Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Another day...

Another day... This time with a 3rd person around really does lighten the load... We did most of the incoming stuff... then we had quite a lot of outgoing stuff... since they weren't finished... but nowhere near the record yesterday... still it was around 15 air road, and 15 aae... rest of the day just did the transfer stuff... usual stuff... then in the end of the day one of the marketing guys asked if one of us had some time to help... I volunteered... basically just waited outside in the cold car park with the boss's car... had to put some stuff in his trunk (I assure you it was a very nice car... and me and marketing guy didn't do anything bad to it) and so was waiting while he went to get the stuff... so left late... anyways... got a movie... Around the World in 80 Days... strange its bigger than one CD... hmmmm... oh well need to recode it to a smaller size maybe... hmmm... (yeah it was bigger than one CD... thus I made a coaster because it couldn't fit...) :P ah... sleep time....

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