Wow, another year has gone flying by. What can I say, I've been to England for 2 weeks a few weeks ago, and then back to work, and now it's the holiday till I go back to work on the 2nd. Then hopefully things will be less busy, and my job will be another job.
I need to spend around $1700 for a secondhand engine. I did a very silly thing a few nights ago, practically ruined my car's engine, now it burns a lot of oil. It sucks, but the engine was bad already when I bought it.
The post xmas sales didn't really inspire me, however I checked out Apple's site, and they have refurbished ipods for cheap, and I managed to get one for a cheap price (I think). 4GB for $99, it's the first gen nano. I could have got the 2nd gen nano for $139 (still 4GB) but right now I'll see what the first gen is like. Also ordered a ipod touch ripoff, smaller screen but still 4GB. That cost a bit more though, $149. Well, it's got touch function, that's what I want to try out.
Work these past few days was quite good, since there was practically nobody at work, and only few people there in the warehouse areas. So I got a lot of cleaning up done, and that made me feel good about the work I did. I know my warehouse staff have a lot of things to do when it's busy, but using that excuse will make the warehouse messy, and I don't like that. So when I used this time to clean up, there will be a lot of surprised people when the new year starts.
I will post my travel of England soon I guess, after new years. I have around 7GB worth of photos to process, even compressed to jpeg it's still around 2GB. that's a lot of photos. And I don't feel like processing photos... I've been there, the memories are 'cold' and 'very cold' and 'I wish I was somewhere nice and warm right now'. But overall it was a fun and expensive experience (around $4000 all up - flights, accom, food, travel, and spending). For 2 weeks... and we weren't living in anything more than 3 stars.
My friend just revealed something terrible. His friend drowned in Tasmania. I was reading the article last nite and it said 3 guys and 2 girls went to a beach and then they were in the water, and the water was strong, and pulled a guy under and he drowned. I didn't realise that my friend was actually invited to go with them (would have been 4 guys and 2 girls) and the drowned man's gf was actually somebody I had probably talked to once before. That's called scary.
Ah tired, will have a nice sleep in :P
Have a great New Year!