Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Practical Jokes

Lessons to be learnt in life: Appearances aren't what they seem. I've been working with my supervisor for around 5 months now... today he showed one side which I've never seen, and I thought it was pretty funny. Basically this other guy who does quality checking comes to the warehouse everyday. Sometimes more than once a day. And he always parks his car outside the warehouse gate. Which hinders deliveries. So my supervisor asks if theres a yellow piece of paper... I go no, I don't see any... why? and he goes and finds this scrap piece of yellow paper... and scribbles something on it... and goes outside and puts it on the car's windscreen wipers... From a distance it looks like a traffic fine. The guy comes back and gets a shock... ROFL!!! hehe funny indeed. BTW the notice says 'Please pay $1000 in parking fines'... hehe a bit too much but I guess the point was made... don't park somewhere where it could possibly get into trouble (like the time this expensive car got hit by a delivery truck backing up to the warehouse... quoted at $1000 for a bumper bar... ouch!!). Anyways, practical jokes aside, nothing particularly interesting happened today, my friend didn't come today, he said he wouldn't come today... So I had a fairly normal day... not too boring and stressful... and it was less windy too... and at night before we left work, we add overtime because of replacing one fluro light in the upstairs office. How many downstairs staff does it take to replace an upstairs fluro tube? 3. One to bring the ladder + new tube, one to supervise and make jokes, and one service engineer to do the actual replacement. You can probably imagine the one doing all the work is the guy with the OH&S certificate... hehe... I'm just the guy with the ladder and tube... and the downstairs service manager was the one looking and joking... hehe it was 6pm... no need to be serious :D My supervisor didn't stay around cos he still had work to do... poor guy... After getting home watched some CSI: Miami... Learnt that silicone implants can withstand up to 240 psi before bursting... hmmm... NOT THAT I NEEDED TO KNOW THAT! :P But that guy was pretty funny to watch... he caused his wife to die because of the boat's horizontal mast hit her and made it leak silicone... thus it was complicated and she died... hmmm... oh well good TV to watch...


Flo said...

Teacher says,'never watch too much TV or learn something bad from it. (the husband's deed, for example)' :P

Ken said...

Its an accident! :P (like if porno was on TV, and I was caught watching it, its an accident! I was switching channels ok... :P (by porno I mean those foreign films which don't have much of plots... :P))

Flo said...

這位先生請你不要再解釋了...hehehe (especially about the 'prono' bit ok :P )