Wow, another year has gone flying by. What can I say, I've been to England for 2 weeks a few weeks ago, and then back to work, and now it's the holiday till I go back to work on the 2nd. Then hopefully things will be less busy, and my job will be another job.
I need to spend around $1700 for a secondhand engine. I did a very silly thing a few nights ago, practically ruined my car's engine, now it burns a lot of oil. It sucks, but the engine was bad already when I bought it.
The post xmas sales didn't really inspire me, however I checked out Apple's site, and they have refurbished ipods for cheap, and I managed to get one for a cheap price (I think). 4GB for $99, it's the first gen nano. I could have got the 2nd gen nano for $139 (still 4GB) but right now I'll see what the first gen is like. Also ordered a ipod touch ripoff, smaller screen but still 4GB. That cost a bit more though, $149. Well, it's got touch function, that's what I want to try out.
Work these past few days was quite good, since there was practically nobody at work, and only few people there in the warehouse areas. So I got a lot of cleaning up done, and that made me feel good about the work I did. I know my warehouse staff have a lot of things to do when it's busy, but using that excuse will make the warehouse messy, and I don't like that. So when I used this time to clean up, there will be a lot of surprised people when the new year starts.
I will post my travel of England soon I guess, after new years. I have around 7GB worth of photos to process, even compressed to jpeg it's still around 2GB. that's a lot of photos. And I don't feel like processing photos... I've been there, the memories are 'cold' and 'very cold' and 'I wish I was somewhere nice and warm right now'. But overall it was a fun and expensive experience (around $4000 all up - flights, accom, food, travel, and spending). For 2 weeks... and we weren't living in anything more than 3 stars.
My friend just revealed something terrible. His friend drowned in Tasmania. I was reading the article last nite and it said 3 guys and 2 girls went to a beach and then they were in the water, and the water was strong, and pulled a guy under and he drowned. I didn't realise that my friend was actually invited to go with them (would have been 4 guys and 2 girls) and the drowned man's gf was actually somebody I had probably talked to once before. That's called scary.
Ah tired, will have a nice sleep in :P
Have a great New Year!
Another place to rant and rave... for my old blog,
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Gaming time
It's been a while since I've actually gone and bought a game... And this time it was The Simpsons Game, for my Wii. The previous game was Super Paper Mario, also for the Wii.
I can say that Simpsons game is fun, but I'm pretty unco to play it, because of the camera angle that changes with you, even in 3rd person view. I'm suck in the planetarium (to defeat Jimbo) and I can get onto the space shuttle, but then always fall off that trying to get onto the bloody planets.
So, it's only a short gametime for that. However, I spent approx 2-3 hours on Super Paper Mario. It's a really fun game.
I've gotten to open the third door. Now, when you beat the second door, you will get access to the dungeon. Every 10 stages of the dungeon, you get to leave the dungeon or continue on. In my stupidity, I kept on going to 041, (100 stages in all) but died on 041. I should've quit on 040... But that'll be another weekend's playing, I'm sure.
Why did I buy the Simpsons? It was available in a gaming store called "Game" and I saw that it wasn't available till Nov 8. So I thought, cool, and bought it. Otherwise I would've gone and bought something else, like a Nokia 6300 prepaid phone because it would've been $169 due to Target having 15% off most things in their stores. $199 is cheap, but $169 is even cheaper. But I don't talk on my phone often enough to warrant a new phone, and that phone is getting a bit old. Besides, people don't get amazed by slim phones anymore, the W880i is a tiny phone, but in a big guy's hands it looks like it could snap in half.
Movies, I've watched Good Luck Chuck, License to Wed. They are different types of movies, but both are about relationships. I think Good Luck Chuck was a bit more fun for me, Jessica Alba smiles better than Mandy Moore. Also GLC has more of a gross-out quality to it... plus a lot of naughty scenes. :P Overall it's an alright movie to watch. But definately not for kids.
Work is still work, will have 2 containers next week. This is because they don't want to buy stuff in australia, so they buy it from China and ship it here. Probably save them a few cents a bottle, but then there's storage fees etc etc. Might be better off to buy here. But I'm not the purchasing officer, I'm the warehouse supervisor. So all I can do is bitch :P
I should plan for my holiday soon... *sigh*. Oh where should I go...
I could go to TW (it'll be 5 or 6 years since I've been back...) and also buy an Asus eeepc... I simply love it... cheaper than a UMPC for sure. :P or I can buy a DSLR camera... possiblities are endless... :P But I only got one or two friends in TW now... so won't be much fun :P
I could also go to Europe (specifically England and France) but the tickets would be expensive...
or I can go to USA... but with all their problems, it wouldn't be a good time to visit.
so maybe TW is the go? hmm...
Time will tell... ahhh
I can say that Simpsons game is fun, but I'm pretty unco to play it, because of the camera angle that changes with you, even in 3rd person view. I'm suck in the planetarium (to defeat Jimbo) and I can get onto the space shuttle, but then always fall off that trying to get onto the bloody planets.
So, it's only a short gametime for that. However, I spent approx 2-3 hours on Super Paper Mario. It's a really fun game.
I've gotten to open the third door. Now, when you beat the second door, you will get access to the dungeon. Every 10 stages of the dungeon, you get to leave the dungeon or continue on. In my stupidity, I kept on going to 041, (100 stages in all) but died on 041. I should've quit on 040... But that'll be another weekend's playing, I'm sure.
Why did I buy the Simpsons? It was available in a gaming store called "Game" and I saw that it wasn't available till Nov 8. So I thought, cool, and bought it. Otherwise I would've gone and bought something else, like a Nokia 6300 prepaid phone because it would've been $169 due to Target having 15% off most things in their stores. $199 is cheap, but $169 is even cheaper. But I don't talk on my phone often enough to warrant a new phone, and that phone is getting a bit old. Besides, people don't get amazed by slim phones anymore, the W880i is a tiny phone, but in a big guy's hands it looks like it could snap in half.
Movies, I've watched Good Luck Chuck, License to Wed. They are different types of movies, but both are about relationships. I think Good Luck Chuck was a bit more fun for me, Jessica Alba smiles better than Mandy Moore. Also GLC has more of a gross-out quality to it... plus a lot of naughty scenes. :P Overall it's an alright movie to watch. But definately not for kids.
Work is still work, will have 2 containers next week. This is because they don't want to buy stuff in australia, so they buy it from China and ship it here. Probably save them a few cents a bottle, but then there's storage fees etc etc. Might be better off to buy here. But I'm not the purchasing officer, I'm the warehouse supervisor. So all I can do is bitch :P
I should plan for my holiday soon... *sigh*. Oh where should I go...
I could go to TW (it'll be 5 or 6 years since I've been back...) and also buy an Asus eeepc... I simply love it... cheaper than a UMPC for sure. :P or I can buy a DSLR camera... possiblities are endless... :P But I only got one or two friends in TW now... so won't be much fun :P
I could also go to Europe (specifically England and France) but the tickets would be expensive...
or I can go to USA... but with all their problems, it wouldn't be a good time to visit.
so maybe TW is the go? hmm...
Time will tell... ahhh
Saturday, October 20, 2007
So it's been a month since my last blog... Time doesn't really fly when I'm not having fun :P
Work: Same
Life: Same
However, it's been an interesting day today, first time I've been really out on a saturday...
I was still sleeping at 10am (yeah :P) Then my friend calls me and woke me and asked if I wanted to go with him to buy a set of golf clubs. Since I have nothing else better to do, I said sure. He lives a bit of distance away, so I had breakfast before he arrived.
Anyways, he didn't have lunch, so we went over to Auburn and had maccas. After that, we drove around (through my surburb) and then on to Moorebank... That's a bit of distance as well, about 20km...
The golf shop was actually on a Army Barracks. We got lost and turned around, and had to go through a security checkpoint. After going into the shop, looking around my friend bought a set of clubs @ $400, + a putter + some covers and free balls for $450... Good bargain I guess.
Anyways, we left there, then since we had nothing else better to do we went over to Eastwood for the Granny Smith festival... there wasn't that much apples there... but around 50,000 people there. A lot of people... over 10 streets of stalls... so after spending an hour milling with the crowd we left...
After that we went home... my friend had to go home and go out with his gf... so yeah, that's my day.
We've spent the time catching up and bitching about our respective works... which is fun, but depressing at the same time :P Ah well, there'll be other times to catch up
Work: Same
Life: Same
However, it's been an interesting day today, first time I've been really out on a saturday...
I was still sleeping at 10am (yeah :P) Then my friend calls me and woke me and asked if I wanted to go with him to buy a set of golf clubs. Since I have nothing else better to do, I said sure. He lives a bit of distance away, so I had breakfast before he arrived.
Anyways, he didn't have lunch, so we went over to Auburn and had maccas. After that, we drove around (through my surburb) and then on to Moorebank... That's a bit of distance as well, about 20km...
The golf shop was actually on a Army Barracks. We got lost and turned around, and had to go through a security checkpoint. After going into the shop, looking around my friend bought a set of clubs @ $400, + a putter + some covers and free balls for $450... Good bargain I guess.
Anyways, we left there, then since we had nothing else better to do we went over to Eastwood for the Granny Smith festival... there wasn't that much apples there... but around 50,000 people there. A lot of people... over 10 streets of stalls... so after spending an hour milling with the crowd we left...
After that we went home... my friend had to go home and go out with his gf... so yeah, that's my day.
We've spent the time catching up and bitching about our respective works... which is fun, but depressing at the same time :P Ah well, there'll be other times to catch up
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Here's to wasting more money
Well, I've bought a PS2. Not a new one, but one of the early models. Needless to say, it's a colleague's one. A PS2 is still a good item to play with actually, it doesn't lose out on performance with a Nintendo Wii actually, but Wii has definately more "fun" factor with certain titles. Although my bro seems to be enjoying his Guitar Hero II. Because my brother hasn't actually paid for the PS2, it's my property, and I can do anything I want with it.
Anyways, nothing new at work, some new girls, but they usually don't last 2-3 weeks... If they don't last that long here, I can't really get to know them, can I... :P
Considering selling my car sometime soon... after driving to pick up the PS2 from my colleague's place, I realise my car has severe problems in engine capacity. His area is quite hilly, and well, this car struggles on hills. I tend to have a light foot, so maybe if I really stepped on it the car will respond, but I don't add enough power then it struggles...
Holiday... damn that's a hard decision... I am saving up money for both a holiday and for my future funds. Not enough for both... *sigh*. I can go to either somewhere within Aus, but I prefer to go overseas. NZ might be nice, but it's really cold sometimes, and I don't want to be cold... S.E. Asia is also a good choice. Also Europe is a good choice, but that's expensive. Hmm... If I procrastinate anymore it'll be 2008 then I'll be stuck in this shitty job... for 2 years *sigh*. Make up my mind!! Argggg
Anyways, nothing new at work, some new girls, but they usually don't last 2-3 weeks... If they don't last that long here, I can't really get to know them, can I... :P
Considering selling my car sometime soon... after driving to pick up the PS2 from my colleague's place, I realise my car has severe problems in engine capacity. His area is quite hilly, and well, this car struggles on hills. I tend to have a light foot, so maybe if I really stepped on it the car will respond, but I don't add enough power then it struggles...
Holiday... damn that's a hard decision... I am saving up money for both a holiday and for my future funds. Not enough for both... *sigh*. I can go to either somewhere within Aus, but I prefer to go overseas. NZ might be nice, but it's really cold sometimes, and I don't want to be cold... S.E. Asia is also a good choice. Also Europe is a good choice, but that's expensive. Hmm... If I procrastinate anymore it'll be 2008 then I'll be stuck in this shitty job... for 2 years *sigh*. Make up my mind!! Argggg
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Damn... these past 5 days I've been sick... I got the Flu, and I had the muscular aches, tiredness, loss of appetite, and only now I feel about 90%. Hopefully with all the drinking of water and rest I've had I'll be back to normal tomorrow.
Lets see what's happened at the start of this month...

This picture shows that there was this fire at one end of a bridge that I have to use to travel to work. It's not very good, everybody was stuck in traffic for hours.
This picture shows that even though winter's not that cold, I have to clean the ice off my car in the mornings at 7am...

These 3 pics show the coffee festival I attended on the 22nd. It was actually called the "Aroma" festival. I estimate over 10,000 people packed The Rocks area. I didn't have any coffee to drink, because I'm not a coffee person. I know somebody who would love to have been there :P

This is the view of Manly beach at 4:30pm on Sunday just after going to the coffee festival... not many people there cos there was a little rain... (just look at the clouds)
The ferry ride was bloody cold, with the wind. That's probably the start of my Flu.
However, the Flu only kicked in on Wednesday, and I was sick from Wednesday till today. *sigh*
Anyways... all these photos are small because they came from my mobile phone...
Anyways, hopefully I have more stuff to blog about, but I'm just recovering and work will be horrible cos I had two days off :P
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Spending the money
hmmm... It's been so long since I blogged... almost a month aye... hmmm.
Went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Now, that's something that should be watched at the cinema... apart from it being 3 hours long... -_-"". My butt was sore from that... plus there was a little kid who ran around in my aisle... which didn't ruin it for me but well, the people next to me were quite concerned...
Overall, I would rate the movie 9/10, it's great, but the hour is too long.
One thing about it that really amazed me was the thinking about Davy Jone's locker. I didn't think about 'afterlife' in that way, but it was a really interesting idea.
After going to the movie, I went to buy a mobile fone. I didn't want to spend too much, considering it's not a priority for me to have a kick-ass fone. The reason for the new phone was because my old one's dying, without a replacement battery... So this one was <$200, which is good. Samsung E250, haven't tried a slider fone before, but now I've tried 3 types... maybe next one will be a swivel, or something which I think is good.
Ah, the inspection for the company's going to have an inspection next week, I might have to OT on monday night... *sigh*. If it passes, there's only a few more months in it for me :P If it fails, time to go on a holiday and get a new job :P Either way... it's gonna be interesting...
Went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Now, that's something that should be watched at the cinema... apart from it being 3 hours long... -_-"". My butt was sore from that... plus there was a little kid who ran around in my aisle... which didn't ruin it for me but well, the people next to me were quite concerned...
Overall, I would rate the movie 9/10, it's great, but the hour is too long.
One thing about it that really amazed me was the thinking about Davy Jone's locker. I didn't think about 'afterlife' in that way, but it was a really interesting idea.
After going to the movie, I went to buy a mobile fone. I didn't want to spend too much, considering it's not a priority for me to have a kick-ass fone. The reason for the new phone was because my old one's dying, without a replacement battery... So this one was <$200, which is good. Samsung E250, haven't tried a slider fone before, but now I've tried 3 types... maybe next one will be a swivel, or something which I think is good.
Ah, the inspection for the company's going to have an inspection next week, I might have to OT on monday night... *sigh*. If it passes, there's only a few more months in it for me :P If it fails, time to go on a holiday and get a new job :P Either way... it's gonna be interesting...
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Wii, revisited
Woo... my bro bought over an unused wireless router.
We configured it, and now we can hop online with it.
Then, we got into the Wii Shop...
I just felt like splurging, so I bought 5000 points for $75...
$0.015/Point, so the games we bought first were Super Mario Bros, 500 points ($7.50)
Excite Bike, 500 points ($7.50),
Ice Climber, 500 points ($7.50),
and Golden Axe, 800 points ($12).
Still got 2700 points left, which will go into some games... but I need to get some "classic" controllers for it... so will stop the splurging for now :P
But still, it's fun to be nostalgic once in a while. >:D
We configured it, and now we can hop online with it.
Then, we got into the Wii Shop...
I just felt like splurging, so I bought 5000 points for $75...
$0.015/Point, so the games we bought first were Super Mario Bros, 500 points ($7.50)
Excite Bike, 500 points ($7.50),
Ice Climber, 500 points ($7.50),
and Golden Axe, 800 points ($12).
Still got 2700 points left, which will go into some games... but I need to get some "classic" controllers for it... so will stop the splurging for now :P
But still, it's fun to be nostalgic once in a while. >:D
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Death of a car... and revival
Ok, so this is something that I just got to blog about...
It started (well, probably) about Tueday this week. The weather was kinda crappy, raining now and then, and I ran through a big water puddle on the road. Needless to say, it made a HUGE splash. Anyways, that didn't do much, except the engine heat + water = steam, and I had steam coming out of the engine compartment for about 5 minutes.
Anyways, got to work fine. Work's always a lot of work.
After work, I drove to a petrol station just about 1km away from my home. Added petrol, paid, went back to my car, and tried to start the engine.
It didn't start.
It wouldn't start.
All it did was make a 'click-click-click' noise.
So I sat there contemplating what to do. I had NRMA roadside assistance. I could walk home, but that means leaving the car there. I didn't have much credit left on my mobile, and when I tried to call home, it wouldn't work. What the hell was all that, I wouldn't know. I was getting pissed off at the whole situation.
Thankfully, a few things happened. First, this guy was just adding petrol to his car, he noticed my futile efforts of starting the car, after he paid for his petrol, he came over and tried to help me start, by jumpstarting. Well, he tried, but it did not work, unfortunately. I'm grateful for his help. During that time, my brother called me on my mobile asking if he can have a lift home from a train station some 2km away from where I was at the time. I said to him, sorry dude, my car died. Can he walk home (1km away) and tell them to ring NRMA and tell them where I am? He said ok, and did so. I was then called by NRMA to determine what the problem was, and I should be serviced within 45 mins.
The helpful guy left after he couldn't do much, I think I thanked him over 10 times, and shook hands with him at least 3 times. Then comes the waiting. Waited about 15 mins, and the NRMA guy came. He checked the condition of the battery first, it was flat. Now, the guy didn't check anything else, he just put a set of leads from a battery, and told me to start the engine.
It started. He checked the condition of the battery, and said it was fine for the moment.
Now, he didn't check anything else at this stage either. I assumed that it was the battery being flat, but silly me, not being a car enthusiast, did not realise there's other components at work here. He just says, after you get home, if you cannot start the engine after letting the car sit there for about 5 mins or 10, then call NRMA for a battery. I thanked him, and went home.
I had dinner first, that took about 30 mins. Went outside, and started the engine.
It was fine.
So, I thought nothing of it, and went back in the house.
The next day, yesterday, I didn't know if the battery is going to die or not. So I crossed my fingers and started it. It started! Feeling good, I got to work and thought nothing of it at work. After work, I was approached by 3 colleagues to see if they can grab a lift with me. I thought, ok, no worries...
I was wrong, wrong wrong. The engine half started. Then went click-click-click... *sigh*
So I went into the office and called NRMA for a battery. I then waited outside. It was spitting, not full falling rain, but it was intermittant. Alot of people were going home, and about 80% of them offered me a lift. I said thanks, but I was waiting for the battery guy.
Anyways, the battery guy came. Checked the battery condition, it was flat, replaced it, charged my card, and I was thinking, it's all over! Done and done!
How wrong I was... >:(
Today, was when it all went... to hell.
I started out, it was a great day, great drive, not a care in the world. 10km away from work, my battery light is lit up in the display. My CD player was on the fritz, cutting in and out. I thought it was skipping or something, but no, it was an power issue. Then about 5km away from work, the 'system' light lit up. I was then in the precarious situation of climbing uphill, then stopping at a red light. When the light turned green, I put my feet to the accelerator pedal down. I was hooning along at a massive 20km/h! 20! The people behind me was honking their horns... I was trying hard to go faster, but it wouldn't... I then saw a right hand turn lane, and I turned into it... and the engine crapped out, completely.
The guy who turned in behind me went WTF, and honked, but he had to turn left, then turn right... and my emergency lights don't even work...
So... I called NRMA again, and they'll tow me and get it checked.
I got towed in about an hour's time, then the guy came about 40 mins after that, I told him about the battery, and he immediately knew it was the alternator. Needless to say, he organised to get an alternator guy up ASAP. At that time it was 10am. So I waited and the guy showed up at around 11:15... not bad at all. Anyways, after fitting in the alternator, and charging me, I decided that it was too late to turn up to work. A quick jumpstart, checking the battery was getting the 14 volts required (instead of 6volts with the dead alternator), and I was allowed to drive off in the midday sun.
Got home in half an hour to charge the battery. Now, if it turns out to be bad tomorrow, then I will probably kick the car or something, because seriously, this is worse than I bargained for...
I'm out of pocket $500... damn it...
What a day >:(
It started (well, probably) about Tueday this week. The weather was kinda crappy, raining now and then, and I ran through a big water puddle on the road. Needless to say, it made a HUGE splash. Anyways, that didn't do much, except the engine heat + water = steam, and I had steam coming out of the engine compartment for about 5 minutes.
Anyways, got to work fine. Work's always a lot of work.
After work, I drove to a petrol station just about 1km away from my home. Added petrol, paid, went back to my car, and tried to start the engine.
It didn't start.
It wouldn't start.
All it did was make a 'click-click-click' noise.
So I sat there contemplating what to do. I had NRMA roadside assistance. I could walk home, but that means leaving the car there. I didn't have much credit left on my mobile, and when I tried to call home, it wouldn't work. What the hell was all that, I wouldn't know. I was getting pissed off at the whole situation.
Thankfully, a few things happened. First, this guy was just adding petrol to his car, he noticed my futile efforts of starting the car, after he paid for his petrol, he came over and tried to help me start, by jumpstarting. Well, he tried, but it did not work, unfortunately. I'm grateful for his help. During that time, my brother called me on my mobile asking if he can have a lift home from a train station some 2km away from where I was at the time. I said to him, sorry dude, my car died. Can he walk home (1km away) and tell them to ring NRMA and tell them where I am? He said ok, and did so. I was then called by NRMA to determine what the problem was, and I should be serviced within 45 mins.
The helpful guy left after he couldn't do much, I think I thanked him over 10 times, and shook hands with him at least 3 times. Then comes the waiting. Waited about 15 mins, and the NRMA guy came. He checked the condition of the battery first, it was flat. Now, the guy didn't check anything else, he just put a set of leads from a battery, and told me to start the engine.
It started. He checked the condition of the battery, and said it was fine for the moment.
Now, he didn't check anything else at this stage either. I assumed that it was the battery being flat, but silly me, not being a car enthusiast, did not realise there's other components at work here. He just says, after you get home, if you cannot start the engine after letting the car sit there for about 5 mins or 10, then call NRMA for a battery. I thanked him, and went home.
I had dinner first, that took about 30 mins. Went outside, and started the engine.
It was fine.
So, I thought nothing of it, and went back in the house.
The next day, yesterday, I didn't know if the battery is going to die or not. So I crossed my fingers and started it. It started! Feeling good, I got to work and thought nothing of it at work. After work, I was approached by 3 colleagues to see if they can grab a lift with me. I thought, ok, no worries...
I was wrong, wrong wrong. The engine half started. Then went click-click-click... *sigh*
So I went into the office and called NRMA for a battery. I then waited outside. It was spitting, not full falling rain, but it was intermittant. Alot of people were going home, and about 80% of them offered me a lift. I said thanks, but I was waiting for the battery guy.
Anyways, the battery guy came. Checked the battery condition, it was flat, replaced it, charged my card, and I was thinking, it's all over! Done and done!
How wrong I was... >:(
Today, was when it all went... to hell.
I started out, it was a great day, great drive, not a care in the world. 10km away from work, my battery light is lit up in the display. My CD player was on the fritz, cutting in and out. I thought it was skipping or something, but no, it was an power issue. Then about 5km away from work, the 'system' light lit up. I was then in the precarious situation of climbing uphill, then stopping at a red light. When the light turned green, I put my feet to the accelerator pedal down. I was hooning along at a massive 20km/h! 20! The people behind me was honking their horns... I was trying hard to go faster, but it wouldn't... I then saw a right hand turn lane, and I turned into it... and the engine crapped out, completely.
The guy who turned in behind me went WTF, and honked, but he had to turn left, then turn right... and my emergency lights don't even work...
So... I called NRMA again, and they'll tow me and get it checked.
I got towed in about an hour's time, then the guy came about 40 mins after that, I told him about the battery, and he immediately knew it was the alternator. Needless to say, he organised to get an alternator guy up ASAP. At that time it was 10am. So I waited and the guy showed up at around 11:15... not bad at all. Anyways, after fitting in the alternator, and charging me, I decided that it was too late to turn up to work. A quick jumpstart, checking the battery was getting the 14 volts required (instead of 6volts with the dead alternator), and I was allowed to drive off in the midday sun.
Got home in half an hour to charge the battery. Now, if it turns out to be bad tomorrow, then I will probably kick the car or something, because seriously, this is worse than I bargained for...
I'm out of pocket $500... damn it...
What a day >:(
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Happy New Year!
Went with the opposite door's neighbours to a Chinese New Year celebratory dinner at Harris Park's Buddhist Temple. Lots of people there, even some dignitries from the local councils. Even got a red packet too... no money of course, but it's for luck! :D
Good luck to all for the Piggy year :D
Good luck to all for the Piggy year :D
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Long time no posting, seems about a month, which is good I guess.
Christmas went, nothing happening there.
New Years came and went, went to the city with my friend Sam, and his friends. got screwed over in a way, they agreed to meet us at Darling Harbour for the 9pm fireworks, but then told us they were at Opera House. So, we headed over against a huge swarm of people, only to be turned away at 6pm, because 'the area was filled to capacity'. When it wasn't, at all.
Fireworks was great, took some videos of it on the camera I won from the Christmas party.
youtube, search for the username 'kenman2k', because I don't have other videos on there.
also posted some pics on my Wretch, Sam even bought silver membership... 1gb of space for his pics, compared to 60mb, along with no advertising. All for $20 US a year. Not bad I guess. But free beats paid for in my book :P
Work has 'quietened' down a bit, getting a bit more stable since I came here, there was literally one person leaving a fortnight, compared with my old company, where one person was leaving every few days. Went back to my old company, and found that they got around 30 staff left, from a previously massive 80. Not counting the casuals, of course. But at least here it was not as bad, they replenished the people from the 'not-so-bright' genepool.
This year, wonder what will fortune will bring me... hopefully a gf... :P But heard that it's not likely for my fortune for this year, which sadly means I'll still be single... poor me :P
Christmas went, nothing happening there.
New Years came and went, went to the city with my friend Sam, and his friends. got screwed over in a way, they agreed to meet us at Darling Harbour for the 9pm fireworks, but then told us they were at Opera House. So, we headed over against a huge swarm of people, only to be turned away at 6pm, because 'the area was filled to capacity'. When it wasn't, at all.
Fireworks was great, took some videos of it on the camera I won from the Christmas party.
youtube, search for the username 'kenman2k', because I don't have other videos on there.
also posted some pics on my Wretch, Sam even bought silver membership... 1gb of space for his pics, compared to 60mb, along with no advertising. All for $20 US a year. Not bad I guess. But free beats paid for in my book :P
Work has 'quietened' down a bit, getting a bit more stable since I came here, there was literally one person leaving a fortnight, compared with my old company, where one person was leaving every few days. Went back to my old company, and found that they got around 30 staff left, from a previously massive 80. Not counting the casuals, of course. But at least here it was not as bad, they replenished the people from the 'not-so-bright' genepool.
This year, wonder what will fortune will bring me... hopefully a gf... :P But heard that it's not likely for my fortune for this year, which sadly means I'll still be single... poor me :P
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