Sunday, September 05, 2004

Freaking Hailstorm...

There was a loud bang on my roof at around 10... then all hell broke loose. It was true hail... not the pissy tiny hail that was this arvo... This time it was really bad... I hate to see what our car looks like tomorrow morning... *sigh* if there were chipped glass... terrible... Pity I don't have a digicam handy, otherwise I'd be posting all the white pics... the lawn is white, the car's windscreen wipers have white hail, everywhere on the road = white... but anyways, its quiet now... nice and quite... unlike the racket that was going on just before... that was really noisy... but kinda cool (freezing outside... my breath was visible... thats how cold it was...)


Flo said...

awww :O I never saw such stuff in my life. yeah you should get a digi cam and you know it can not only take pics but also record the scene and the sound. Anyway hope your house and car are all right...

Ken said...

Yeah... I should get one with movie function...but lucky the car is 'fine'... but other than being 'fine' outside, its not 'fine' inside... -_-