Um... so what have I been up to these past 2 months... first of all I would have to say that nothing has really happened, apart from the usual... Work has finally gone around to past 3 months, and I'm supposed to be off probation and be permenant, but only next week will I be signing the contract... fingers crossed they don't screw me over, cos if they do, I'll be outta there and bumming till I find another job...
So what has been happening... there was a company bbq for Labour day (sydney) but I didn't go because I didn't want to, I woke up about 11am and thought... they would be there for 2 hours just chatting, because they started at 9am... and I would've gotten up at 7am to get there at 9am... not worth it.
Spending my days like this, day in day out, knowing what I have to do, and what to achieve, but with no purpose and sense of accomplishment, it really kinda drags the day out. I can be busting my ass lifting boxes, or entering data into the system, and it's all the same. No result really, since it balances out. I'm just there to fill a position, to punch the card clock in, and to punch the card clock out. A machine.
Granted, I do try to vary the job a bit now and then, but then there's not much variety to be had. If I had further juristication, I could do another job to fill in the day so it won't seem as long, but then I'm not getting paid enough as it is, and if I were to do the other job, then they'll come to see me as somebody who they can depend on to do that other job, and it'll probably fall under my job description, and well we don't want that to happen now, do we...
So it leaves me no other option really. I can start looking for another job, and then apply for jobs, and go to interview at best. True, I want to get into a field which I have no experience in, but with the experience I have, I can't move anywhere, except to a Manager's position, and it's not very fulfilling. So what to do...
Anyways, enough rubbish of the work and all that, what's for entertainment nowdays... I saw the web advertisement for a movie called Crank, and boy am I waiting to see that one. It's gonna be a hit I think... but with a name like that, some people might not like it. Who cares!
My net's been a bit stuffed lately... sometimes slow, sometimes fast, and sometimes disconnects by itself. Apparently a big ISP, Veridas collapsed, leaving many customers stranded with no service, and the ISP I'm with, they want to get new customers left in the lurch, so they are forced to make changes to stay afloat. Needless to say, we'll be careful in what we download now, since we got a limit... 100gb / month, which is probably the max we've ever hit (99 gb), so it's around 3gb a day... but the problem with that is, my connections are fast now... *sigh* I think I'll easily pass 3gb a day, so have to limit the downloads... that means only anime I watch, I get... and xxxHOLic is pretty good... I watched the movie, it's a bit out there, but not too bad. School Rumble Semester 2 is finished, and 3 is coming. And while the Office (NBC) isn't anime, it's one I get because they are on season 3, and well it gets funnier and funnier... so much so I just love the antics Jim pulls it's not funny. I wonder if the calculator he put in jello would work after he takes it out...
Back to work issues... I get to be a driver for 4 people because of my position as a supervisor. How lovely. Waste my fuel, and get up early to get to the station. What a bloody company this is, they can't be bothered hiring a driver for the bus? damn I really should be getting a new job and not complaining about this job. Oh well.
The Nintendo Wii (pronounced We) is coming out in Dec! I know I'll be getting it, not on the first day I guess, but maybe after the prices drop for the first time. You know, that's the first console we'd ever have in this family? Not counting the Sony PSP my bro got, and my Nintendo DS, because they aren't really consoles, more handhelds, like my PDA I don't use nowdays, and a camera I don't really use, and a mobile fone which is dying (Plus the company I used to work for managed to lose 6 billion dollars (or something like that) to plug a failing mobile company in 9 months... how's that for impressive...) so I'm looking for a new mobile fone, not that I call anybody, but it's for people to call me, like somebody who called tonight and asked me to join them tomorrow to a meeting to see if I wanted to make extra money on the side selling stuff. Yes, I will go join them to see what it's about, because frankly I am always suspicious, but I trust the bloke who called me, maybe he's been brainwashed, I have to find out :P
Anyways, probably another couple of weeks before I blog again since nothing really happens, and I mean really happens. It's always the little details that I record, and well, now it's the big picture...