So I thought I'll blog this evening, nothing new really, just updated my photo and job... (long time no update).
My computer has been pissing me off lately... it's been rebooting, slowing down, and today, it decided not to boot. Turns out there was corruption in the files when it reboots randomly, and lucky I was able to recover it. I think it's nearly time to retired this machine, it's been about 3 years now... (bought in 2005). But I really don't want to spend the money, so I'm still trying to maintain it. Meanwhile my friend has bought not 1, but 2 Asus eeePCs... of course it's cheaper where she is, here it's about $500 AUD...
My friend has asked me to build a computer for him, I bought all the components except the CPU, the E8400 is out of stock, nobody has it in stock apart from people who's trying to sell it for $300 or so. For that price you can almost get a Quad Core Q6600. But that's not what my friend needs. So we'll wait for it...
Anyways, I've been in this new position at my workplace for about 3 weeks now, it's quite interesting... it's more difficult in terms of checking everything when it's just me and 7 areas. It was supposed to be 2 IPQC checking the 7 areas(8 if you count the warehouse) but it's the company just screwing us around, so only one person downstairs. Which sucks.
Movies, I actually won a movie ticket to see Jumper just this week. Watched it on Tuesday. It's a good movie actually, quite interesting but I think they will either make a sequal, or start a series of it. Either way it'll be a good show I hope.
Valentines day just passed, seems like not many people that surrounds me have had anything good in that department... Why... what's going on with the world... where's the love? :P
Oh well, I still have no news about a person I'm talking to... They are going to japan next week... meh...