64 Socket 939 CPU $222~792
$164 for Gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 - PCI-E
$222 for AMD 64 3000+
AGP: 256mb Minimum $115~200
PCI-E: $96~300
$234 for Leadtek Winfast 256MB PX6600 TD PCI-Express
IDE: 250GB $194
SATA: $199
$199 for Western Digital 250G 7200RPM 8MB SATA (WD2500JD)
$84 for 512mb Kingston
$134 for 1GB Hynix DDR3200 400MHz
$153 for GeIL DDR400 1GB Kit Value w/Heat Spreader
$169 for 1GB KIT DDR PC3200 400Mhz KingstonChoose
$153 for GeIL.
Case:Max $150 (I don't care as long as it's quiet)
Spending the least amount: $768 (no case, no router)
Need to get a Router. ($80~120)
Spending what I want to get: $972+120+150 = $1242. *whistles*
Spending the best: $2335... Nah I won't spend that much...
So it seems like I should put aside $1500 if I wish to go for a new computer. But first I need the router. Planning...
And the OT is limited now... oh how cruel this is...
I need sleep.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Oracle sux
It does. It so does. muahahahahah! . Yep, I've been driven to madness by how much it sux. It takes me literally 2 mins to ship an order by clicking through 5 different menus. And that's if I click somewhere in advance, because it lags like hell. At 9am in the morning, of all times. That doesn't mean that I hate it. It gives us time to relax, contemplate how much you wanna bash the computer in. Oh and the mouse cursor acts funny sometimes, it just goes all over the place. Even when you've not touched the mouse. It works fine in other applications... just lags like a b*tch in Java.
Anyways, I had previously called myself 'No more OT', but seems like today I OT'ed two hours five only. That's funny, because the program engine seems to make a weird error. $786.54 said out in numerical terms is 'SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX CENT FIFTY FOUR". Seems like the Dollar is gone, and well, Cent is the new currency. Why? I guess they don't use Cents in TW, that's why it's all fooked up. I guess they'll sort it out later when people go 'hey you charged us HOW much? Woohoo!! :P
Today, we shipped out exactly 200 boxes. Thats a record. Not because it's small (we've sent out 0 items before), but it's an round number. Truly amazing. But then, tomorrow, we'll have a guaranteed 100 orders, because thats what I've spent 2.5 hours doing... processing orders into invoices. Thats approximately 1.5 mins per order. Damn it... it's not worth the effort. Oh well, they'll have something to do tomorrow, that I promise...
And the paperwork is around 2 inches thick this time.MUAHAAHAHAH! . I really need to get out more.
Oh yeah and my mum is going to bris for a week for gran's bday. Plus my uncle (from japan) is also going to bris. It's a family reunion (her side). 4 guys will fend for themselves in sydney. Take-away, anybody? :P
Anyways, I had previously called myself 'No more OT', but seems like today I OT'ed two hours five only. That's funny, because the program engine seems to make a weird error. $786.54 said out in numerical terms is 'SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX CENT FIFTY FOUR". Seems like the Dollar is gone, and well, Cent is the new currency. Why? I guess they don't use Cents in TW, that's why it's all fooked up. I guess they'll sort it out later when people go 'hey you charged us HOW much? Woohoo!! :P
Today, we shipped out exactly 200 boxes. Thats a record. Not because it's small (we've sent out 0 items before), but it's an round number. Truly amazing. But then, tomorrow, we'll have a guaranteed 100 orders, because thats what I've spent 2.5 hours doing... processing orders into invoices. Thats approximately 1.5 mins per order. Damn it... it's not worth the effort. Oh well, they'll have something to do tomorrow, that I promise...
And the paperwork is around 2 inches thick this time.
Oh yeah and my mum is going to bris for a week for gran's bday. Plus my uncle (from japan) is also going to bris. It's a family reunion (her side). 4 guys will fend for themselves in sydney. Take-away, anybody? :P
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
The TNT guy, out of all the days that he's been loading up the goods, decides to drop a pallet worth of goods onto the floor today. In front of his boss (not immediate boss, but somebody from TNT who's higher ranked than he is), no less. Needless to say, our supervisor + TNT guy + TNT higher-up guy picked up all the stuff off the floor and put it back on the pallet. But when it happened... it made a really loud boom... and everybody in the warehouse basically just turned their heads to see what happened... really funny :P That guy couldn't have chosen a worse time :P
Monday, May 02, 2005
Its been 12 days since I blogged... I just felt a bit pissed off. I don't know why.
So what if I can make friends? Anybody can make friends. I told that person that the nature of the room isn't exactly 'friendly'. They then tell me that this and that happened. So what? I don't care what happened to that person. I told them that I think they are complaining, but they don't think they are. So then they decide to say that I can make friends. Well... what, I go somewhere just not to make friends. Well that's very good. I guess I shouldn't go apply to something like yahoo, because I'm not gonna make friends there. *shrugs*. Something is weird in that person's thinking. SO WHAT IF I CAN MAKE FRIENDS?
Anyways, the warehouse supervisor is back. And only some people are happy. Me. my two pickers. The rest aren't, because one can't get any more power now. And the other, he couldn't be bothered wether or not that he's back. Now we have the fun task of moving 860 * 20kg... 17.2 tonnes of old technology. In one day. Fun.
Getting pissed will reduce my life, but with certain people, online and offline, I tend to get pissed with easily. So I'll die earlier. So what. People tell me not to get pissed... But I'm f*cking pissed.
I should take up boxing or something. But that'll make me more pissed. So I'll just vent my fustrations here.
Oh great... now I've got a headache. Yay. My life really looks good now.
So what if I can make friends? Anybody can make friends. I told that person that the nature of the room isn't exactly 'friendly'. They then tell me that this and that happened. So what? I don't care what happened to that person. I told them that I think they are complaining, but they don't think they are. So then they decide to say that I can make friends. Well... what, I go somewhere just not to make friends. Well that's very good. I guess I shouldn't go apply to something like yahoo, because I'm not gonna make friends there. *shrugs*. Something is weird in that person's thinking. SO WHAT IF I CAN MAKE FRIENDS?
Anyways, the warehouse supervisor is back. And only some people are happy. Me. my two pickers. The rest aren't, because one can't get any more power now. And the other, he couldn't be bothered wether or not that he's back. Now we have the fun task of moving 860 * 20kg... 17.2 tonnes of old technology. In one day. Fun.
Getting pissed will reduce my life, but with certain people, online and offline, I tend to get pissed with easily. So I'll die earlier. So what. People tell me not to get pissed... But I'm f*cking pissed.
I should take up boxing or something. But that'll make me more pissed. So I'll just vent my fustrations here.
Oh great... now I've got a headache. Yay. My life really looks good now.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
I had a very strong emotion today. At lunch time, well, before 'my' lunchtime, which was 1pm - 2pm, things were so bad that I felt like just standing up out of my chair, grabbing my bag, and going home, never to return. I was severely pissed off. Really pissed off. F**king pissed off. That was how I was for about 5 mins. Then an email came to say that training has been cancelled for this afternoon, and then suddenly I was feeling alright. I even took 1 hour lunch today, unlike yesterday where I took half hour...
Why did I get pissed? I'm not one to get pissed off at nothing. It was because all morning, orders came down from 4 different people, and each were about an inch thick, I'm not kidding. And they say that they had to go today. Like urgent. And then by lunch time, couriers were delivering packages and I couldn't do my work, since ALL THE PEOPLE WERE AT LUNCH! I couldn't even answer the phone. It was going crazy, and I thought... why the hell am I the only one suffering? This is totally f**ked up. And then my ex-supervisor tells me that he doesn't wanna deal with my part of the warehouse, yet he still f**ks around with my database, because some girl is going to melb tomorrow and needs the goods. So he can say whatever he likes, but he's pretty useless. Delegates his job to practically anybody who he sees isn't 'busy'. And he says that he's willing to help print labels if I'm too busy. He's done mistakes before when he printed labels, and I'm not willing to take a chance with him at the helm of my computer. When my colleague was away, he did several things wrong, but wouldn't own up to his mistake. The evidence is right there, but he would blame it on something or errors on the computer. He is very very useless. My supervisor is much better, he wouldn't deal with the part my ex-super does, even if there wasn't anybody there. He'll leave it for whoever will do it, because he doesn't understand it, and therefore doesn't wanna f**k things up worse by meddling around. But the ex-super feels like he should be doing shit that doesn't concern him. Anyways... with the urge to leave the company subdued... I processed the orders to the best of my abilities... still ended up with about 2 inches thick worth of paperwork. Thats why I OT 2.5 hours tonight, to process the orders. The end result is around 1.5 inches thick left of paperwork. The expanded/processed paperwork was over 5 inches thick, because of the labels created... That should keep the buggers happy in the morning. :P
Anyways... sleep is good. Nites.
Why did I get pissed? I'm not one to get pissed off at nothing. It was because all morning, orders came down from 4 different people, and each were about an inch thick, I'm not kidding. And they say that they had to go today. Like urgent. And then by lunch time, couriers were delivering packages and I couldn't do my work, since ALL THE PEOPLE WERE AT LUNCH! I couldn't even answer the phone. It was going crazy, and I thought... why the hell am I the only one suffering? This is totally f**ked up. And then my ex-supervisor tells me that he doesn't wanna deal with my part of the warehouse, yet he still f**ks around with my database, because some girl is going to melb tomorrow and needs the goods. So he can say whatever he likes, but he's pretty useless. Delegates his job to practically anybody who he sees isn't 'busy'. And he says that he's willing to help print labels if I'm too busy. He's done mistakes before when he printed labels, and I'm not willing to take a chance with him at the helm of my computer. When my colleague was away, he did several things wrong, but wouldn't own up to his mistake. The evidence is right there, but he would blame it on something or errors on the computer. He is very very useless. My supervisor is much better, he wouldn't deal with the part my ex-super does, even if there wasn't anybody there. He'll leave it for whoever will do it, because he doesn't understand it, and therefore doesn't wanna f**k things up worse by meddling around. But the ex-super feels like he should be doing shit that doesn't concern him. Anyways... with the urge to leave the company subdued... I processed the orders to the best of my abilities... still ended up with about 2 inches thick worth of paperwork. Thats why I OT 2.5 hours tonight, to process the orders. The end result is around 1.5 inches thick left of paperwork. The expanded/processed paperwork was over 5 inches thick, because of the labels created... That should keep the buggers happy in the morning. :P
Anyways... sleep is good. Nites.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
I took some time to talk to the HR/finance guy... he said that casuals don't get Leave. -_- So what was that on our payslips? An Error. ARGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!
Today, had to go to 'class'. For the Oracle training. Except that the lady didn't have everything set up, and alot of the stuff was... stuffed. Meaning that by 4pm people had wandered away from the class and back to work... And I had to leave twice, to handle the couriers... talk about it being sucky...
Tomorrow will be the same, more classes, then 1 day of normality, then Friday is class. Then saturday is... stock take. -_- No long weekend... *sigh*. More $$, but no leave. That's life. I wish I can just leave and fu*k them up. They obviously don't want any good permenant staff... Me and my colleage wanna just leave for 3 days, and see how they like that, in their face. Since we're casual, they don't get any warning. And the replacements are screwed, since they wouldn't know jack. Yay. :P
Today, had to go to 'class'. For the Oracle training. Except that the lady didn't have everything set up, and alot of the stuff was... stuffed. Meaning that by 4pm people had wandered away from the class and back to work... And I had to leave twice, to handle the couriers... talk about it being sucky...
Tomorrow will be the same, more classes, then 1 day of normality, then Friday is class. Then saturday is... stock take. -_- No long weekend... *sigh*. More $$, but no leave. That's life. I wish I can just leave and fu*k them up. They obviously don't want any good permenant staff... Me and my colleage wanna just leave for 3 days, and see how they like that, in their face. Since we're casual, they don't get any warning. And the replacements are screwed, since they wouldn't know jack. Yay. :P
Monday, April 18, 2005
I'm a being... slowly but surely...
I haven't got a personal email address in my company yet. But the good thing is that I now have Annual Leave and Sick Leave. Glorious, isn't it? I have about 2 weeks of Annual Leave and 4 days of Sick Leave. This was for 1 year of non-stop working. Wow. Strange thing is, my colleage, who only worked 2 days and 3 weeks more than me, has an extra 4 days sick leave. Don't know how much Annual Leave he has, didn't bother checking with him... Now, when I got a personal email address at work... it means I'm a human being. I sure hope so :P But its nice that I can take days off now :P (Not that I intend to...)
Today was a bloody hot day... news said it was the hottest April day, Ever. They don't even have any comparison to how hot it was. It truly felt like summer was upon us. Lucky I wore short sleeved t-shirt. I always do, its just habit. If it gets really cool or cold, I wear a light jacket. But yeah, we had the fan going at one stage, it was that hot.
Tomorrow I go for lessons. In the new Oracle system they are implementing. Fun? 3 hours x 3 days... lucky I didn't have to do 3 hours x 14 days. If so nobody will be sending anything.
On Saturday (or was it Sun?) I watched all the last episodes of Mai-Hime. Its not bad at all... I think I should start watching Samurai Champloo Season 2... But I guess I've been too tired to watch anime that I have not 100% interest. I watched Mahou Sensei Negima, and Bleach, and now Ichigo 100% religiously... hmmm :P
Also, been watching the first couple of episodes of the new Doctor Who. I've not seen the previous Dr. Who(s), but its interesting, nevertheless.
And Sleep is always good. I need sleep. Work, no matter how busy or quiet, is still hard. Strange how I don't mind work now... before I never worked in uni or high school... :P
Today was a bloody hot day... news said it was the hottest April day, Ever. They don't even have any comparison to how hot it was. It truly felt like summer was upon us. Lucky I wore short sleeved t-shirt. I always do, its just habit. If it gets really cool or cold, I wear a light jacket. But yeah, we had the fan going at one stage, it was that hot.
Tomorrow I go for lessons. In the new Oracle system they are implementing. Fun? 3 hours x 3 days... lucky I didn't have to do 3 hours x 14 days. If so nobody will be sending anything.
On Saturday (or was it Sun?) I watched all the last episodes of Mai-Hime. Its not bad at all... I think I should start watching Samurai Champloo Season 2... But I guess I've been too tired to watch anime that I have not 100% interest. I watched Mahou Sensei Negima, and Bleach, and now Ichigo 100% religiously... hmmm :P
Also, been watching the first couple of episodes of the new Doctor Who. I've not seen the previous Dr. Who(s), but its interesting, nevertheless.
And Sleep is always good. I need sleep. Work, no matter how busy or quiet, is still hard. Strange how I don't mind work now... before I never worked in uni or high school... :P
Monday, April 11, 2005
Funny stuff
This guy cracks me up... seriously I've not had a good laugh for a while before reading this... but one of the teachers in there sounds like somebody I know... (in some way...)
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Unappreciated... >_<
Its been a day since the big boss left. There was a email thanking everybody involved, and they named those who helped. And me and my colleague's name WASN'T ON IT. !!!! What the? The other casual, John, has his name in the list, even though he helped out just as much as we did. I guess its favouritism. (Plus he worked at the same company as the managing director previously... almost 50% of the staff now came from the other company...) Needless to say, I feel pretty crap. They don't really wanna admit that there's other people who wasn't from their background.
Anyways, the party on the 5th April was a big success. I got to use a walkie talkie to direct traffic, but it was more fun when we were able to hear other people's conversations that were on the same frequency... But what was even funnier was that the supervisor played a trick from us. We were there on the driveway, when he goes 'what you guys doing' and we were like... err what u told us to do. And then a taxi drove by me and I moved out of the way, and he goes 'oh that was quick moving ken...' And then we go... huh where are you? Looking around... And he goes 'behind the tree'... we both look around at the tree... 'no, behind the other tree'... There wasn't another tree nearby... so we knew he was playing a trick on us... :P This was for 2 hours, then the press conference started at 12ish, and then question time and then lunch time at around 1:15. I was very full after lunch... lots of nice things to eat... some better than others. One of the best things were the Bacon Shimp... it had a shrimp on a skewer, and bacon wrapped around it. And a nice sauce. I had like 3 and was a little itchy, but after 3 more it was ok... :P There were other food, fish, chicken, lamb... And I had many many glasses of OJ... so yeah, definately full.
Yesterday, didn't see the CEO or other VIPs... but they left today, so it was strange there wasn't a farewell tour of the building. I guess it just isn't that important anymore.
Oh well... The food was nice... The aftertaste... well lets say, if no more appreciation, I guess I can't be stuffed helping them, since they won't be saying thanks. They probably don't even realise that I exist. All they know is that $$ is coming out of their accounts and into mine, and I guess for now thats what I can be thankful for. If I find a better job, its time to leave, no strings attached.
Anyways, the party on the 5th April was a big success. I got to use a walkie talkie to direct traffic, but it was more fun when we were able to hear other people's conversations that were on the same frequency... But what was even funnier was that the supervisor played a trick from us. We were there on the driveway, when he goes 'what you guys doing' and we were like... err what u told us to do. And then a taxi drove by me and I moved out of the way, and he goes 'oh that was quick moving ken...' And then we go... huh where are you? Looking around... And he goes 'behind the tree'... we both look around at the tree... 'no, behind the other tree'... There wasn't another tree nearby... so we knew he was playing a trick on us... :P This was for 2 hours, then the press conference started at 12ish, and then question time and then lunch time at around 1:15. I was very full after lunch... lots of nice things to eat... some better than others. One of the best things were the Bacon Shimp... it had a shrimp on a skewer, and bacon wrapped around it. And a nice sauce. I had like 3 and was a little itchy, but after 3 more it was ok... :P There were other food, fish, chicken, lamb... And I had many many glasses of OJ... so yeah, definately full.
Yesterday, didn't see the CEO or other VIPs... but they left today, so it was strange there wasn't a farewell tour of the building. I guess it just isn't that important anymore.
Oh well... The food was nice... The aftertaste... well lets say, if no more appreciation, I guess I can't be stuffed helping them, since they won't be saying thanks. They probably don't even realise that I exist. All they know is that $$ is coming out of their accounts and into mine, and I guess for now thats what I can be thankful for. If I find a better job, its time to leave, no strings attached.
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