Yesterday, it was the day the nation stopped still. Well, most of the nation. The Melbourne Cup, this year sponsored by Emirates (planes). It was a weird day already... it didn't have to get any weirder. But it did. My colleague broke his ankle (yes it was confirmed today). It was his 'Lateral Malleolus'. Apparently its easy to break (think skiing). Its all red from internal burst blood vessels. But that was today. Yesterday, he went to go buy tickets at the TAB ( and when he got out of the car, he walked into a pothole. In the carpark. And he snapped his ankle. My supervisor saw him go down and didn't get back up... Apparently there was this brutal crunch sound... And of course, he was in pain. They bought the tickets to the races (5, 1, 3). And my supervisor drove back in his car, cos his ankle was really f*cked up. How bad? Where his ankle was, was the size of a big egg. It was that swollen. Pity I didn't have my camera handy. I don't think he took a pic either. But anyways, that was during lunch. So they found a bottle of ice in the upstairs fridge... and used that to shrink the swelling. Thankfully it did shrink, but he couldn't feel the ice at all on the lump... The big race was on... practically everybody (bar my colleague, one service engineer, and supervisor's supervisor, plus call center staff) was in the boardroom. 20+ people in there watching the race. It was about 3 minutes. And then the result was 5, 1, 12. If only my colleague and supervisor picked that, they would've got back $3,000+ from a $1 bet. If you bet $1 on the first four horses, going 5, 1, 12, 3 (yeah if 3 was the third place instead of the 4th place, the trifecta would've been less than $3,000), then you'd get back $39,4xx. Thats literally a car. The bookies lost big time yesterday, because of the 12th horse coming third. Why? They had him in 'place' (meaning if the horse gets either first, second or third place) at $22 per $1. Thats very distant odds. So it bumped up the trifecta and the quad results... Oh well... Me and the supervisor stayed in the boardroom for about 20 minutes, enjoying the free nibblies and alco... well, I didn't drink, but I did take 2 bottles home and took a pic of them with the other bottle still in the fridge (on my wretch :P). Then we were practically running on 2 guys because colleague can't really function at 100%. Needless to say we didn't get much done. On the way home, it was hot. I think either a elderly woman was suffering heatstroke or something, but I was turning a corner, and this lady was on the ground lying face up, with liquid on the ground near her head... and guys were standing surrounding her. And I was turning right, and the ambulance was nearby so they came quickly. About 500 meters later, there was the police and fire engines blocking a road, because of a house fire... So it was a really bizzare day indeed... When I got home I wasn't hungry, but I was playing with my camera. This time there was a Ladybug in the house, on the newspapers. So I decided to try playing with my camera again... Trying alot of shots, all failing because I don't know how to get the macro mode properly (I tried to zoom in and set the macro, but thats requiring 9 cm!! Thats still far away...) But I got some good sharp pics in the end ^_^v :P Then I went out and took some pics of the sky... think it was gonna rain... But it did rain only for a few minutes at around 10pm... so yeah... it was disappointing.
Today, this morning.
Went to work, colleague went to doctors, and supervisor had half a day leave after 12. We didn't expect my colleague to come back since he said he had a broken ankle and all... but he was crazy enough to come back after 2pm and help me ship out stuff. Thankfully he was able to help just a bit, because without him, I'd been stuffed... A lot of orders came in, and I was flat out trying to pack them up... but with him here, I could do all the packing and he can ship them out... So me and him did all the jobs and we left at 5:45... not bad considering its just us two... We were talking to SS and found out he was actually very good in basketball pre-uni. And he had alot of 'tao hua'... Since he was good in the basketball, and basketball is pretty well played in highschool in Taiwan, the girls know him but he doesn't know the girls... and he was saying that some girl (colleague at work) planned to lure him in a trip to Mt. Ali... but he didn't know she was trying, so he said ok, and didn't think too much of it... because his old home was near Mt. Ali... I just laughed and everybody else in the room did (me, colleague, SS, and another support guy). He obviously was oblivious to girls at that time (even his wife (before they were married) tried the 'oh I was supposed to go watch a movie with a friend, but they've cancelled, so now I got a ticket free... wanna come with me' trick... and he fell for it... ROFL!! He said 'well since its free!!' ahaha... funny. Anyways its a good day today... not too hot and not cold... just nice :)). And soon I'll be going to sleep cos I'm tired as all buggery... :P