Seems like I got nothing to blog about... Today was still a bit damp, it didn't actually rain hard, but there was the soft rain variety. I didn't take off my jacket today, it was that much cooler. Some people didn't turn up today, so it felt more quiet. Less stuff came in also. How about that? Two of the biggest couriers that send stuff didn't come at all today! Very very coincidental. That might also mean that tomorrow... will have plenty to do. And on a Friday too. Booooo. Anyways. Came home, there was a sample of Coffee Mate. I'm not exactly a coffee drinker, but its always interesting to get samples that I never really apply for. :D. Watched "Sensei no Ojikan (Teacher Time) ep 8". Its... about Valentines Day and White Day... we don't have White Day in Aus... :P But its fun to watch as always :) (Takes the translators a long time to get them translated... :( ) Anyways, since nothing doing, will go sleep earlier... not. :P
Another place to rant and rave... for my old blog,
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Mixed day...
Some things are good, and others are bad. We all have to take it in our stride and face up to it. Work was rather dreary, it was looking like its gonna rain, but didn't... so there was this 'gloomy' atmosphere around the warehouse... but we did move some big items out, which freed up plenty of space for tomorrow's stock... -_-. Anyways, came home and found out the electricity had cut out for about 2 hours... interesting. And then found some 'good' news... I applied for some free tix to a new movie that hasn't come out here... and I got some! Here's how it happened.
How it started... Invite for free tix? you betcha!
Then, this email came... oh.. did I make the cut?
And then... w00t! I'm taking my friend, since both my bros are slack and doesn't wanna go on Monday (NSW Labour Day)...
. This would make it my 4th Free movie ever. First was Tomb Raider 2, watched it with my bro. Then it was The Day After Tomorrow, watched it by myself (with 300 other strangers), then I, Robot (yay company! :D). Then this... yay! :P Something to look forward to on Monday. :D Just hope it won't rain *fingers crossed*
Pity its still raining hard though... Last nite I was rudely awakened by two f***ing cats that was in the crawl space under the house. They were wailing and geezus I couldn't sleep. It was 1am... lasted for about 1/2 to 1 hour... That time it was raining pretty hard too... just like now... -_-;; Hopefully tonite won't be a repeat case... Otherwise I might go nuts... and be a cat hunter... here kitty kitty kitty...
How it started... Invite for free tix? you betcha!

Then, this email came... oh.. did I make the cut?

And then... w00t! I'm taking my friend, since both my bros are slack and doesn't wanna go on Monday (NSW Labour Day)...

. This would make it my 4th Free movie ever. First was Tomb Raider 2, watched it with my bro. Then it was The Day After Tomorrow, watched it by myself (with 300 other strangers), then I, Robot (yay company! :D). Then this... yay! :P Something to look forward to on Monday. :D Just hope it won't rain *fingers crossed*
Pity its still raining hard though... Last nite I was rudely awakened by two f***ing cats that was in the crawl space under the house. They were wailing and geezus I couldn't sleep. It was 1am... lasted for about 1/2 to 1 hour... That time it was raining pretty hard too... just like now... -_-;; Hopefully tonite won't be a repeat case... Otherwise I might go nuts... and be a cat hunter... here kitty kitty kitty...
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Day of Boredom.... -_-
Today had to be a pretty boring day. Why? Traffic was free flowing, got to work, did the usual. No big drama here. Shipped out some units today, so there was just that tiny little bit extra room in the warehouse. Lunch I had sushi my mum made me, but collegue had fish and chips and I wished I was eating that instead, it smells so good (the oil that fried the fish/chips is very very nice...) I'm also very ravenous lately... can eat quite a large amount... even had 2 moon cakes tonight while watching CSI and Cold Case. Taro with walnut was made not by us, and its got a very nice taste. The other is what my mum made, I've had plenty of those... :P But its all good. After having a shower I feel that I'm not more 'refreshed' but more tired, and ready to sleep... :P So I guess I'll talk more later then :P
Monday, September 27, 2004
My teeth hurt. Every now and then, if I move my jaw slightly, I get this feeling of somebody drilling my teeth, or a sharp electric jolt. I think its more electric. But I can survive. Hopefully it will go away tomorrow (it has reduced the intensity of the jolt since yesterday...). I don't think I am a macho guy, but I do have a higher tolerance of pain... Ever since my appendix burst, they've pumped me full of sedatives and I guess I never recovered from that... (my dad laments the fact that before the appendix incident, I was doing well at school. After that, my grades went down the drain... but I guess I'm alive, thats the main thing :P. Anyways, today did practically the same things, except had to sort out a lot of 10 kg boxes (21... lifted 210 kilos today... w00t) think I sprained my wrist... -_- But should be ok, since now it doesn't hurt. Sleep is a miracle cure-all in my instance :P
Tomorrow Taiwan has a public holiday. Mid-Autumn festival. There people will be trying to admire the moon while having moon cakes. Through the smog I guess. Here, we can do the same, but the moon won't be as big? The tilt makes it a different size. Anyways, hope all that reads this have a happy 中秋節﹗And eat plenty of mooncakes, will yas?? (for me and my sore tooth :P)
Tomorrow Taiwan has a public holiday. Mid-Autumn festival. There people will be trying to admire the moon while having moon cakes. Through the smog I guess. Here, we can do the same, but the moon won't be as big? The tilt makes it a different size. Anyways, hope all that reads this have a happy 中秋節﹗And eat plenty of mooncakes, will yas?? (for me and my sore tooth :P)
Fall anime (Spring Anime here...)
Few things that I wouldn't mind watching (simply because I've read the manga). Yakitate! Japan, Genshiken, School Rumble. Mai-Hime looks interesting too. Also hopefully Mahou Sensei Negima. Ahhh *rubs hands*
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Making stuff on Sunday...
Spent a lazy day in... woke up pre-noon. It was warm... around 25 degrees. Did some file conversion (took around 2.5 hours). Then my mum asked me to make some 'shen tsao'... which is the black grass jelly. By making she meant mixing sugar with water, and then finely chopping the grass jelly and putting into the sugar water. This time I didn't add as much sugar, so it wasn't as nice, but its cool and refreshing in the fridge. :D My brother confused it with 'ai yui', which is also a jelly, but its made by running water through seeds, and mushing/crushing the seeds. That produces a form of gelatin or something which forms a jelly like substance when it settles. Anyways, for dinner I made about 50-60 'water legs' :P. "shui jiao", or dumplings. Mum made the rest, because she was making the sour-hot-soup. I ended up eating 32 of the dumplings, other bro had 30, and the other bro had 25 cos he wasn't hungry. (I was... :P). I ate while watching tv, they had a nature show about Croatia's Lakes or something... something funny was that a single Boar can defend itself against a pack of wolves, and a bear can also beat a pack of wolves for food. Very interesting. Anyways, I got a little toothache... *sigh* Its from eating too much sweet stuff... but I can't help it... :P Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow *crosses fingers*.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
My Saturday
Mmmm... Saturday... a time to sleep in? Guess not, not this Saturday... I woke up 'early' again, to get the car into the mechanic. It took him from 9am till 4pm to fix 2 Engine mounts for $140. (6 hours, if 1 hour for lunch... equivalent to $23/hr. Of course, the parts would've been a bit, so the labour cost would be much less. But then, he had about 5 other cars as well... so yeah, a car mechanic is always busy and probably earning not bad prices. Except you'll be up to your shoulders in grease, so its not a fun job. Anyways, last nite I started a download, it finished 10 hours later. It took 2 hours to convert it into SVCD, and about 10 mins to add chinese subtitles to it. 3 Mins to burn. And it'll be watched in 1 hour (1 hour 9 minutes and 38 seconds to be exact...). Isn't that sad... :P But it sure beats paying $1x for a ticket in the cinema. Heh :P Last nite there was 'Die Hard with a Vengence'.. but didn't watch it... hmmmmm I was too tired...
TFGIFF!! (Yes its extra 'F's :P)
Man, its hard to take this job with a good grace... So many fingers pointed at the warehouse today... its like pick on warehouse day. Ahhhhh... one incident involving me was... they had a box about 1/2 a kg but it was big, and since big items are calculated by cubic weight, it was over 5 kg, and we put it with another courier... and they still haven't recieved it because it was going to Tasmania... so the customer rang and literally abused the poor girl... So she comes and almost takes it out on me... But I tried to explain why we did that, to save money because of the cubic weight issue... she goes 'oh just pack it in a smaller box'... like that's gonna be really secure. So me and collegue, we say 'f*** it' and then from now on, we ship all big items as small size and see how they like the $$ falling out of their pockets. Try to save some $$ and get told off... *sigh*. Our supervisor was also kinda having a big headache with all the big 60+ units in the warehouse. Apparently nobody set the alarms last nite... thats kinda dangerous, because if they broke in they can steal many units and we'd be up shit creek without a paddle. So he's like really worried. But what can worrying do? We got security alarms, but no patrols. So its kinda dodgy. Rent-a-guard is very expensive, so... yeah... he has a big headache. But on the upside, I might be able to get a cheap digicam soon. Our company isn't gonna sell DC in Aus anymore... So they are collecting unsold stock and then offering it to staff... and then selling them or keeping them as service units. So *crosses fingers* hope I can get one cheap. :D
Friday, September 24, 2004
Hahaha (parental guidence recommended)
hmm... A Happy days Card??? Yeah you bet the driver is happy :P
Thursday, September 23, 2004
One more day...
And I'm ready to collapse. Well, I will take the car in early on Sat morning to get it fixed... but yeah, its been tiring today... The engineer + casuals who were doing the reworking were all gone today... so all the hustle and bustle of yesterday was strangely missing. Instead we had a big hubub about missing units... This was rather a big issue, and it was going on and on... ... and on and on and on... The guy says there's 68 units, but we only got 65, then 2 units came from somewhere, and blah blah blah it was all rather useless, because we can see that our supervisor is quietly losing it... We can't blame him, because its not his fault, but he will be getting the flak when the shit hits the fan. Thats if the shit hits the fan, because they were pretty well negotiating every hour by having a group discussion with warehouse manager plus warehouse specialist plus technical manager plus supervisor plus some guy who does transfers... who done what... everybody pushing blame elsewhere, so it was quite stressful. Plus it was rather humid in our little office too, when the air con was off... Apart from the debarcle, everything else was pretty good. All these units were shipped out with a minor hiccup... the van that comes at 4pm didn't come... so we had to call, and then at 4:50 it came... then he was bitching because he already knocked off work... the regular guy who does our warehouse has gone off for 2.5 weeks of fishing at an Island off the Queensland coast... lucky guy. I bet all the warehouse guys would wanna be on hols now... the situation is getting bad... We wish it would go away, but it seems that the units in dispute won't be leaving till maybe next week... -_- Oh well... If we don't have service at our company anymore, no biggie... I got my health and a forklift license... can get a similar job elsewhere... maybe going back to t-shirt handling... but yeah, I think the future looks bleak for now... Why must there be all this negativity... and why is it rubbing off on me, when I'm usually so funny? :P (Plus collegue thinks its funny to try to say that girls like me... like WTF?? psycho girl doesn't like me, thank you very much.)
Fun Driving Game
How fast can you park into the space provided? My best - 7.30 seconds, 65 points. :D
A day where I'm tired... oh wait thats just like any day...
Why oh why did I work at this place? Oh because I didn't wanna be a bludger at home doing nothing... but I didn't really sign up to do manual labour. Well thats how I felt today... Remember yesterday I said there were 60 units, and they only done about 12?. Today they did about 40 units, thus leaving about 10 units left.... and I moved them 40 units into the service area by myself... other collegues did the usual, unpacking and packing stuff... I get to do the sticker removal and wrapping. Also psycho girl (her car is full of 'Hello' + her name. Its like a Hello K.... car... pink insides in a silver body.) had her stuff sent out today... 10+ boxes, each around 12 kg. The courier made a lot of $$ out of us today. :P Anyways, yesterday I did a bit of 'impersonation'... The supervisor's kid is going to high school, and he doesn't know if the kid will be accepted into a school so got me to call... I can tell you I wasn't doing a good job, especially when the other party said 'are you the student's father?' I hesitantly said... '...yes...'. She wasn't convinced... But since I had provided the d.o.b and address and name... how can she not believe me? Its good that his kid has a good chance to get into the school... apparently the second highest ranked high school in Sydney (first being James Ruse). Ah... never get me to impersonate... -_-. I got home, and wasn't feeling hungry because of the 1.5 kg pasta I had this afternoon. Thank god I have a huge stomach :P (It wasn't bottomless... I was full by the end... and then worked it off all afternoon). So I ate a little dinner, and then snoozed. Then watched CSI: Miami. And then my dad wrote something to email back to his friend who'd sent him a Powerpoint slide about Mooncakes. Here it is, if you are interested."謝謝你送來那麼多好吃的月餅。月是故鄉圓﹐月餅是故鄉甜。中秋節一到﹐台灣天氣涼爽了。中秋節一到﹐澳洲天氣悶熱了。是稱為中春節合適吧。杏花﹐李花﹐桃花﹐杜鵑﹐百花齊放怎不聯想到故鄉的陽明山﹖為應節故我們也自製些月餅自我欣賞﹐有芋泥鹹蛋黃餡﹐紅豆鹹蛋黃餡﹐綠豆鹹蛋黃餡。就是沒有你送來的香噴噴的咖啡月餅。但我們有做一種濃濃XX味的月餅。你猜﹖榴槤月餅也。再過不久你們要吃火鍋了。冬天吃火鍋真叫過癮。同一時間澳洲吃火鍋汗流夾背。大家都往海邊跑。不多說了。讓我趕快享受你的月餅吧。"
All typed by me. I'm so proud. :P (That took the better half of around 1.5 hours to type... :P). Anyways... Tomorrow will be another day of hard slogging (more stuff by psycho girl... and maybe psycho+ girl. Psycho+ girl is a bit more weird... she has a extremely weird laugh, kinda like having an orgasm or something -_-... whenever she laughs the people who don't know she laughs like that go "WTF was that??". The ones used to her laugh will go "she's having her sjb time".) with more stuff to move... I don't know if this is a good environment anymore... :P
All typed by me. I'm so proud. :P (That took the better half of around 1.5 hours to type... :P). Anyways... Tomorrow will be another day of hard slogging (more stuff by psycho girl... and maybe psycho+ girl. Psycho+ girl is a bit more weird... she has a extremely weird laugh, kinda like having an orgasm or something -_-... whenever she laughs the people who don't know she laughs like that go "WTF was that??". The ones used to her laugh will go "she's having her sjb time".) with more stuff to move... I don't know if this is a good environment anymore... :P
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
A nice song in my playlist... Kurau Phantom Memory OP Single - Natsukashii Umi (Akino Arai)\02. Nijiiro no Wakusei.mpc. Its very soft and got a nice melody to it.
Today I woke up early. Like 6am early. I don't know why, but I think I am affected by sunlight. The sun basically shines in through a crack in my curtains and I'm like awake. (Maybe I am a part vampire? who knows :P) But I look at my bedside clock and see its 6am, so I go back to snooze, periodically waking up at 7 then finally at 8. Work was... stable. We had 20 units before, they were done on the weekend by the service engineer and a casual. Now we have an extra 60 units. We've literally ran out of room. And they hired 2 more casuals. One even flew in from TW, just to help out with the work... His name is Jerry, and I didn't talk with him at all... just nodded my head at him to acknowledge him because I was busy doing my work to have a good yak with him... Anyways, considering if they got 20 units done with 2 people in 2 days, 60 units with 3 people will be... done in how many days? Today they done 12 + some inside... maybe too many cooks spoil the broth. But its because they don't have any room to do the work... -_- We need more space, otherwise we won't be doing any work. We did the usual today, in, out, deliveries... Collegue cut his hand on a sharp edge -_-. It wasn't a deep cut, but guess its pretty dangerous, so he put some foam over the sharp edge and taped it up so future people won't be hurt... good for him. Me, I nearly cut myself there on some occasions, but I usually is careful enough not to do big damage. Its weird why there would be a metallic support on the bottom of a wooden table, but thats what was the dangerous part. We have to reach under the table to get foam... to fill the boxes of course.. and if u were unfortunate your hand would come up and scratch, there goes some skin... :P Tomorrow will be more of the same, except that we might have to ship out the boxes that the 'swearing girl' will be sorting out... That would be fun... NOT.
Tonight watched a repeat episode of CSI, forgot how it ended so thats why I watched it. Turns out it was a 'cliffhanger' because they didn't catch any bad guy... Cold Case was alright I guess, the killer was the wife. She did it with a poker. In the upstairs bedroom. The victim was the husband. The motive was a telephone call, picked up by the son. As you can see, its simple enough, except that the case happened 13 years ago and only 'now' they've managed to solve it... (Also I've been playing a small game called 'Inspector Parker', from GameHouse Studios. If you're bored and up for some puzzle challenge, try it... :P)
Today I woke up early. Like 6am early. I don't know why, but I think I am affected by sunlight. The sun basically shines in through a crack in my curtains and I'm like awake. (Maybe I am a part vampire? who knows :P) But I look at my bedside clock and see its 6am, so I go back to snooze, periodically waking up at 7 then finally at 8. Work was... stable. We had 20 units before, they were done on the weekend by the service engineer and a casual. Now we have an extra 60 units. We've literally ran out of room. And they hired 2 more casuals. One even flew in from TW, just to help out with the work... His name is Jerry, and I didn't talk with him at all... just nodded my head at him to acknowledge him because I was busy doing my work to have a good yak with him... Anyways, considering if they got 20 units done with 2 people in 2 days, 60 units with 3 people will be... done in how many days? Today they done 12 + some inside... maybe too many cooks spoil the broth. But its because they don't have any room to do the work... -_- We need more space, otherwise we won't be doing any work. We did the usual today, in, out, deliveries... Collegue cut his hand on a sharp edge -_-. It wasn't a deep cut, but guess its pretty dangerous, so he put some foam over the sharp edge and taped it up so future people won't be hurt... good for him. Me, I nearly cut myself there on some occasions, but I usually is careful enough not to do big damage. Its weird why there would be a metallic support on the bottom of a wooden table, but thats what was the dangerous part. We have to reach under the table to get foam... to fill the boxes of course.. and if u were unfortunate your hand would come up and scratch, there goes some skin... :P Tomorrow will be more of the same, except that we might have to ship out the boxes that the 'swearing girl' will be sorting out... That would be fun... NOT.
Tonight watched a repeat episode of CSI, forgot how it ended so thats why I watched it. Turns out it was a 'cliffhanger' because they didn't catch any bad guy... Cold Case was alright I guess, the killer was the wife. She did it with a poker. In the upstairs bedroom. The victim was the husband. The motive was a telephone call, picked up by the son. As you can see, its simple enough, except that the case happened 13 years ago and only 'now' they've managed to solve it... (Also I've been playing a small game called 'Inspector Parker', from GameHouse Studios. If you're bored and up for some puzzle challenge, try it... :P)
I was watching tv, and I come back and see this... WTF!!?!?!?!
(note: names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent...)
[20:48] * G has joined #
[20:48] * ChanServ sets mode: +o G
[21:02] <p> hiya
[21:03] <G> yes babe
[21:03] <G> help me
[21:03] * G til i die
[21:03] <p> some can't be helped
[21:03] <G> >__<
[21:04] <G> what can u ofer me?
[21:05] <G> ????????????????????????????????///
[21:06] <p> nothing
[21:07] <G> i know already
[21:08] <G> ken miss u
[21:09] <p> who doesn't :p
[21:09] <G> me
[21:09] <p> bah, you don't count
[21:09] <G> and yourself
[21:09] <G> i know i dont count . but u count my heart in
[21:10] <p> lol
[21:11] <G> hey i dont see u fight with ken
[21:11] <G> why?
[21:11] <p> he's not here to fight with
[21:11] <G> why say so?
[21:11] <G> oh i know i know
[21:12] <G> u2 fight in msn
[21:12] <G> hmmm really? and how come?
[21:13] <p> have irc already
[21:13] <G> but u dont talk much with him nowadays
[21:14] <p> i don't talk to anyone much nowadays
[21:14] <G> why?
[21:14] <p> been busy
[21:14] <G> busy of dating?
[21:16] <p> lol
[21:16] <p> i wish
[21:23] <G> come over to date with ken
[21:23] <G> hahhaha
[21:23] <G> i will let himm off work for few days
[21:23] <p> nah, don't date aussies :D
[21:24] <G> he's kiwi
[21:24] <p> i aint stupid
[21:24] <G> he's taiwaner[21:24] <G> he hold a taiwan passport
[21:25] <p> who doesn't :D
[21:25] <G> me doesnt but i am not count
[21:26] <G> r u laughing ?
[21:26] <p> no
[21:26] <G> 99
[21:26] <p> ;)
[21:26] <p> bye
[21:26] <p> nite
[21:29] * G heheh i bet u do laughing:P
[21:31] * G Quit (Quit: none)
I don't know why... :P
(note: names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent...)
[20:48] * G has joined #
[20:48] * ChanServ sets mode: +o G
[21:02] <p> hiya
[21:03] <G> yes babe
[21:03] <G> help me
[21:03] * G til i die
[21:03] <p> some can't be helped
[21:03] <G> >__<
[21:04] <G> what can u ofer me?
[21:05] <G> ????????????????????????????????///
[21:06] <p> nothing
[21:07] <G> i know already
[21:08] <G> ken miss u
[21:09] <p> who doesn't :p
[21:09] <G> me
[21:09] <p> bah, you don't count
[21:09] <G> and yourself
[21:09] <G> i know i dont count . but u count my heart in
[21:10] <p> lol
[21:11] <G> hey i dont see u fight with ken
[21:11] <G> why?
[21:11] <p> he's not here to fight with
[21:11] <G> why say so?
[21:11] <G> oh i know i know
[21:12] <G> u2 fight in msn
[21:12] <G> hmmm really? and how come?
[21:13] <p> have irc already
[21:13] <G> but u dont talk much with him nowadays
[21:14] <p> i don't talk to anyone much nowadays
[21:14] <G> why?
[21:14] <p> been busy
[21:14] <G> busy of dating?
[21:16] <p> lol
[21:16] <p> i wish
[21:23] <G> come over to date with ken
[21:23] <G> hahhaha
[21:23] <G> i will let himm off work for few days
[21:23] <p> nah, don't date aussies :D
[21:24] <G> he's kiwi
[21:24] <p> i aint stupid
[21:24] <G> he's taiwaner[21:24] <G> he hold a taiwan passport
[21:25] <p> who doesn't :D
[21:25] <G> me doesnt but i am not count
[21:26] <G> r u laughing ?
[21:26] <p> no
[21:26] <G> 99
[21:26] <p> ;)
[21:26] <p> bye
[21:26] <p> nite
[21:29] * G heheh i bet u do laughing:P
[21:31] * G Quit (Quit: none)
I don't know why... :P
Sept 20, 2004.
Its been a big day today... by big I mean that we started with a nice clean warehouse. By the end we are walking around with practically no room. 10 pallets of about 3.5 meters high fill the floor. Thats how packed it is... -_- tomorrow will have to do some serious work too... will have to ship out 20 huge boxes... bah all the heavy work -_- damn the person! damn her! (lucky I wasn't called to do it... but anyways... will have to do it whether I like it or not tomorrow.) I gave the Mooncakes away to my collegues and supervisor(s). Also one of them gave back as well, with 'professional' made ones. Made out of pineapple... interesting :D~. Also I did OT tonite, to catch up doing the spare parts that didn't get done today with all the excitement of those 60 odd boxes... -_-. Also had 20 x 20kg boxes of promotional material... I think I was pretty tired after that effort... damn the other woman! she orders all these useless things :P. Oh well... thats life... If they changed management, she might be more thrifty, but right now I don't think so... buying this, using it for one show, put elsewhere and not resuse... thats what happens... its a pity, but they can reuse stock but they choose not to... -_- Oh well... I got my stuff to worry about... and yet I'm still blogging past midnight... -_-.
Monday, September 20, 2004
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Woke up 'early' for a sunday... 8:30. Had a quick breakky (with one mooncake), filled the car's radiator with water because I knew we were gonna be going a long way... 40 mins by car. 9am: We took the motorway, I was going at 70 km/h, and the car doesn't seem to have the grunt to go any faster... but with the nudging of the accelerator it crept up to 80... and the car was struggling... so after arriving at our destination, we went to deliver the mooncakes, and because they were students, didn't stay long (yes, students who don't know how to entertain their parents' friends...). Before we set off home, I popped the hood and then added about 2 litres of water in... it was still boiling... and it was all rusted... and we took another 40 mins to get home. So we got home around 11. Didn't have lunch (Mi Goreng) till 1pm... then I was watching 'Naked Weapon'. Um... its not a pr0n. But it does have pr0n situations in it... :P Go look it up if you want to, but its a 'ok' action film I guess. I think Returner was much better. Meanwhile it started raining in the arvo... a sun shower. Tomorrow I'll be going to work with mooncakes for everybody. Well, in the warehouse section, thats two, plus the supervisor, and then whoever wants to have it down in the service area. Aren't we nice :P.
Blogging in less than 1 minute...
Woke up. 11am. Breakfast. Walk to garage. Talk with Adam (Mechanic). Will bring car next Sat for service. Walked to shopping center. 10 mins. People handing out propaganda. Ignore. Withdraw money. Buy Lotto Ticket (10 games $5). Buy Milk. Get hassled by more Socialists. Go home. Did nothing special. Play games. Internet. Watch movie. Dinner. More of movie. Got told to go sleep early since tomorrow will deliver mooncakes to friend early. -_-. What a day. :P Movie = Returner, cool Matrix-Terminator like Sci-Fi movie. Not bad. One movie down. Ok sleep. Bye.
Saturday, September 18, 2004
At times like these I wish I had a digicam... Mum just made a batch of Moon cakes (coming soon is the Moon viewing festival) and they look very delicious. She goes to pick one up and... it slips and goes splat on the table. Classic. Three flavours this time... Red Bean, Green Bean, and Taro. :) Also have salty egg yolk in the middle. :D~~
Friday, September 17, 2004
200 Posts on this blog and still going...
Its been 200 posts... average of 1 a day. Nearly a year since I started blogging. Looking back at my other blog, it seems remotely possible that I was going to be an apprentice electrician. Now I'm a warehouse guy in an electronics company. How my life has been different... I'm a year older, but I still feel the same. Clicking through my archives, its funny to see how my other 'layouts' have been archived... My brief (or not so brief) fascination with the Matrix resulted in that pic... (I'm amazed it still works!!).
Anyways, enough flashbacks. Life goes on, I'm still tired, and job is still busy busy. Stuff never stops coming in. In the unlikely incident that it does stop, we'd be out of a job. Then I might have to go work as an apprentice electrician. Till we stop electricity. Hah, unlikely. Nah, seriously, this girl (the asian girl who swears much more than yuppy... or maybe yuppy swears more? I dunno... I swear, this girl says the f... word every 2 sentences... it doesn't matter if she's with somebody in the warehouse, or with a manager, she might tone it down to f... this and f... that every 5 sentences... ) has ordered... get this... 40 boxes from the other warehouse. 40 boxes! Each around 5-10 kilos... (Some of them can easily hide a small child... -_-). GAWD what the hell is she doing with them!! If she's gonna split them up and send them... I'll be f... this and f... that myself... cos thats what happened last time when 30 boxes came in and I had to pack 10 sets... some items from each box... -_- geez that was a good 2 hours gone... Hopefully she will take them upstairs herself (ha ha ha) but I doubt it... Sucks to be me right? :P But its alright, thats our 'job'... even though our tasks seem to be expanding more and more. Not that the upstairs people are lazy... nooooo.. but its because the procedure gets bypassed and we get stuck with it all. Can you believe it takes 3 hours to get a package to the city and get another picked up from the same place? Geez I can drive there in around 40 mins and 40 back, but I don't charge around $30 each way... thats extortion!! (Taxi!) No wonder couriers are rich people with nice cars... with gigs like that, they can easily earn up to $500 a day... from 8am till 5pm, each hour around $50... (They do 'routes', thus they can get more parcels along the way... for example if Chatswood was north of North Sydney, they can get the two parcels to each location 'along the way' and pocket the extra $20, in 10 mins drive...(express services... up to $90... quite scary...) I think you have to buy the route tho, its like $35,000 (once off) for the year, but potentially you can earn around $40-45k... so you can earn and pay off the route in the first year and keep going if u like it. I wouldn't like it too much since you have to drive all the time... I prefer doing stuff, not driving stuff...
In the evening I watched 'The Score'. De Niro and Norton. Not bad, but I still think Norton's character was dumb enough to not say 'open it and show me the sceptre'. Otherwise it was ok. I still got so many movies to watch :P And the weekend is here... woohoo :D
Anyways, enough flashbacks. Life goes on, I'm still tired, and job is still busy busy. Stuff never stops coming in. In the unlikely incident that it does stop, we'd be out of a job. Then I might have to go work as an apprentice electrician. Till we stop electricity. Hah, unlikely. Nah, seriously, this girl (the asian girl who swears much more than yuppy... or maybe yuppy swears more? I dunno... I swear, this girl says the f... word every 2 sentences... it doesn't matter if she's with somebody in the warehouse, or with a manager, she might tone it down to f... this and f... that every 5 sentences... ) has ordered... get this... 40 boxes from the other warehouse. 40 boxes! Each around 5-10 kilos... (Some of them can easily hide a small child... -_-). GAWD what the hell is she doing with them!! If she's gonna split them up and send them... I'll be f... this and f... that myself... cos thats what happened last time when 30 boxes came in and I had to pack 10 sets... some items from each box... -_- geez that was a good 2 hours gone... Hopefully she will take them upstairs herself (ha ha ha) but I doubt it... Sucks to be me right? :P But its alright, thats our 'job'... even though our tasks seem to be expanding more and more. Not that the upstairs people are lazy... nooooo.. but its because the procedure gets bypassed and we get stuck with it all. Can you believe it takes 3 hours to get a package to the city and get another picked up from the same place? Geez I can drive there in around 40 mins and 40 back, but I don't charge around $30 each way... thats extortion!! (Taxi!) No wonder couriers are rich people with nice cars... with gigs like that, they can easily earn up to $500 a day... from 8am till 5pm, each hour around $50... (They do 'routes', thus they can get more parcels along the way... for example if Chatswood was north of North Sydney, they can get the two parcels to each location 'along the way' and pocket the extra $20, in 10 mins drive...(express services... up to $90... quite scary...) I think you have to buy the route tho, its like $35,000 (once off) for the year, but potentially you can earn around $40-45k... so you can earn and pay off the route in the first year and keep going if u like it. I wouldn't like it too much since you have to drive all the time... I prefer doing stuff, not driving stuff...
In the evening I watched 'The Score'. De Niro and Norton. Not bad, but I still think Norton's character was dumb enough to not say 'open it and show me the sceptre'. Otherwise it was ok. I still got so many movies to watch :P And the weekend is here... woohoo :D
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Old, but still very freaky :P
Fun in a busy day...
We all need to have some time to laugh. If we don't, work gets too serious and its stressful. Being in this enviroment is good, since we have time to find things to laugh out loudly about. Take yesterday for example. One of the 'broken' items came in was a camera. The fault description was "Battery will not charge". My collegue gave me the camera with the battery inside. I didn't know what was funny till I opened the battery compartment... and took the battery out... can you believe it, the nong had kept the original protective plastic ON the battery. You're meant to take that OFF before you insert battery into camera. Ahaha I had a great laugh there :D. Today was a little different, but funny nevertheless (to me and collegue). The courier driver usually comes to us directly after 5pm to pick up the goods. Today, he stopped outside us, and then did something weird... asked the next door warehouse. Why? We don't know. About 5 mins later he reverses the van back to our gate, and we loaded it up (20 items today... quite a lot, considering the last couple of days we only did about 10 each day...) And we asked what was he looking for... he showed us his pager, and it said to pick up a parcel from a place which wasn't normally on his route, but it was on the same street as us. The item said 'medicine technologies'. The number was one away from us. He checked the right side, they don't know any medicine technologies... then we go (ding! light bulb goes off) the left hand side is called... Drumroll please... 'Madison Technologies'. ROFL... hahaha u can imagine how pissed off the guy was at his own company's call center... Thats the problem, sometimes we get missplete manes nad adrdesese... and that means we have to use the net to find the correct addys :P But it does keep you on your toes... :P Today I was feeling like a escaping refugee (like the movie "Transporter"). Except there were no other humans, just stands in a huge 40 foot container (12 meters). It was hot in there, no air came through, and we moved many many pallets off... again we've run out of space in the warehouse... -_-. Hopefully they will be relocated tomorrow, but I doubt it. Thus, I'm tired again and will be going soon :P
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
I didn't blog yesterday and I wasn't gonna blog today, but oh what the heck...
Work was busy. Today we sent out 10 pallets. All wrapped by yours truely. Easy to get dizzy, plus all the manual labour of unstacking and re-stacking. Plus they had 'last minute' additions (meaning I had to re-wrap them to the top...). So I was tired. Yesterday was the same too... wrapping of other stuff to be sent out. Totally I was doing all that because there were too many to be done. I think for times like these, we're understaffed. We forgot to ship out one of the engineer's fixed items too, because we were that busy. Oh well its only one day. Plus we had to put away many many spare parts. That was time consuming, and we're about 96% capacity in the spare part locker. We seriously got no room for new spare parts... Hope we move soon. Today I also bought 50 CDRs from my supervisor, simply because he didn't use them, and has no intention to use them. Me, I joked that I go through them like people go through air. But if I were to get a DVD-Burner, then maybe I would go through them a little less. 7~14 x CD Capacity on one DVD+-R... can burn several series of anime :P. Ah tired... will go sleep now :P
PS: CSI and Cold Case was alright... guessed the villans long before they got revealed :P CSI:Miami was a bit better, because we had no idea what the hell was going on... :P
PPS: I've stopped my Zebraman translation, found some translation from another site, but I think they toned down the meanings somewhat... (From maybe M15 + to a PG). Also found some 'Returner' English subs since its in French, and my level of French was no more than that of a High Schooler's... :P
Work was busy. Today we sent out 10 pallets. All wrapped by yours truely. Easy to get dizzy, plus all the manual labour of unstacking and re-stacking. Plus they had 'last minute' additions (meaning I had to re-wrap them to the top...). So I was tired. Yesterday was the same too... wrapping of other stuff to be sent out. Totally I was doing all that because there were too many to be done. I think for times like these, we're understaffed. We forgot to ship out one of the engineer's fixed items too, because we were that busy. Oh well its only one day. Plus we had to put away many many spare parts. That was time consuming, and we're about 96% capacity in the spare part locker. We seriously got no room for new spare parts... Hope we move soon. Today I also bought 50 CDRs from my supervisor, simply because he didn't use them, and has no intention to use them. Me, I joked that I go through them like people go through air. But if I were to get a DVD-Burner, then maybe I would go through them a little less. 7~14 x CD Capacity on one DVD+-R... can burn several series of anime :P. Ah tired... will go sleep now :P
PS: CSI and Cold Case was alright... guessed the villans long before they got revealed :P CSI:Miami was a bit better, because we had no idea what the hell was going on... :P
PPS: I've stopped my Zebraman translation, found some translation from another site, but I think they toned down the meanings somewhat... (From maybe M15 + to a PG). Also found some 'Returner' English subs since its in French, and my level of French was no more than that of a High Schooler's... :P
Monday, September 13, 2004
Seems like my last two pics were 'war' related... but in a weird way :P I'm tired, even though today we didn't do much at work. The usual stuff was done, deliveries done, and we even tried to fix our supervisor's personal computer... to no avail, because windows XP is rather dodgy in handling his USB 1.1 ports. Under Win2K they worked fine, but once he had XP installed, it doesn't work no more... :P So we tried for about 2 hours, but nothing works... oh well. No big loss really, but it means he can't plug in USB memory sticks etc. I filled up the water before I went home. But the water level still went up to around 40%... I was really scared !_!. Why does it heat up so much @_@... Need to get a new car very soon otherwise I'll be pretty bad to get to work... -_-.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Sunday night update
Its another Sunday night. What on telly? Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Enemy at the Gates. Law&Order: Criminal Intent. Crocodile Hunter movie. So what do I watch? The computer screen. Nothing more interesting here :P Went out shopping for tomorrow's lunch after dinner. Got some chicken nuggets. 2nd bro won't be going anywhere tomorrow, he is gonna make some sort of strawberry cake (for his gf?? I think so.) So he got 'strawberry nectar', we have some eggs and flour and sugar left, he got some lemon essence, and a block of butter. So I guess he will be making a cake of some sort. I don't think we'll be having any, but he might be generous enough to make some extra. Who knows. Doesn't matter really. Anyways, it was FREEZING. Talk about cold, its 16 degrees inside the house. Thats cold. Apparently, its the cloudless sky thats the reason. The heat has no cloud matter to keep against, thus the cold wind can accumulate. If there were clouds, the heat will be trapped by the clouds and thus the average temperature will be warmer. But I don't know how the clouds will keep heat... *Shrugs*. Anyways, tomorrow is another working day... so will go sleep earlier... :P
Zebraman. It looks funny, is a comedy, and well, I'm trying to translate the chinese subs into English. Gawd help me :P
Final Fantasy A+ - presented by
Final Fantasy A - presented by This is very good... :)
You know what happened between last nite 8pm and today 10am? A lot of things...
1) Nearly had a couple of flat tyres.
This was because I was told to go shopping with my mum. Went out around 8pm because parents were gonna go to a friend's place tomorrow, and mum wanted to make some egg tarts. We had no eggs, nor flour. So off to the supermarket we went. On the way there, nothing was wrong. Got the items, came home. Guess what? Some f*cking assholes put a shopping trolley + wooden planks with nails ON THE ROAD. FU*K!!! I ran over the planks and saw the shopping trolley on the other side of the road. My mum was almost screaming, because she though I crashed into something. But hell, I saw not the planks on the road, but the trolley, avoided that, but still ran over the planks. We were about 100 meters down the road before we stopped and looked back at the 'obstacle'. Then this other car came along and did EXACTLY the same thing. 'Crack' as they went over the planks... They stopped too. I think it wasn't safe, so we drove back and then pushed the trolley away and picked up the planks. Mum found out there were nails sticking out of the planks. Sort of like a trap... This was done in the short space of about 10 mins... -_-. The atmosphere in the neighbourhood was rather weird, we can hear a lot of cars revving and people shouting... so yeah, got home, and the car tyres weren't punctured (visually). Not as far as I can see at night with the house light on... Except that I had to go pick up my bro about 11pm from the Lidcome train station... which is about 15 mins drive. I drive and I feel the steering wheels wobble, but that could be from the engine being all f*cked... Got to the station just as the train pulled in, so got home and it was fine. Hopefully... plugging tyres isn't too cheap either ($10 a tyre from last time...). Anyways, apart from that, last nite was pretty uneventful. Mum made plenty of egg tarts and honey cake. Yumm :D~~
2) Emergency system check. This morning at around 10am...
I think we spent over 1 hour just trying to figure out what was going on, but lucky the two older bros (me and first bro) had a clue. The second bro uses the excuse "I'm an Anatomist" to say that he can f*ck his and our network up. Basically I was semi asleep, and then both my bros were up and they couldn't surf the net. 2nd bro reboots the server computer (my little baby) and still couldn't surf. 1st bro didn't do much since he was having breakfast. I didn't have breakfast so I was kinda pissed at why the net would be down. We tried everything, checking the system, unplugging the modem, all to no avail. So I reboot it myself. And then found out that something was SENDING OUT DATA at enormous rates. 10 mins and close to 10 megs sent out. That was what was chewing up the bandwidth. So we unplugged 1st bro's comp from the net. Still the same, it was still spewing out shit. Then we unplugged 2nd's computer. IT STOPPED. Since my computer wasn't on, its impossible to actually do anything. We went to second bro's comp and checked what the f*ck was going on. It was harbouring this keylogger cleverly disguised as 'CSRSS.EXE'. CSRSS is an important part of windows (later versions). But it exists in the windows\system32 directory, not the windows\system directory. Thus it was a trojan. If it was him, he would've missed that fact completely. The fact that we (me and 1st) know this saved our asses. We asked him what he was doing before he couldn't surf anymore. He went to a website called 'fa*'. Don't go there folks, you'll get a trojan. Thats one thing you should never do. Go to those 'names' kind of website... who knows what the website will install on your computer without you knowing. Always be safe, update your antivirus, and firewall if u need it. I personally don't have a firewall, because I know where I go. I don't go to dodgy websites. But at least its a lesson learned. He installed a firewall as soon as he was able to connect to the net. I had my breakfast while watching Video Hits. Fatboy Slim has a new song. 'Slash dot slash'. Its... interesting. musically its the same as his other works, but visually, they have two punks running around in a room that's obviously tiltable... (they can jump around on walls and walk upside down etc etc...). Interesting.
1) Nearly had a couple of flat tyres.
This was because I was told to go shopping with my mum. Went out around 8pm because parents were gonna go to a friend's place tomorrow, and mum wanted to make some egg tarts. We had no eggs, nor flour. So off to the supermarket we went. On the way there, nothing was wrong. Got the items, came home. Guess what? Some f*cking assholes put a shopping trolley + wooden planks with nails ON THE ROAD. FU*K!!! I ran over the planks and saw the shopping trolley on the other side of the road. My mum was almost screaming, because she though I crashed into something. But hell, I saw not the planks on the road, but the trolley, avoided that, but still ran over the planks. We were about 100 meters down the road before we stopped and looked back at the 'obstacle'. Then this other car came along and did EXACTLY the same thing. 'Crack' as they went over the planks... They stopped too. I think it wasn't safe, so we drove back and then pushed the trolley away and picked up the planks. Mum found out there were nails sticking out of the planks. Sort of like a trap... This was done in the short space of about 10 mins... -_-. The atmosphere in the neighbourhood was rather weird, we can hear a lot of cars revving and people shouting... so yeah, got home, and the car tyres weren't punctured (visually). Not as far as I can see at night with the house light on... Except that I had to go pick up my bro about 11pm from the Lidcome train station... which is about 15 mins drive. I drive and I feel the steering wheels wobble, but that could be from the engine being all f*cked... Got to the station just as the train pulled in, so got home and it was fine. Hopefully... plugging tyres isn't too cheap either ($10 a tyre from last time...). Anyways, apart from that, last nite was pretty uneventful. Mum made plenty of egg tarts and honey cake. Yumm :D~~
2) Emergency system check. This morning at around 10am...
I think we spent over 1 hour just trying to figure out what was going on, but lucky the two older bros (me and first bro) had a clue. The second bro uses the excuse "I'm an Anatomist" to say that he can f*ck his and our network up. Basically I was semi asleep, and then both my bros were up and they couldn't surf the net. 2nd bro reboots the server computer (my little baby) and still couldn't surf. 1st bro didn't do much since he was having breakfast. I didn't have breakfast so I was kinda pissed at why the net would be down. We tried everything, checking the system, unplugging the modem, all to no avail. So I reboot it myself. And then found out that something was SENDING OUT DATA at enormous rates. 10 mins and close to 10 megs sent out. That was what was chewing up the bandwidth. So we unplugged 1st bro's comp from the net. Still the same, it was still spewing out shit. Then we unplugged 2nd's computer. IT STOPPED. Since my computer wasn't on, its impossible to actually do anything. We went to second bro's comp and checked what the f*ck was going on. It was harbouring this keylogger cleverly disguised as 'CSRSS.EXE'. CSRSS is an important part of windows (later versions). But it exists in the windows\system32 directory, not the windows\system directory. Thus it was a trojan. If it was him, he would've missed that fact completely. The fact that we (me and 1st) know this saved our asses. We asked him what he was doing before he couldn't surf anymore. He went to a website called 'fa*'. Don't go there folks, you'll get a trojan. Thats one thing you should never do. Go to those 'names' kind of website... who knows what the website will install on your computer without you knowing. Always be safe, update your antivirus, and firewall if u need it. I personally don't have a firewall, because I know where I go. I don't go to dodgy websites. But at least its a lesson learned. He installed a firewall as soon as he was able to connect to the net. I had my breakfast while watching Video Hits. Fatboy Slim has a new song. 'Slash dot slash'. Its... interesting. musically its the same as his other works, but visually, they have two punks running around in a room that's obviously tiltable... (they can jump around on walls and walk upside down etc etc...). Interesting.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Its nice to have a weekend. It really is. I woke up at 11am. Luxurious :D. Anyways, I asked mum for a haircut, and I got one... Its not because I want a new style, but since its Spring (although a cold one) I feel that my hair keeps too much heat... Its black too, which absorbs more heat. I think I forgot to go to the car mechanic for a purpose... Because I woke up at 11am thats why. Plus I think the car won't die with the mounts failing... Thats what the mechanic said anyways. Besides, if I want to spare a few hours for the car to be fixed, I can tell my supervisor, he won't mind. I just lose out on my $1x/hr. Anyways, I spent the afternoon trying to compile a couple of CDs for my bro's gf's birthday (happy birthday to her... bro's gone out tonite with her (as usual)). As per his request. As I have the burner, I suppose I have to be obliged. :P Getting the songs were a little more difficult, but I managed... Thus there are 3 CDs which play nicely in the CD player on his desk, ready for tomorrow :D. Also there's Jackie Chan's First Strike on tonite, but I've seen it, so I won't see it again. Jackie Chan's got a new movie out... called 'New Police Story'. Dunno if it'll be good or what, but what the hey, might see it if it comes out, might not if it gets bad reviews... :P And I've yet to see LOTR:ROTK! (Or many other movies for that matter... :P). Songs I recently like...
Nelly - My Place (Nice RnB)
Missy Higgins - Scar (Nice Alternative)
Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved (Pretty good Lounge Music)
Jojo - Leave (Get Out) (Nice RnB-Pop)
Jet - Cold Heart Bitch (Nice Hard Rock)
Gavin DeGraw - I Don't Wanna Be (Nice Alternative Rock)
Freestylers - Push Up (Nice Techno)
Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out (Nice Soft Alternative Rock)
Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending (Avril... what can I say?? :P Good ol' Rock)
The Killers - Somebody Told Me (Interesting Techno Rock)
Also some Anime Songs
2x2 = Shinobuden OP and ED Songs (Hyper songs... and ED is cute)
Girls Bravo ED Song (Smooth~~)
DearS OP and ED Songs (Under17 for OP (Love Slave), PoppinS for ED (Happy Cosmosu)... I like them both)
Keroro Gunsou Ondo Song (I wanna see more of this anime, somebody please put out more fansubs!!)
Nurse Witch Song (I've yet to see this anime, but again, its by Under17, so its nice...)
Rin' Jikuu (Album. Its so nice and smooth. Very instrumental.)
Samurai Champloo ED Song (Nujabes & fat jon & MINMI - Shiki no Uta (English: Song of the Seasons)... Very smooth)
Nelly - My Place (Nice RnB)
Missy Higgins - Scar (Nice Alternative)
Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved (Pretty good Lounge Music)
Jojo - Leave (Get Out) (Nice RnB-Pop)
Jet - Cold Heart Bitch (Nice Hard Rock)
Gavin DeGraw - I Don't Wanna Be (Nice Alternative Rock)
Freestylers - Push Up (Nice Techno)
Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out (Nice Soft Alternative Rock)
Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending (Avril... what can I say?? :P Good ol' Rock)
The Killers - Somebody Told Me (Interesting Techno Rock)
Also some Anime Songs
2x2 = Shinobuden OP and ED Songs (Hyper songs... and ED is cute)
Girls Bravo ED Song (Smooth~~)
DearS OP and ED Songs (Under17 for OP (Love Slave), PoppinS for ED (Happy Cosmosu)... I like them both)
Keroro Gunsou Ondo Song (I wanna see more of this anime, somebody please put out more fansubs!!)
Nurse Witch Song (I've yet to see this anime, but again, its by Under17, so its nice...)
Rin' Jikuu (Album. Its so nice and smooth. Very instrumental.)
Samurai Champloo ED Song (Nujabes & fat jon & MINMI - Shiki no Uta (English: Song of the Seasons)... Very smooth)
Friday, September 10, 2004
Ah its nice weather
Another first today... came home while the sun was still out! Definately a Friday for sure... hardly anybody on the streets after work, got home before 6pm. And the sun was still shining. Although my car still has problems, it choked once, then it was fluctuating badly all the way home. Might get it looked at tomorrow, because thats the only day I think can have a look at it. It might be insignificant enough to turn a tiny knob or screw just to adjust the RPM speed up, but he might charge us for it... who knows... (I wouldn't know about cars... poor me...). So far the water level is alright, it doesn't go over 30%. If it does then I'm worried, but usually there is time to add water into the rapidly rusting radiator. Rx3. :P Seriously, I got home and I was watching Matrix Reloaded... :P Now I'm tired... thats work for ya... Might watch LOTR tomorrow, then again, I gotta do other stuff for my bro... poor me :P
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Spring Clean!
Today was a cool day... and it rained too. Basically today I didn't do my usual receive and unpacking, or pick stock. In fact, I was busy trying to re-arrange all the marketing shit thats in the warehouse. Bits of boxes on a pallet, each time they have a show... so much wasted space. So, like the warehouse specialist says, 'since these stuff are so old and useless, we should turf it'. Yeah we should. Its just taking up valuable space. In the end we freed up about 8 spaces... so will have some space when the load comes in next week from Perth... Anyways, I'm pretty tired, so not sure if I'll be blogging for longer. But I did find some funny links for you to laugh out loud (and we need to laugh out loud sometimes, cos life sux). In case you don't know who they are, they are the Prime Minister of Australia and the Opposition Leader.
Johnny and Mark. Also this was a funny pic concerning the election coming up :) Howard vs Latham.
Why do I have these links? Because the election is coming soon...
Johnny and Mark. Also this was a funny pic concerning the election coming up :) Howard vs Latham.
Why do I have these links? Because the election is coming soon...
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Can't publish this...
Phew its hot... 23 degrees now... turning hot already... might be a hot summer... :/. Anyways, work was good, I love the variety of work I get to do... this time its to repackage 'used' items back to sellable condition. The big stores always return stock opened... which sux, because that means they don't wanna sell it in 'opened' condition, they want a brand new 'sealed' box... but they opened it for some reason or other, and now they are returning it... should be a policy, but there isn't... so I have to try to make the box look like it was never opened... with the official company stickers... :D Looks good enough to sell again.... Also I wanted to get a DVD burner, but it was bought... (see earlier post). Damn... the next step up is more expensive of course, but I just wanted a el-cheapo burner... Oh well, maybe next time. I lent Midori no Hibi to a colleague, he let his younger sister watch it... errrr... there's these scenes in the first couple of episodes... needless to say he is kinda not sure if he wants to watch it anymore after his sis's reaction... :P But hey, he asked for it by name... not like I was forcing it onto him... :P (But I admit its bad of Japanese guys to animate something like that. Girls Bravo does a beautiful job blocking nudity with 'steam'... :P). (And I think blogger is having problems publishing... so I think I'll save first...)
You're tempted by the thought of impulse buying today, so be careful if you're supposed to be saving every penny at the moment.
!!! Wahhh... I was really tempted! There was this DVD burner I wanted to buy because it was there... -_-. Unfortuantely, it got bought before I even had time to say 'I wanna buy it...'. And no 'oh well, next time' because they've gone out of stock already... and won't be getting anymore here in Aus... :(
You're tempted by the thought of impulse buying today, so be careful if you're supposed to be saving every penny at the moment.
!!! Wahhh... I was really tempted! There was this DVD burner I wanted to buy because it was there... -_-. Unfortuantely, it got bought before I even had time to say 'I wanna buy it...'. And no 'oh well, next time' because they've gone out of stock already... and won't be getting anymore here in Aus... :(
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Today was a unseasonally cool day... I didn't take off my jacket today... thats how cool it was. Yesterday I didn't put on my jacket for the whole day... so you can see how much of a contrast it was. Also the fact it was raining didn't help. Lucky no hail. Work was fine, car wasn't (it still creeps up to around 30%... WHY??? its a naughty car!! *smacks car* keep your cool! I checked the water, it was a little bit less, but why still no keep water level up... weird... and there isn't a leak, since coming home it was still nice at 10% heat... Anyways, we had another curious bird fly into the warehouse... Hopefully its still not in the warehouse, since it would trigger the alarms... -_- (I didn't hear any chirps or see any flapping shapes, so we should be alright...) Tonite watched new CSI... a woman's obsession with clowns... quote 'I like clowns'... um right... then watched a pilot episode of 'Cold Case'. The lead female actor is alright, not too convincing sometimes, but hey, its tv. Cold Case is about crimes that are unsolved, but still open. Even after several decades... so the plot is guessable. I guessed it was the guy who did it so easily. But still its good to watch something like this... Anyways, if nothing is on, or I got nothing to do, then I'll watch it :) Ah tired... will go sleep.
Monday, September 06, 2004
Never do this...
Try to lift a 100 kg kiosk with another person. Yep, two people lifting 100 kg is pure madness. One of the reason is that you can get seriously hurt if it falls on you, another is that you can f*ck your wrist up... Thats what happened to me... lucky the first reason didn't happen, otherwise I might not be here right now... Might be a real manga in a 3D world... But let me recap what happened to me today... I woke up at 7... strange, I didn't know I can wake up so early. Then I fell back for another 55 mins of snooze time, this time feeling tired... at 7:55. Got up, had breakfast, then tried to start the car... it starts, but then chokes. I think I'm in trouble. After turning on the engine and stepping on the gas, it works... but hell, its gonna be a bad week since I won't have time to get the car tuned 'up' to have higher revs... I am scared of actually idling at any place, in a queue, or at the lights... cos it could literally die on me. As it happened this arvo. But I am jumping ahead of myself. I got to work without real hassle. The gasket does work, but still... the engine heat level crept up to about 10%... but when I open the radiator cap, water still is there! I'm amazed! It actually is keeping water in there... thats great... worth $165. Ok. I forgot to mention this, but friday they mentioned that they wonder if they can ask the warehouse supervisor to spare a warehouse guy to help pack up at the Spring Home Show... since my collegue didn't wanna go, I went. I got some packing gear, couldn't bring bubble wrap cos its so big, and headed over at 10. Got there at 10:10, since it was only 4.5 km away... Car was still having ignition problems... I took a longer drive, past the entrance cos I didn't know where it was!! I finally took a roundabout turn and then got into the entrance, and then parked about 50 meters away from where I was supposed to be. The exhibition finished yesterday, and practically everybody's already packed up and left, except our company's stand. This is how unorganised the services are, since they have the new logistic guy... they even said that I should've contacted them about the bubble wrap, but in my 'haste' I didn't. I think its more to 'experience'... I don't think we used bubble wrap for these stands... -_-. But anyways, I was there with 3 other guys (well, 2 ladies and 1 guy). The ladies left around 11:30 since they 'had things to do'. So it was me and the guy. We had to pack away all the boxes and stands. There were 4 Stands. Each stand was about 100 kg. And it was only me and him. Can u see it now. A guy would have problems lifting 50kg, let alone splitting it between 2 people. And it was 4 pieces! Anyways, we packed the boxes and that was that. Then it was onto the kiosks... Thats when it got interesting... see down here, 5km makes.... oops I drifted off there for a second. When we last handled kiosks, we had minimum 4 people... at Martin place (the night OT). That wasn't easy either! This time its incredibly hard. Thats why I think my wrist is very sore because had to lift up a corner to put it on the trolley jack. There are no handles or holes to get leverage... so thats why it hurt my wrist. To make things worse my mobile rang when I was letting one of the kiosks down... Nearly had an accident, (when the mobile buzzes at your leg... thats a.. feeling) but lucky put it down first... then answered the call. Seem that person has the knack to call at the most busy time of the day. But anyways, no death here. Which is good. Then it was all done, and I went back to the warehouse... except that my car choked again while at the intersection -_- thats scary :P the revs of the car was fluctuating, then it just went dead... so I went 'shit' and restarted the engine... and it was gonna die... :( so I kept the accelerator down a little, and managed to get back safely... 4.5km is a long way if your car was gonna die at any time, believe me. Then, after getting to work, had a very quick lunch... 'bao zi' from last week, frozen, defrosted, steamed, then microwaved. Still good afterall, since I'm hungry from working 3 hours (yeah finished at 1pm). And then work was crazy, since they had a big show in Perth next week... so had to prepare alot of pallets and that took all arvo... But being true professionals we are, we got it down, no sweat. All done before 5:30. Just. And I went home and car was feeling a bit better after two restarts... think it prefers cooler weather @_@. Definately have to get the car tuned thats for sure!.
And I'm aware of the irony of saying that I got a f*cked up wrist by writing such a long article. But seriously, I've done worse. When I was young, I was riding this adult bike at a friends place. And fell off, seriously scraping my knees... Bleeding badly, I went back to the place where my parents were with their friends, and they went 'omg' and bandaged my knee. I then went to run a few streets with the owner of the bike riding the bike... Like wtf, I'm crazy? :P Normally you would be resting to heal it, but I believe that its better to take advantage of the hurt then in the future, you're less likely to get hurt... since you can have a higher tolerance of that pain :P (Now I know I'm crazy...)
And I'm aware of the irony of saying that I got a f*cked up wrist by writing such a long article. But seriously, I've done worse. When I was young, I was riding this adult bike at a friends place. And fell off, seriously scraping my knees... Bleeding badly, I went back to the place where my parents were with their friends, and they went 'omg' and bandaged my knee. I then went to run a few streets with the owner of the bike riding the bike... Like wtf, I'm crazy? :P Normally you would be resting to heal it, but I believe that its better to take advantage of the hurt then in the future, you're less likely to get hurt... since you can have a higher tolerance of that pain :P (Now I know I'm crazy...)
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Freaking Hailstorm...
There was a loud bang on my roof at around 10... then all hell broke loose. It was true hail... not the pissy tiny hail that was this arvo... This time it was really bad... I hate to see what our car looks like tomorrow morning... *sigh* if there were chipped glass... terrible... Pity I don't have a digicam handy, otherwise I'd be posting all the white pics... the lawn is white, the car's windscreen wipers have white hail, everywhere on the road = white... but anyways, its quiet now... nice and quite... unlike the racket that was going on just before... that was really noisy... but kinda cool (freezing outside... my breath was visible... thats how cold it was...)
First Hail
Its been a while, but now the weather now has shown me hail again... First time in the new place... they are small, about the size of a pea, but hail nevertheless... Makes quite a racket on the tin roof that we got. It didn't last long, but it was raining all the other time... During a break in the rain, went to buy some rice. 25Kg for $27. Its a 'new' brand, will see if its good or not. Watched "Old School". Its ok, not too good, but good for watching on a Sunday arvo. Now I still got around 10 or so movies which haven't been watched yet... :) still plenty to watch :) (And its fine now... but might rain tomorrow too... hmmm)
Resident Evil...
I just watched it over a period of 4 hours. The movie itself is around 1 hour 40 mins, but I had dinner, then watched, then watched Iron Chef (Today's battle was between Iron Chef Chinese and his coach/mentor, his dad's apprentice... involving Shrimps! Too bad I can't eat too much, I'm allergic :P)... then watched, and did other stuff, then watched till the end... Overall, its not so bad, but you have to remember, the movie is a HORROR film... I think its up there with 'Event Horizon'... That was also a horror film... :/ But I think I've watched too many horror films... think I should watch some comedy films instead... :P
Saturday, September 04, 2004
Car Update
Well... the job was done for $160 + $5 for a radiator cap (thats rusted). Also a major problem is the the engine had 3 mounts which was broken. Previously my mum had them replaced at $300... now they are broken again... :/ Which is kind of dodgy. The mechanic will source out some second hand ones which aren't broken. and then maybe next week we'll fix them. Also he recommend us to buy another car after the rego runs out in Jan... its not worth pumping $$ into this heap of shit because its that old. I agree. I was saying last nite I should just go out and buy a $3000 car, my dad was angry. But I didn't know what the reason was. Now I know. He wasn't angry that I wanted to buy a car, but the fact that I want to buy a second hand car. He thinks its better to take out a car loan to buy a new car... -_-... I'm not pulling enough $$ to go be in debt for a car which I only use for maybe 1 hour a day... sure maybe in the future when I need to drive, but right now I don't need one... but I do think its probably better to buy a 'new' car, maybe one which hasn't done that many KMs, but still... maybe a '96-'99 model? I don't know... Will discuss this later. (See, I'm not excited about getting a new car... thats cos I don't have the urge to get a car... I'm not a car nut... A car is just to get me from point A-B... I rather spend the $$ to get a better computer, or other things I can enjoy (Like a digicam!! :P)
Oh... no...
Woke up at 8 this morning... Got up at 10 to 9... dressed, ate breakfast... open car bonnet, check water - empty. Filled up 3L bottle of water into radiator, still not full. Then looked under car. LEAKING! Seems some part had rusted badly and started leaking... *sobs* poor car... its incontinent... :P of course, its made in 1989, thus its around 15 years old... in car terms thats middle age... :P Of course, we do try to do the maintenance on it once in a while, but still, its pretty bad. So I drove with my mum to the local car repair shop... (speaking of which its still there right now). He looked at it, and knew what part was leaking straight away. Thats very good. Then he said that it'll be a while before he can fix it (got about 4 other cars there.) Thus, we leave the car there and hopefully he'll be able to fix it. Costs will be around $160 or so... damn... I'll be poor now :(. Coming home, bro also was doing his car maintenance. He bought a car hydraulic jack for $30, jack the car up, drained the oil, change oil filter, getting his arm all oily and black, and then re-capped the oil, filled it up, and its ready for a few more thousand kms... Also told me that I wasn't the only one neglecting his car. His friend's car also made funny noises. Turns out he never even bothered checking his car's oil or water. No oil left (practically). Thus its kinda funny... They scraped all the gunk off the oil inlet, and filled it up with some oil. Voila its sounding much better... Why doesn't he get rusted parts on his engine? I don't know, maybe his car is newer... oh well... hopefull the car'll be fixed by today, or tomorrow (don't know if it'll be open tomorrow...). I watched Gokusen Live Action today... its almost true to the anime, well casted girl. And she's short too... Just like the manga. Heh.. funny, yet she's crazy... :P
Bah I've got a headache!
After midnight, my eyes are shaking... dunno why, but I have these things maybe once a month... -_- its really weird... I think its because I'm too tired and my brain wants to shut down for a while... but yeah, I noticed that my blogs now are equal to each other... 173 posts to each other... What should I do with my other blog??? I wonder...
Friday, September 03, 2004
Please don't die on me... :(
I know I've been neglecting you... haven't given you any tlc. I do feed you when you get hungry, cool you down when you get hot, but it seems that even after waking up early just to check if you're alright doesn't mean a thing. Why oh why do you heat up so? Do you have a fever? After coming home, I can hear the familiar sound... steam coming out... But your oil levels are full! I filled the water too! Ahhh don't die on me please... I will take you to the mechanic tomorrow, I promise. :P How come me adding more oil doesn't make the problem go away? I seriously don't think it was overheated to the extent that it won't recover, but hell... I was quite scared that I might not get home tonite, due to the fact the engine temperature was over 50%... :O. Noooooo don't overheat! I don't wanna be stuck on the road without dinner... I did 1.5 hours OT tonite, bloody parts guy inside didn't label the parts to put away for parts storage, and guess what, each item has 3 different part numbers that we had to look at to write down the correct one... and then to put it in... over 10 boxes of parts... and we're already full there too... anyways... Friday is the busiest day of the week... thats because everybody wants to ship out their stuff... can it wait? no. So out it goes. Thus I'm pretty tired, and don't really wanna do anything except surf and watch anime. I'm sorry if I don't talk online. But its all I can do to keep awake (and blogging is done quickly too...) Hopefully the car problem will be fixed... if not... damn it, I want to spend $5k on a 'newer' car... i.e something in '91 or so... but I guess I'll never buy a new car if this car can be fixed...
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Have to appease the car god...
Recently my car's been acting up... well, not acting up, but rather, heating up. It runs 10-20 mins then the engine temperature is in the middle of the readout... Far out! I just put the water in this morning! Like every morning. Turns out I was very low on engine oil... (guess I've been neglecting that side of the car... but water was more important I guess...) So after getting home and worried about the condition of the car, I turn off the engine... and hear bubbling noises... the water was literally boiled... -_-... and was steaming out of the side of the car -_-... After dinner I immediately put engine oil in... and filled up the radiator with more than 3 liters of H20... thats how much had evaporated into steam... Anyways, to test if the engine oil was working, we drove to the shops... it was fine, the thermonitor didn't creep up on the way there, but on the way back it did go about 20%... meaning it was working a little... guess I have to check tomorrow morning... meaning I have to wake up just a tad earlier too... *sigh*... the trouble of keeping a car in working order... Of course, it beats having to walk to work... Went shopping for milk and paper towels and a toilet brush... A weird combination, but thats my mum... :P And tomorrow's the end of the week! Yay! time to catch up on sleep again... (another workmate told me I look tired... well duh, if u were pushing and pulling and lifting heavy stuff all day you'll be tired too... instead of sitting there listening to mp3 and watching screens all day... geez some people have all the luck don't they :P).
Useless trivia #832950812
The term hurricane is only applicable in the North Atlantic and Northeast Pacific oceans. The very same type of storm would be a typhoon in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, a severe tropical cyclone in the Southwest Pacific Ocean, a severe cyclonic storm in the North Indian Ocean, and simply a tropical cyclone in the Southwest Indian Ocean. Wow. :P What we need is more sun....
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
The weather was cold today. First day of spring my ass. Winter gone was warmer than this!! And even it was raining today too... Work was fine, not TOO busy, not too boring... This morning I think I was probably 1/5 people there at 9am... seems there was a traffic problem on a main road, and well, all the northies coming down south had issues coming in... thats why work started around 9:30 for most... In the arvo I scraped the back of my hand... it hurts... put a bandage on it, but now its got a nice red mark... guess my skin is sensitive on the back of the hand... :P And the ss didn't shout lunch today... guess busy too, plus the collegue gone as well (well, he actually bought his lunch today!! wow!! he always buys fast food... this area has 3-4 restraunts close by, thats why he can drive for 5 mins and get fast food... but amazing... but unfortunately, he had to go home due to family problems before lunch... so he ate lunch at home... :P) Hope tomorrow isn't as cold as today... otherwise... its a bad spring :P
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