Thursday, November 11, 2004


Its another one of them "hmmm' days. (You know, things that make you go hmmm... CNC music factory). I got up usual time, found out mum had not woken up. Then she wakes up because I was having brekkie. I'm a little noisy in the morning. She was late already, so I gave her a ride to Regents Park station. Think she made it alright. Anyways, got to work plenty early. And seems like not many people there. But they came back from doing a show up in Brissie. Work was alright, colleague came back today, so it was pretty easy going. I had cold noodles today, so nothing concerning Kitty. And there are new (well fairly new) employees. One is called Carla, the other, I don't know her name. But they are very pretty. The other one is short, my colleague think she's cute tho... I think she has a tattoo on her arm... a big one. Very tanned. Even my supervisor calls them Leng Lui... canto for pretty girl. They came down to get some promo stuff or something. Anyways, a little bit after lunch, my SS walked by with a bunch of papers, and says that I was the most suitable. I don't know if I'm suitable, but that pile of papers look very thick... I have no idea if I'll be getting that job or not. Anyways... the service engineer also pulled me aside.... and says that he would prefer me to take over this job for the few weeks that he'll be on leave, rather than to train a casual to take over... yeah the same casual from yesterday. So it seems like everybody wants a piece of me. Well, I would love to, but if I left my current position, hell will break loose. Especially if in the timeframe that my supervisor leaves for his holiday... and then just me and colleague. And then I go to do the frigging service engineer's job. Or is that before supervisor goes? ah I don't know. All I know its gonna be work work work.

My mini-server had a problem with bittorrent remaining in memory after I stopped the file. Anything I started up had a red error message. So I simply turned it off. Came home and bro turned it on. No biggie, just 8.5 hours of downloads not done. Prefer if it all got done but. And then it starts raining and thundering and lightning. And both me and bro's computers rebooted because of a power cut (not surge). The cut was probably about .01 of a second, cos the mini-server didn't reboot. Its because it has a powerpack, and that produces remaining power to a low-consumption mobo. That was good. But since our computers with bigger wattage needs power more, they rebooted. Lucky I wasn't doing anything important. *phew*. Now its still raining cats and dogs, but no reboots. Yay.

I watched "The Incredibles" tonight. ITS DAMNED GOOD. I really LOLed a couple of times. Pixar is really good, they have quality crew. Humour is quite good, the rendering is great, action is excellent, and well, its a very enjoyable movie. The Incredibles as a family is very funny. I love the movie. I even told my bro that I am considering getting the movie when it comes out on DVD. Like actually buying it. :P But then again, I guess its better to watch it on a big screen. A definate thumbs up from me. And thats my movie review for tonight. Laters. TGIF!


Flo said...

must be a terrific movie since you even wanna get its DVD! students are excited since we'll watch Scary Movie I next Wed in our Movie Club time. of course...must be bunches of woo~ there. :P

Ken said...

So you don't think its a good movie to get on DVD? icic :P